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PhD Defense: Luis SEGUI-TROTH – Multi-Physics Coupled Simulations of Gas Turbines

  Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 14h00

  Phd Thesis       Cerfacs, Salle de conférence Jean-Claude ANDRÉ    


The resolution of differential equations of diverse degree of complexity is necessary to simulate the phenomena present in the complex turbomachinery flows and in particular, requires accounting for unsteady effects that may have a preponderant role. Today, only the LES (Large Eddy Simulation) fully compressible approach has the required accuracy to predict the physics associated to reactive and turbulent flows in such complex geometries. This work covers the numerical modelling of physics in the near-wall region of a high-pressure turbine blade with special focus on thermal predictions. This work was supported by the European project COPA-GT, dedicated to the numerical multi-physics simulation of a complete gas turbine.


Edwin van der WEIDE University of Twente, Netherlands Referee
Guillaume HOUZEAUX BSC, Barcelona Referee
Nicolas GOURDAIN ISAE, Toulouse Member
Tony ART VKI, Belgium Member
Franck NICOUD IMAG, Université de Montpellier Member
Karine TRUFFIN IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison Member
Laurent GICQUEL CERFACS, Toulouse Advisor
Florent DUCHAINE CERFACS, Toulouse Co advisor


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