Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

A bronze medal to Cerfacs for “Allons-Y À Vélo” !

  26 July 2021

A bronze medal to Cerfacs for "Allons-Y À Vélo" ! Cerfacs is on the podium for its cycling regularity during the "Allons-Y À Vélo" period (May 25 - June 25) in its category (100-500 employees).During this period, 37% of Cerfacs employees came to work by bike during at least 4 consecutive days. "Allons-Y À Vélo" is a campaign organised by the association "2 Pieds 2 Roues" and "La Maison du Vélo de Toulouse" to promote the use of the bicycle for every day travels; all details can be found on allonsyavelo.le-pic.org . Cerfacs encourages its employees to use their bicycle to come to work as they benefit from the bicycle mileage allowance (FMD for Forfait Mobilité Durable) of up to 500 Euros per year.

The H2OPE project wins the prize Joseph Fourier 2021

  26 July 2021

The H2OPE project wins the prize Joseph Fourier 2021 The prize, launched by Atos and GENCI, aims to reward the work of researchers, academics and industry in two strategic areas: Advanced Computing (HPC, Quantum, Edge) and Artificial Intelligence, and, in the 2021 edition , gives particular importance to Decarbonation. The 1st Prize was awarded to the H2OPE or “H2OPErability for safe and clean gas turbine engines” project from CERFACS in Toulouse. This project aims, via the LES AVBP code, to model at high resolution a mixed combustion process associating conventional fuels with hydrogen (bi-fuels) as one of the most promising technical solutions to achieve "net zero emissions" of CO2 in the industrial sector. It was presented by Walter Agostinelli, Davide Laera, Laurent Gicquel, and Thierry Poinsot. Press release :

Tribute to Françoise Chatelin

  23 July 2021

  Tribute to Françoise CHATELIN   Virtual & Face to Face event @ Cerfacs 14 October 2021, CERFACS, Toulouse (France) 2 pm - 6.30 pm   Cerfacs is organizing a half scientific day on Thursday October 14, 2021 in tribute to Françoise Chatelin who left us prematurely on May 14, 2020   After graduating from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (1960-63), and her PhD in Mathematics at Grenoble University (1971) , Françoise Chatelin led with worldwide recognition her research in many areas, from spectral theory for linear operators in Banach spaces and finite precision to Dickson algebras. Professor Chatelin taught at the Universities Grenoble 2 - Pierre Mendès-France and Paris 9 - Dauphine before moving to Toulouse in 1996. She became Emeritus Professor in 2015. She was a visiting researcher at Berkeley and Stanford Universities, IBM San Jose (Ca) and Yorktown Heights (NY). For almost a decade, she was a scientific manager in Industry (in charge of intensive computing) first at the Centre Scientifique IBM France in Paris (1985 -1992) and then in the Central Research Lab of Thales (known as Thomson-CSF at that time) near Paris (1992-95). Françoise Chatelin was Head of the Qualitative Computing group at the Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (Cerfacs) in Toulouse, France. Professor Chatelin has authored four books; the first three are now classic references available from SIAM. Her second book Valeurs Propres de Matrices (Masson, Paris, 1988) has received the IBM - France prize for « Best Scientific and technical publication 1988 ». Beyond her scientific contribution, Françoise Chatelin played a structuring role on research at CERFACS through multiple thesis on innovative topics. This event is devoted to the human and scientific tribute of her life. As a faithful image of the active and passionate woman that she was, the dynamics of this day will be pushed by scientific conferences and stories given by former students and colleagues and will be followed by further discussions between the participants.                                               Programme        Registration     

CERFACS is involved in the NextSim project

  19 July 2021

The primary objective is to increase the capabilities of Computational Fluid Dynamics tools on extreme-scale parallel computing platforms for aeronautical design. The Kick-Off Meeting took place on 12 March 2021. This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement N° 956104. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Spain, France, Germany. For more information, please visit  EuroHPC website : Project webpage :

