Plot 1D bases


This treatment plot the 1D variables in one or several bases.



  • bases: list(Base)

    The base or bases containing the variables to be plotted

  • x_var: str

    The name of the variable to be plotted in the x axis

  • y_vars: list(str), default= []

    The name of the variables to be plotted in the y axis

  • location: str, default= "node"

    The location of the variables to be plotted

  • overlap_zones: bool, default= False

    If True, zones with the same name will be plotted in the same figure

  • overlap_instants: bool, default= False

    If True, instants with the same name will be plotted in the same figure

  • overlap_vars: bool, default= False

    If True, all the variables in the same instant will be plotted in the same figure

  • x_label: str, default= "{var}"

    The string to be formatted to generate the label in the x axis (see the formatted strings section)

  • y_label: str, default= ""

    The string to be formatted to generate the label in the y axis (see the formatted strings section)

  • x_range: List(float) or slice, default = None

    Define the x range of all plots. If it’s a list, it should be a list of 2 numbers defining the minimum and maximum values on the x axis. If the first value of the list is None, start from the earliest value. If the last value of the list is None, go up to the last value.

    If x_range is a slice, it defines how the arrays should be sliced.

  • y_range List(float), default= []

    Define the y axis limits for all plots.

  • x_log: bool, default= False

    True if the x axis should be in logarithmic scale

  • y_log: bool, default= False

    True if the y axis should be in logarithmic scale

  • legend_label: str, default= "{var}"

    The string to be formatted to generate the label in the legend (see the formatted strings section)

  • legend_loc: str, default= "best"

    The string with the location of the legend (see matplotlib documentation)

  • legend_kwargs: dict, default= {}

    The extra arguments to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.legend function

  • title: str, default= "{var}"

    The string to be formatted to generate the of the plot (see the formatted strings section)

  • plot_style: str, default= "default"

    The matplotlib style to be used in the plot.

  • show: bool, default= True

    Show the plots using the matplotlib GUI.

  • output_file: str, default= None

    The filenames used to save the figures. If None, the figures are not saved.


The variable x_var must exist in each base/zone/instant of the input bases


If output_file is not None, the figures are saved in the files output_file

Formatted strings

The figure titles, labels, and the output filename are all strings that could vary from plot to plot depending on the base, zone, instant and/or variable being plotted. They are controlled by the keywords: xlabel, ylabel, title, legend_label and output_file.

In order set the correct string for each plot, formatted strings (or f-string) are used inside the treatment. The key/values of these strings are:

  • “{var}”: name of the current variable being plotted.

  • “{instant}”: name of the current instant being plotted.

  • “{zone}”: name of the current zone being plotted.

  • “{base_name}”: name of the current base, specified in the base level attribute “base_name”.

For legend_label all these keywords are available at all times.

However, for all other keywords (ylabel, title, and output_file), the availability of these depends on the overlap_vars, overlap_zones, and overlap_instants keywords. Those set to True will not be available. For example, if overlap_zones = True, the string “{zone}” cannot be set as title, because there are multiple zones being plotted in the same figure, so the “{zone}” value is ambiguous.

Finally, for x_label, the keyword “{var}” is always available as there is only one variable assigned to the x axis.

Note that the input strings of these keywords do not contain the leading “f” character of f-strings. They must be plain strings and it is the treatment itself that formats them.

Plot kwargs

The individual aesthetics of how each dataset is plotted can be controlled by the attributes “plot_kwargs” or “plot_kwargs_variable_name”. This attribute must be a dictionary whose keys are the keyword arguments of the function matplotlib.pyplot.plot. This can be used to change the line style, marker styles, color, etc. of each dataset.

A single “plot_kwargs” attribute can be defined at the instant, zone or base level for all variables in the instant, zone or base. And for a more fine-grained control, attributes of with the name “plot_kwargs_variable_name” can be defined to set the aesthetics of individual variables.


The following example shows how to compare 2 bases

This example illustrates how to use the Plot1d treatment
import os
import antares
import numpy as np

output_folder = os.path.join("OUTPUT", "TreatmentPlot1D")
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)

# ------------------------------
# Create example bases with data
# ------------------------------

# This first base contains 2 zones with two variable each:
# - zone_1: time and sin(2 pi t)
# - zone_2: time and sin(4 pi t)

base_sin = antares.Base()
base_sin.attrs['base_name'] = 'sinus function'
base_sin['zone_1'] = antares.Zone()
base_sin['zone_1']['0000'] = antares.Instant()
base_sin['zone_1']['0000']['time'] = np.linspace(0, 5, 2000)
base_sin['zone_1']['0000']['sin(2*pi*t)'] = np.sin(2*np.pi * base_sin['zone_1']['0000']['time'])

base_sin['zone_2'] = antares.Zone()
base_sin['zone_2']['0000'] = antares.Instant()
base_sin['zone_2']['0000']['time'] = np.linspace(0, 5, 2000)
base_sin['zone_2']['0000']['sin(4*pi*t)'] = np.sin(2 * 2*np.pi * base_sin['zone_2']['0000']['time'])

# Define custom plotting attributes for one variable
base_sin['zone_2']['0000'].attrs['plot_kwargs_sin(4*pi*t)'] = {
    'marker': 'o',
    'markevery': 20,
    'linestyle': '--',
    'color': 'tab:green',
    'label': 'my custom label',

# This first base contains 2 zones with two variable each:
# - zone_1: time and ln(time)
# - zone_2: time and log10(time)

base_log = antares.Base()
base_log.attrs['base_name'] = 'log functions'
base_log['zone_1'] = antares.Zone()
base_log['zone_1']['0000'] = antares.Instant()
base_log['zone_1']['0000']['time'] = np.linspace(0.5, 10, 200)
base_log['zone_1']['0000']['ln(t)'] = np.log(base_log['zone_1']['0000']['time'])

base_log['zone_2'] = antares.Zone()
base_log['zone_2']['0000'] = antares.Instant()
base_log['zone_2']['0000']['time'] = np.linspace(0.5, 10, 200)
base_log['zone_2']['0000']['log10(t)'] = np.log10(base_log['zone_2']['0000']['time'])

# ----------
# Plot data
# ----------

    bases = [base_sin, base_log],
    x_var = 'time',
    overlap_vars = True,
    x_label = '{var}',
    y_label = 'variables in instant: {instant}',
    x_range = [2, 4],
    title = 'Figure for zone: {zone} in instant: {instant}',
    legend_label = '{var}',
    legend_loc = 'upper center',
    legend_kwargs = {'bbox_to_anchor' : (0.5, -0.15), 'ncols': 2},
    output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, 'figure_for_zone_{zone}_and_instant_{instant}.pdf'),
    plot_style = 'seaborn-dark',
    show = False,