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Scientific challenges at CERFACS

Research at CERFACS is performed on 9 cross-functional axes, from high performance computing and advanced algorithms (numerical methods, code coupling, data assimilation, uncertainties) to expanding themes such as climate, environment , combustion, aeronautics.

Its application fields deal with scientific challenges structuring several decadal projects. These challenges meet the cross-functionnal CERFACS research areas conducted  by one or several teams.

  • The Cougar and Puma challenges respectively aim at the simulation of the unsteady functioning of a complete engine of gas turbine and of a whole aircraft in realistic flight conditions.
  • The Declipp challenge deals with decadal prediction and climate variability using climate modeling and a coupled ocean-atmosphere model.
  • The Decola challenge is about simulating unsteady combustion of rocket engines in realistic “supercritical” named conditions.
  • The Modest challenge gathers specialized modeling activities about environment and security. This in order to better characterize natural and industrial risks in terms of monitoring, scenarios and real-time tracking.

More challenges may be created in consultation with the CERFACS shareholders.

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