Cerfacs communication in the Tribune on the CICA project

  5 July 2021

Why hot weather will disrupt air travel ? La tribune - July 2, 2021

Research on quantum computing at CERFACS recognized with an award

  1 July 2021

A team composed of researchers from CERFACS and LIRMM (Laboratoire d'Informatique, Robotique et de Micro-électronique de Montpellier) is one of the winners of the Open Science Prize challenge, a contest organised by IBM. The challenge aimed at improving the precision of some quantum circuits that are deemed important for the development of quantum computing in the future. With more than 70 participants and 30 teams, this international challenge showed that it was possible to substantially improve the preparation of a specific quantum state, called "graph-state", that may be a crucial step for implementing error correcting codes using quantum computing. IBM's blog ticket is available here:

CMIP6 debriefing workshop – May 2021: a stocktaking and foresight exercise that highlighted the major and long-term investment of the CNRM-CERFACS group in the latest climate model intercomparison international exercise

  9 June 2021

The participation of the CNRM-CERFACS group in the international coupled global climate model intercomparison exercise CMIP6 was debriefed on 10 and 11 May. Since the mid-1990s, the various phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), supported by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), have enabled climate science to make significant progress, feeding into the IPCC reports, supporting regional climate modelling activities and downstream climate services. On the balance sheet, the participation of CNRM-CERFACS in the extremely demanding CMIP6 exercise has resulted in a large-scale, high-quality contribution in terms of climate simulations, thanks in particular to the strong commitment of researchers and engineers, the quality of support services and national and international collaborations. The activities mainly took place over the period 2013-2020. Initially, the production environment ("workflow") was set up and the coupled climate models were assembled by capitalising on the development of components (atmosphere, ocean and continental surfaces) carried out over the long term. The actual production of simulations was spread over 2018-2020. During the debriefing, perspectives (scientific objectives, model development, organisation) were drawn up with a view to a new participation of CNRM and CERFACS in CMIP

CERFACS Combustion paper on rocket engines selected as Distinguished Paper at the last Int. Symp. on Comb. in Adelaide

  14 April 2021

The paper of C. Laurent 'Heat-release dynamics in a doubly- transcritical LO2/LCH4 cryogenic coaxial jet flame subjected to fuel inflow acoustic modulation’  has been selected at the Distinguished Paper in the Gas Turbine and Rocket Engine Combustion colloquium for the 38th International Symposium on Combustion. This paper authored by Laurent, Staffelbach, Nicoud  and  T. Poinsot  is available here:  describes the first LES of a forced doubly transcritical flame.

New Cerfacs’ Activity Report available

  25 March 2021

The Cerfacs activity report covering the period from January 2019 to December 2020 is available.

Young PhD day (JDD) – Friday 18 june 2021

  16 March 2021

  Ph.D. Students’ Day (JDD 2021)   Vendredi 18 juin 2021   Virtual event open to our partners and associates  

New regional climate projections for metropolitan France

  11 February 2021

Cerfacs collaborated with Météo France and the Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL) to produce the DRIAS climate dataset, which presents a wide range of possible climate changes for metropolitan France for three periods of the 21st century (2021-2050, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100) and three greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Liens : .pdf

New research group “Theory and Climate”

  1 February 2021

CECI is involved in the development of a new research group (GDR for “Groupement De Recherche”) entitled “Theory and Climate”. This GDR aims at bringing together the entire community of theorists (mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, data scientists, etc.) working on climate sciences, with the goal of developing and sharing innovative concepts and tools relevant for a better understanding of climate dynamics. This GDR is interdisciplinary and involves several CNRS research institutes as well as most of French organizations working in these fields. CECI plans to contribute to issues related to climate dynamics and applied mathematics such as data assimilation and machine learning. Moreover, there are strong links between this GDR and the LEFE-INSU actions, in which CECI researchers are active (LEFE-IMAGO and LEFE-MANU actions). More information here: