Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

A publication in Nature Climate Change

  17 April 2016

The impact factor of 14.5 of the journal "Nature Climate Change" classes it first in the "Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences" category. Christophe CASSOU, CNRS researcher at CERFACS, published in this journal, in collaboration with a CNRS researcher at Météo-France, an article that is already very noticed by the climate science community. In this paper, the authors develop a new criterion for defining the starting date of the seasons in Western Europe, based solely on the dynamics of the atmosphere. This very specific criterion allows to assess that human activities,  via greenhouse gases and aerosols emissions, are responsible for an about ten day earlier onset of the summer season in the 2000s compared to the 1960s, and that this advance would reach twenty days in 2100 when the most emitting greenhouse gas scenario, that is the "business as usual" one (RCP 8.5), was followed. The work is based on analysis of observations as well as the results of numerical simulations with the coupled model CNRM-CM5 that has been developed by teams from Météo-France and CERFACS, and was widely referenced in the last IPCC report published in 2013-2014.   Link to the articleon the Nature Climate Change journal site:

Antoine Colmet Daage wins the “3 minutes PhD challenge” organised by Montpellier’s Water and Environment Institute (IM2E)

  11 April 2016

Antoine Comet Daage wins the "3 minutes PhD challenge" organised by Montpellier's Water and Environment Institute (IM2E). Abstract (in french): Le changement climatique est aujourd’hui une réalité reconnue par la communauté scientifique. Dans notre région, l’influence du changement climatique devrait se traduire par une hausse des précipitations extrêmes malgré une diminution de la pluviométrie annuelle. Les acteurs de la région, comme Mr. Robert, paysan,  constatent que cela influe sur les crues et les inondations du bassin du Lez à Montpellier, mais pour y faire face, ils aimeraient en avoir une estimation quantitative plus précise et locale. Cette thèse a pour but de répondre à cette demande. Pour cela, on compare localement des crues du passé à celle du futur. On cherche alors à estimer si l’inondation qui affectait le champ de Mr. Robert tous les dix ans changera ou pas, et si oui, son amplitude. (Video to come soon)

Sparse Days Meeting 2016 at Cerfacs

  11 March 2016

Sparse Days Meeting 2016 at Cerfacs, Toulouse June 30th and July 1st, 2016                 Programme             Conference Dinner         Venue                 List of Participants   The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse on 30th June and 1st July 2016. These dates are one day later than originally broadcast so that people can attend the VECPAR meeting earlier that week in Portugal and also be able to attend the PMAA meeting in Bordeaux the following week. Because of this juxtaposition, the overriding theme will be one of parallelism but as usual any talk that has an association with sparsity is welcome. The default length for a talk plus questions is 30 minutes but a different time is negotiable. Requests to speak (accompanied by a title and short abstract) should be sent to Xavier Vasseur (vasseur@cerfacs.fr) and registrations (that are free) should be made to Brigitte Yzel (Brigitte.Yzel@cerfacs.fr). Although the deadline for these are 31st May 2016, earlier notice will help our organization of the Days.   Accommodation You will find a list of hotels at Toulouse. The B&B hotel is very close to the Cerfacs. The others are located in the center of Toulouse. You should then take the underground line A up to Basso Cambo and then the bus number 18 up to the station Meteopole (~30 minutes to arrive to the Meteopole) to go to Cerfacs. List of hotels Toulouse tourism  

Fourth ENES Workshop on High Performance Computing for Climate and Weather

  4 March 2016

CERFACS organises the 4th ENES Workshop on High Performance Computing for Climate and Weather on April 6-7 in Toulouse under the auspices of the EU project IS-ENES2 and the Centre of Excellence ESiWACE. This international workshop will gather about 80 scientists and engineer around different topics in High Performance Computing such as the European HPC ecosystem, innovative development and today high-resolution models, and new paradigms (languages, standards, next-generation models, …).

Emergence of human influence on summer record-breaking temperatures over Europe

  19 February 2016

Cerfacs (CECI, CNRS/Cerfacs)  researchers have analyzed the 21st century climate projections simulated by an ensemble of 27 coupled models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) under a buisness as usual greenhouse gas scenario. At the end of the century, the multimodel results indicate a tenfold increase of the number of warm records compared to the first half of the twentieth century (taken as a climate with no detectable human influence) and the quasi-disappearance of cold records. They have then estimated a time of emergence of the summer temperature record anthropogenic influence in a world under a business as usual greenhouse gas emission scenario: 2020 for the cold records and 2030 for the warm ones with an uncertainty of ± 20 years. (Click the image for more information, in french) Reference: Bador, M., L. Terray, J. Boé, 2016: Emergence of human influence on summer record-breaking temperatures Over Europe. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 404-412. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066560.

CRCT 2016

  1 February 2016

The CRCT (Centre de Recherche sur la Combustion Turbulente) meeting will take place on March 17th at IFP Energies Nouvelles. Information: christian.angelberger@ifpen.fr

Ph.D. Students’ Day : February 10, 2016

  1 February 2016

Ph.D. Students' Day (JDC 2016) Wednesday February 10th, 2016 9 am. - 6 pm Cerfacs Conference room JCA / Seminars room   About 40 students will present during this day what he/she is currently working on. Registration is free of charge but compulsory at the following email address : brigitte.yzel@cerfacs.fr Registration is open until February 5th, 2016. Programme of the Day and Abstracts


  30 November 2015

Cerfacs contributed to the writing of the book "CLIMATE CHANGE & SATELLITE" (2015). In this book, sixty internationally recognized scientists (including several IPCC contributors) provided an update on the state of knowledge in different areas related to global warming. The article on Cerfacs can be read at the following address:

The Paul Lafitte combustion prize team for Dr Michael Bauerheim

  25 November 2015

The french Section of the Combustion Institute has chosen Dr Michael Bauerheim for his 2015 PhD prize. Dr Bauerheim worked on combustion instabilities in gas turbines (collaboration with SNECMA). His PhD manuscript is available here: . The jury was impressed by the originality of the theoretical and numerical approaches as well as by the numerous publications produced by Dr Michael Bauerheim.

Climate modeling: an interview

  24 November 2015

On October 29th 2015, Laurent Terray has been interviewed by the Swiss Radio RTS, on the subject of climate models and how reliable they are, along with Martin Beniston, from the Geneva University. The interview can be replayed here (in french):

Living a PhD life at CERFACS : a new movie !

  27 October 2015

Everything you wanted to know about the life of PhD students at CERFACS is now available … here. This movie produced with the support of the European Marie Curie project COPA GT presents the everyday work of two PhD students involved in CFD research at CERFACS for industry.  

Inauguration of the new Cerfacs’ supercomputer

  1 October 2015

On 30 September  2015 , Cerfacs and its associates (Airbus Group, Cnes, EDF, Météo-France, Onera, Safran and Total) inaugurated the latest Cerfacs' supercomputer named Nemo. With a peak performance of 242 Tflop/s, this Lenovo configuration will allow Cerfacs' research teams to meet new and increasing scientific challenges. This inauguration was an opportunity to share, with the audience, the fields of application that the Cerfacs' computing resources allow to address in fields as varied as ten-year climate prediction, assessment of natural and industrial risks (flood forecasting, anthropic emissions impact), optimisation for oil exploitation, design time reduction for launchers and aircrafts (improvement of engines and turbines, noise prediction, reduction of pollutants) ...