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The first ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant for a CERFACS PhD student

  12 September 2017

The results of the 2017 ERC starting grant have been published (erc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/document/file/erc_2017_stg_results_pe.pdf). Dr Benedetta Franzelli has obtained one of these very prestigious awards. Dr Franzelli received a PhD from CERFACS in the field of combustion in 2011. She is working now as CNRS researcher, for the EM2C laboratory (Centralesupelec), where her ERC grant will allow her to study soot formation in flames. This is the first time that a CERFACS PhD student receives such a prestigious award.

Mega-heatwaves in France during the second half of the 21st century and the 50°C threshold

  24 August 2017

Margot Bador (post-doctoral research fellow at the Climate Change Research Center, Sydney, and CERFACS PhD), Laurent Terray (CERFACS researcher) and Julien Boé (CNRS researcher at CERFACS) with collaborators from Météo-France have published a study of France summer mega-heatwaves and associated temperature extremes that could occur at the end of the 21st century under the business as usual greenhouse gas emission scenario. The study  is based on regional climate simulations at very high spatial resolution (12km) performed with the ALADIN model developed at Météo-France. The authors have studied a simulated heatwave that occur in the 2070s when the mean France climate has already warmed by several degrees.  They find that  the simulated 2070 heatwave is as severe (in terms of amplitude and spatial extent) as the observed 2003 heatwave when compared to their respective mean climate.  They further show that late spring dry land conditions may lead to a significant amplification of summer temperature extremes and heatwave intensity through limitations in evapotranspiration. By 2100, the simulations suggest that the increase in summer temperature maximum records could reach 6 °C to 13 °C in the five considered France climatic regions, and therefore, exceed the 50°C threshold. Link of the article on the site of the newspaper Environnemental Research Letters

Distinction for the book “The Human Face of Computing”

  25 July 2017

The book "The Human Face of Computing" was selected as one of the notable books in the "21st Annual Best of Computing - Notable Books and Articles" compiled by Computing Reviews. Mrs Francoise Chatelin contributed to this book with the chapter "Qualitative Computing"

Extreme CFD workshop of the SUCCESS scientific group in Toulouse, 17-21 July 2017.

  24 July 2017

The first edition of the Extreme CFD workshop was held in Toulouse at ENSEEIHT from the 17th to the 21st of July, 2017 under the hospices of the SUCCESS scientific group (). It gathered 25 participants from CERFACS, CORIA, EM2C, IMAG, IMFT, LEGI and SAFRAN TECH grouped in 9 projects. Each project consisted of users and developers of the AVBP and YALES2 CFD tools and their aims were to develop novel models and algorithms, which will exploit large HPC resources, and to tackle new multi-scale problems. During the workshop, D. Saucereau and F. Pecquery presented ArianeGroup CFD challenges and G. Hautreux from GENCI gave a tutorial on hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming for future HPC systems. This fruitful week was concluded by a wrap-up session to give perspectives and feed the AVBP and YALES2 roadmaps. V. Moureau, L. Selle and O. Vermorel, the coordinators, and the participants agreed to organize a second edition next year. The coordinators acknowledge the financial support of the LABEX EMC3 and LEGI, and ENSEEIHT for the accommodations.

Le “Train du Climat” awarded by the European Meteorological Society

  12 July 2017

“Le train du climat”  has been selected to receive the Communication and Outreach award of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) for its very innovative and original concept to develop an exhibition on a train. Along its trip across France in the months preceding the Paris COP21, it acted as a catalyst for discussion and debate about climate change issues, between general public and scientists and cultural mediators present on board. The prize will be awarded to all the Climate Messengers, represented by Christophe Cassou, on September 5th during the annual EMS meeting in Dublin.  

New challenges in climate data analytics

  8 June 2017

Christian Pagé, CERFACS, has been invited to present at the Forum Teratec 2017 in the HPC workshop, which will be held at École Polytechnique on June 27th and 28th. The TERATEC Forum is a major event in France and Europe that brings together the best international experts in HPC, Simulation and Big Data.  

