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PhD defense: Pamphile ROY – “Uncertainty Quantification in High Dimensional Problem”

  Tuesday 14 May 2019 at 14h00



Uncertainties are predominant in the world that we know. Referring therefore to a nominal value is too restrictive, especially when it comes to complex systems. Understanding the nature and the impact of these uncertainties has become an important aspect of engineering work. On a societal point of view, uncertainties play a role in terms of decision-making. From the European Commission through the Better Regulation Guideline, impacts assessments are now advised to take uncertainties into account.

In order to understand the uncertainties, the mathematical field of uncertainty quantification has been formed. UQ encompasses a large palette of statistical tools and it seeks to link a set of input perturbations on a system (design of experiments) towards a quantity of interest.

The purpose of this work is to propose improvements on various methodological aspects of uncertainty quantification applied to costly numerical simulations. This is achieved by using existing methods with a multi-strategy approach but also by creating new methods. 

In this context, novel sampling and resampling approaches have been developed to better capture the variability of the physical phenomenon when dealing with a high number of perturbed inputs. These allow to reduce the number of simulations required to describe the system. Moreover, novel methods are proposed to visualize uncertainties when dealing with either a high dimensional input parameter space or a high dimensional quantity of interest.

The developed methods can be used in various fields like hydraulic modelling and aerodynamic modelling. Their capabilities are demonstrated in realistic systems using well established computational fluid dynamics tools. Lastly, they are not limited to the use of numerical experiments and can be used equally for real experiments.

Keywords: Uncertainty Quantification, Design of Experiments, High dimensions, Data visualization, Computational Fluid Dynamics



Andrea SALTELLI  Professor, University of Bergen (Norway)    Referee
Didier LUCOR  Senior Researcher (CNRS), LIMSI, Orsay (France)  Referee
Nicolas GOURDAIN Professor, ISAE-Supaero, Toulouse (France)  Member
Bertrand IOOSS  Senior Research Engineer, EDF R&D, Chatou (France)  Member
Bénédicte CUENOT  Project leader, CERFACS, Toulouse  Advisor
Jean-Christophe JOUHAUD Senior Researcher, CERFACS, Toulouse Co advisor
Nicole GOUTAL Senior researcher, EDF R&D, Chatou (France) Invited member
Sophie RICCI Senior Researcher, CERFACS, Toulouse Invited member

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