Meridional View


Give a schematic view of a turbomachine in a meridional plane.



  • base: Base

    The input base.

  • families: dict

    Complex data structure that contains the family names associated to some turbomachine entities. The turbomachine entities described are the rows (‘ROWS’), the inlets of rows (‘INLETS’), the outlets of rows (‘OUTLETS’), the hub part concerned by the rows (‘HUB’), the shroud part concerned by the rows (‘SHROUD’), and the blades of the rows (‘BLADES’). Each entity (key of the dictionary) except ‘BLADES’ contains a list which size is the number of turbomachine rows. The rows must be ordered from the inlet to the outlet of the machine. This is the same order for the list elements. Each element of this list is another list containing the family names that characterize this entity in the specific row. The ‘BLADES’ entity is a list of dictionary. Each dictionary contains two keys to describe the skin of the blades (‘SKIN’) and the tip part of the blades (‘TIP’).

    If ‘HUB’ and ‘SHROUD’ are not given, then hub_pts and shroud_pts are used.

    Example: Description of a machine with 4 rows ordered from the inlet to the outlet of the machine.

    archi_fams = {
      'ROWS':    [['ROW1'],    ['ROW2'],    ['ROW3'],    ['ROW4']],
      'INLETS':  [['INLET'],   ['R1S1'],    ['S2R1'],    ['R2S2']],
      'OUTLETS': [['S1R1'],    ['R1S2'],    ['S2R2'],    ['OUTLET']],
      'HUB':     [['HUB1'],    ['HUB2'],    ['HUB3'],    ['HUB4', 'STATIC_H4']],
      'SHROUD':  [['SHROUD1'], ['SHROUD2'], ['SHROUD3'], ['SHROUD4']]
      'BLADES':  [ {'SKIN': [ ['BLADE1'] ],
                    'TIP': [ [] ]},
                   {'SKIN': [ ['BLADE2'] ],
                    'TIP': [ [] ]},
                   {'SKIN': [ ['BLADE3'] ],
                    'TIP': [ [] ]},
                   {'SKIN': [ ['BLADE4'] ],
                    'TIP': [ [] ]}
  • hub_pts: ndarray

    Points of the meridional hub line. May be computed with antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmentMeridionalLine.

  • shroud_pts: ndarray

    Points of the meridional hub line. May be computed with antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmentMeridionalLine.

  • param_grid: Base

    Base of the 2D structured grid with the parametrization. This base must be computed with antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmenthH.

  • number_of_heights: int, default= 5

    Number of points for the CoordinateReducedHeight direction.

  • dmax: float, default= 1.0e-05

    Maximum distance in metre between two points in a spline discretization.

  • precision: float, default= 1.0e-05

    Maximum distance in metre between two points in a spline discretization.

  • extension: float, default= 10.0e-03

    Length extension of meridional splines to compute parametrization grid.

  • coordinates: list(str), default= antares.core.GlobalVar.coordinates

    The ordered names of the mesh cartesian coordinates.

  • height_value: float, default= 5.0e-04

    Distance in metre from tip and root at which to start extracting the points for LE and TE (in reduced height coordinate).

  • le_te: bool, default= True

    Activation of leading and trailing edges detection

  • output_dir: str, default= None

    Directory name for output files. If None, then no output files are written.


The parametrization grid param_grid must have been computed with antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmenthH.TreatmenthH. To be consistent, common keys with the latter treatment must have the same values.


The treatment returns a data structure named component. This data structure contains some characteristics of the turbomachine.

Key values of the dictionary component are: ‘Row’

  • ‘Row’: list(dict)

    List of dictionaries containing information associated to rows. The list order is given by the input parameter families. Each element of the ‘Row’ list is a dictionary with the following keys:

    • ‘Blade’: dict

      The dictionary has the following keys:

    • ‘hubMeridionalPoints’: ndarray

      Points that define the hub meridional line of the row.

    • ‘shroudMeridionalPoints’: ndarray

      Points that define the shroud meridional line of the row.

    • ‘inletMeridionalPoints’: ndarray

      Points that define the inlet meridional line of the row.

    • ‘outletMeridionalPoints’: ndarray

      Points that define the outlet meridional line of the row.


import antares
myt = antares.Treatment('meridionalview')
myt['base'] = base
myt['families'] = archi_fams
myt['hub_pts'] = np.array()
myt['shroud_pts'] = np.array()
component = myt.execute()

Main functions

class antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmentMeridionalView.TreatmentMeridionalView

Compute the meridional view.


the component data structure

Return type:
