Cerfacs organises the 5th Workshop on Coupling Technologies
11 September 2020
CERFACS organises the 5th Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models (CW2020) on September 21st-24th 2020, with one on-line session each day starting at 15h00 (Paris time). Registration is free of charge but is mandatory by filling this form, thank you! Here you can find the links to the Program and Abstracts. The workshop aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners in the field of coupling infrastructure for Earth System Models. This workshop is the fifth in the series, started in 2010 in Toulouse and followed by Boulder USA (2013), Manchester UK (2015), and Princeton USA (2017). This workshop is funded by the EU H2020 IS-ENES3 project
First 360-degrees Large-Eddy Simulation of a full engine
17 June 2020
Within the PRACE project FULLEST (First fUlL engine computation with Large Eddy SimulaTion), a joint collaboration between CERFACS, SAFRAN and AKIRA technologies, Dr. C. Pérez Arroyo (post doctoral fellow at CERFACS) has carried out under the supervision of Dr. J. Dombard the first high-fidelity simulation of a part of the real engine DGEN380 (for now, from the fan to the combustion chamber). This 360-degrees integrated large-eddy simulation contains around two billion cells on the three instances, carried out with the AVBP code of CERFACS. The CPU cost is obviously large but still within reach, performing around one turn of fan during 5 days over 14400 skylake cores. Post-treatments are in progress and already show, among other complex phenomena, a strong interaction between the high pressure compressor and the combustion chamber (see forthcoming paper GT2020-16288 C. Pérez Arroyo et al). Below a video showing: in the fan an isosurface at mid-height of the vein colored by the Mach number, in the high pressure compressor a gradient of density, in the bypass of the combustion chamber the static pressure and in the flame tube a temperature field. One of the goals of the project is to create a high-fidelity unsteady database to study interactions between modules and may help other teams to develop new lower order models and/or validate existing ones. Beyond the feasibility and the maturity of the AVBP code, this kind of calculation is an important milestone for the aeronautical industry and would allow to apprehend earlier in the design the effect of integration and installation and thus, to reduce the cycle and therefore the cost of the future aircraft engines. We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to Joliot-Curie (Genci) hosted at CEA/TGCC, FRANCE, Safran Tech and DGAC fundings within the project ATOM, along with the invaluable technical support at CERFACS: Dr. G. Staffelbach, Dr. F. Duchaine, Dr. L. Gicquel, Dr. N. Odier and M. B. Martin. Akira Tech: Dr. T. Quirante and N. Vieira-Nobre. @Safran Helicopter Engines: Dr. S. Richard , Dr. N. Buffaz and Dr G. Exilard. It also benefited from developments done in projects EXCELLERAT (H2020 823691) and EPEEC (H2020 801051). More results to come.. Dr. J. Dombard
B. Cuenot distinguished as Program Chair of international Symposium on Combustion
29 May 2020
B. Cuenot has been distinguished as Program Chair for the 39th International Symposium on Combustion, to be held in Vancouver (Canada) in 2022. The International Symposium on Combustion is a major event for the combustion community, where the current best research is presented.
The Cerfacs will participate in the French HPC competence centre.
17 April 2020
The European Commission, via a EuroHPC call for projects, has asked each of the member states to create a National HPC Competence Centre, which will be its sole interlocutor, both to express the needs of users with regard to these new technologies and to accompany them in their implementation. Teratec, Cerfacs and Genci presented their candidature as French HPC Competence Centre which was accepted by the commission. The starting date of the Competence Centre is set for 1 September 2020.
Four Cerfacs projects selected into 20th PRACE call for proposals.
17 April 2020
The 20th Call for Proposals for PRACE Project Access received 59 eligible proposals, of which 45 were awarded a total of 2.11 billion core hours. CERFACS is implied in 4 projects with a total of more than 100 Million hours on Joliot-Curie HPC server. - 2 projects where Cerfacs is the leader : CLEANERFLAMES and HIFI-CoSep - 2 projects where Cerfacs collaborate : RockDyn and FULLEST More details :
Center of Excellence in Combustion (CoE-C) : A new European project to make scientific computing a key element in the decarbonization of energy
17 April 2020
The "Center of Excellence in Combustion (CoE-C)” project selected by the EU in March 2020 brings together 11 partners from among the European leaders in numerical simulation of combustion, for a total budget of around 5.6 M€. The objective is to develop high-performance software accessible to the industrial sector for the design of innovative technologies. The project is therefore divided into 4 main activities: computing efficiency, modeling, data processing and future technologies. CERFACS is responsible for WP7: "Technological challenges", dedicated to the realization of digital and technical demonstrators for various applications.
Continuity of activity of the Cerfacs during the Covid-19 pandemic
20 March 2020
On Monday 16 March 2020, in the context of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 epidemic, Cerfacs decided to reorganize its activities by implementing a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and deploying teleworking facilities for all its employees. All staff members thus continue to carry out their full mission.
A fiery wakeup call for climate science
26 February 2020
The extent of the recent wildfires in Australia significantly exceeded the projections of any member of the multi-model CMIP archive. This highlights how current multi-model ensembles may be under-representing the risks of natural disasters under climate change. Limited coupled system process representation in most models coupled with a lack of parameter uncertainty exploration means that some risks are not explored by the existing international multi-model framework. This calls for a reassessment of how to focus climate model development on providing robust risk quantification for those impacts which most directly affect society. Sanderson, B.M., Fisher, R.A. A fiery wake-up call for climate science. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2020) nature.com Media coverage BBC Sydney Morning Herald The Guardian Wired The Daily Express Yahoo
A researcher of CERFACS guest during the France Culture radio show « La méthode scientifique » this week
20 January 2020
Mélanie Rochoux, a researcher at Cerfacs working on wildfire spread modeling at the interface between CFD simulations and data science, is invited to the France Culture radio show « La méthode scientifique » next Wednesday to talk about megafires. Who are they? How are they formed? What are their impacts? How science can provide insights? The radio show is on Wednesday, January 22nd at 4:00 pm on the France Culture's channel.
Thierry Poinsot becomes member of the French Academy of Sciences
14 January 2020
Thierry Poinsot was elected at the French Academy of Sciences in december 2019 with 17 other scientists. This is a great recognition for the work done in Toulouse at IMFT (CNRS) and CERFACS over the last thirty years in CFD and in combustion.
Ph.D Defense Maël HARNIEH
7 January 2020
Prediction of the loss generation in anisothermal compressible flows applied to Nozzle Guide Vane with the Large Eddy Simulations Maël HARNIEH Monday January 20th - 2 p.m.
CERFACS scientist named in 2019 Clarivate ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ list
25 November 2019
Dr. Rosie Fisher, a researcher at CERFACS working on land surface modeling and terrestrial ecosystem dynamics, was named in the 2019 Web of Science "Highly Cited Researchers" list, which recognizes influential researchers of the past decade, as demonstrated by the authorship of highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations. Dr Fisher has been working in the Global Change group (GLOBC) at CERFACS since 2018 as part of a collaboration with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, where she was formerly a staff scientist.