PhD positions available in two Marie Curie programs to begin at CERFACS in 2017 on combustion instabilities

  18 May 2017

CERFACS has won two Marie Curie (ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions) projects on instabilities in combustion systems: the first one MAGISTER will focus on machine learning methods for combustion instabilities and is coordinated by Un. Twente (Netherlands) while the second one (ANNULIGHT) will target annular chambers found in real gas turbines and is coordinated by NTNY (Norway). These two high visibility programs will allow to hire three PhD students who will integrate a very complete formation project based on PhD tutoring at CERFACS, strong relations with industry (SIEMENS, KLM, SAFRAN HELICOPTER ENGINES, SAFRAN AIRCRAFT ENGINES, GENERAL ELECTRIC, ANSALDO, ROLLS ROYCE) and multiple secondments at partners laboratories (CAMBRIDGE, TWENTE, CENTRALESUPELEC, KARLSRUHE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TU BERLIN, TU MUNCHEN, ETH ZURICH, NTNY, MINES DE PARIS, SAFRAN TECH). Applications can be sent to poinsot@cerfacs.fr, cuenot@cerfacs.fr, lgicquel@cerfacs.fr.

My PhD in 180 seconds

  16 May 2017

Antoine Colmet-Daage, currently PhD student in the "Climate Modelling and Global Change team", participated to the regional final phase of the french competition "Ma thèse en 180 secondes", held in Montpellier on April 20th. You can find his performance on video (and in french), thanks to the Doctoral college of the Languedoc-Roussillon University. If it does not run, you can download the video: Globc-videos-180sec-A-Colmet

Two CERFACS proposals accepted in PRACE 14th call

  4 April 2017

Two CERFACS proposals have been accepted at the last PRACE call. The two studies will be performed with the AVBP solver and will address two very different topics: "Large Eddy Simulation of the Deflagration to Detonation Transition » (in collaboration with TOTAL) will focus on explosions in buildings while the "CRITICal - ChaRacterIzing Two-phase Ignition in Combustors » (with the EM2C laboratory in Centralesupelec) will target aeronautic applications.

Articles of scientific mediation in the online journal “The Conversation”

  31 March 2017

Among the missions of the researchers and engineers of Cerfacs is the dissemination of scientific results at all levels, from specialized scientific journals to media intended for the general public. In this spirit, Cerfacs has chosen the online journal "The Conversation" to publish several articles of scientific mediation. Here are a few examples, in French. Simulation intégrée : un nouvel outil au service de l’aéronautique, Florent Duchaine et Laurent Gicquel, The Conversation, 17 avril 2017 Simuler le comportement des fluides dans les moteurs grâce au calcul haute performance ouvre des pistes à l’aéronautique. Multiphysique, une discipline pour mieux prédire et comprendre les phénomènes complexes, Florent Duchaine, The Conversation, 1er mars 2017 Il n’y a pas une, mais des physiques, électronique, mécanique, optique… Les allier dans un système multiphysique permet de mieux comprendre les phénomènes complexes. Moteurs, aéronautique, nucléaire… : la simulation numérique pour l’industrie, Olivier Thual, The Conversation, 15 février 2017 La simulation numérique pour l’industrie s’enrichit de nouveaux outils comme l’assimilation de données ou la quantification des incertitudes. Modéliser le climat grâce au calcul scientifique, Olivier Thual, The Conversation, 15 décembre 2016 Comment comprendre le climat, actuel et futur ? Les scientifiques sont aujourd’hui en mesure de modéliser et simuler avec précision les lois physiques qui régissent le climat.

Combustion research to be presented at the May 9th workshop of the French Académie des Sciences:

  28 March 2017

During the May 9th workshop organized at Académie des Sciences, combustion will be one of the topics discussed to illustrate the workshop topic ("Frontier Simulations in Solid and Fluid Mechanics"). The talk will be given by Dr T. Poinsot and will present recent progress in the field of LES of combustion, obtained at CERFACS in collaboration with CNRS laboratories, SAFRAN and ONERA. The full program is available here. At the same meeting, Pr F. Nicoud (CERFACS consultant) will also discuss recent work on blood flows performed in his group in Montpellier.

CERFACS is partner in the “Chaire ANR industrielle” POSEIDON, inaugurated january 27th at Ecole Polytechnique

  14 March 2017

POSEIDON, one of the 5 « Chaires ANR industrielles » selected in 2016, is interested in « New plasma thrusters for satellites in low Earth orbit ». Coordinated by Anne Bourdon from the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, this project gathers Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS and Safran Aircraft Engines in view of developing a new experimental and numerical methodology allowing to reduce the number of tests required for the development of future Hall effect thrusters. CERFACS brings its expertise for the 3D simulation of such thrusters with their real geometry. Crédit Ph. Auvray, LPP