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Villard, J., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2025) Simulation of aluminum dust flame with Lagrangian tracking of the liquid combustion products, Fuel, 387, pp. Article number 134272, doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.134272

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-25-14, author = {Villard, J. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Simulation of aluminum dust flame with Lagrangian tracking of the liquid combustion products}, year = {2025}, volume = {387}, pages = {Article number 134272}, doi = {10.1016/j.fuel.2024.134272}, journal = {Fuel}}

Rouland, N., Naess, T., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2025) Impact of detailed transport on the prediction of NOx formation in hydrogen–air flames, Fuel, 392, pp. Article number 134830, doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2025.134830

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-25-23, author = {Rouland, N. and Naess, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Impact of detailed transport on the prediction of NOx formation in hydrogen–air flames}, year = {2025}, volume = {392}, pages = {Article number 134830}, doi = {10.1016/j.fuel.2025.134830}, journal = {Fuel}}

Schiavone, F.G., Aniello, A., Riber, E., Schuller, T. and Laera, D. (2024) On the adequacy of OH* as heat release marker for hydrogen–air flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4) , pp. Article number 105248, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2024.105248

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-24-107, author = {Schiavone, F.G. and Aniello, A. and Riber, E. and Schuller, T. and Laera, D. }, title = {On the adequacy of OH* as heat release marker for hydrogen–air flames}, year = {2024}, number = {1-4}, volume = {40}, pages = {Article number 105248}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2024.105248}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}}

Lesaffre, T., Wirtz, J., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Douasbin, Q. (2024) Lean blowoff dynamics in bluff body stabilized flames: unsupervised classification and balance analysis, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4) , pp. Article number 105691, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2024.105691
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-24-114, author = {Lesaffre, T. and Wirtz, J. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Douasbin, Q. }, title = {Lean blowoff dynamics in bluff body stabilized flames: unsupervised classification and balance analysis}, year = {2024}, number = {1-4}, volume = {40}, pages = {Article number 105691}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2024.105691}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/PCI_lesaffre_AR_CFD_24-114.pdf}}

Coudray, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2024) On the inclusion of preferential diffusion effects for PAH tabulation in turbulent non-premixed ethylene/air sooting flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4) , pp. Article number 105607, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2024.105607

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-24-179, author = {Coudray, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {On the inclusion of preferential diffusion effects for PAH tabulation in turbulent non-premixed ethylene/air sooting flames}, year = {2024}, number = {1-4}, volume = {40}, pages = {Article number 105607}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2024.105607}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}}

Lameloise, E., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Perrier, A., Cabot, G. and Grisch , F. (2024) Prediction of Soot in a Rich–Quench–Lean Burner Using a Semidetailed JetA-1 Chemistry, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 146 (10) , pp. Article number 101021, doi: 10.1115/1.4066029

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-24-211, author = {Lameloise, E. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Perrier, A. and Cabot, G. and Grisch , F. }, title = {Prediction of Soot in a Rich–Quench–Lean Burner Using a Semidetailed JetA-1 Chemistry}, year = {2024}, number = {10}, volume = {146}, pages = {Article number 101021}, doi = {10.1115/1.4066029}, journal = {Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME}}

Capurso, T., Laera, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) NOx pathways in lean technically premixed swirling H2-air turbulent flame, Combustion and Flame, 248, pp. Article number 112581, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112581
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-23-2, author = {Capurso, T. and Laera, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {NOx pathways in lean technically premixed swirling H2-air turbulent flame}, year = {2023}, volume = {248}, pages = {Article number 112581}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112581}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Capurso_Comb_Flame_AR_CFD_23_2.pdf}}

Gallen, L., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Investigation of soot formation in turbulent spray flame burning real fuel, Combustion and Flame, 258, pp. Article number 112621, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112621

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-23-19, author = {Gallen, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Investigation of soot formation in turbulent spray flame burning real fuel}, year = {2023}, volume = {258}, pages = {Article number 112621}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112621}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {This work uses Large Eddy Simulation (LES) combined with an accurate chemical description to predict soot formation in a turbulent spray flame burning real fuel at atmospheric conditions. Understanding and being able to predict soot formation in practical configurations burning complex liquid fuel is essential for the design of engines meeting present and future environmental requirements. The prediction of soot formation with numerical simulations has been mostly limited to academic configurations burning light gaseous fuel. This is explained by the numerical cost of (i) the fuel oxidation chemistry including soot precursors like Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), and (ii) the modeling of two dispersed phases, i.e., the liquid fuel spray and the soot particles. In this work, an Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) for real fuels is proposed to allow a direct integration of accurate combustion chemistry including PAH in the compressible LES solver AVBP. The ARC model is coupled with a Lagrangian particle tracking approach for both the fuel droplets and the soot, including for the latter the description of the complex physical and chemical processes driving the particle evolution. Validation is first performed in a one-dimensional ethylene/air flame configuration, experimentally studied in the literature at several operating points. The numerical profiles of both the soot volume fraction and the soot diameter are in good agreement with measurements. This allows to apply the LES methodology to the sooting swirled turbulent liquid JetA-1/air combustor measured at UTIAS. Very satisfying predictions for both the flow dynamics and the soot production are obtained. The analysis of the results brings valuable new insights on the interaction between fuel droplets, turbulent combustion, PAH and soot evolution in such complex flames.}}

Gallardo-Fernandez, V., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Riber, E., Boé, J. and Terray, L. (2023) Evolution of high-temperature extremes over the main Euro-Mediterranean airports, Climate Dynamics, 61 (3-4) , pp. 1717-1740, doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06652-z

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-23-21, author = {Gallardo-Fernandez, V. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Riber, E. and Boé, J. and Terray, L. }, title = {Evolution of high-temperature extremes over the main Euro-Mediterranean airports}, year = {2023}, number = {3-4}, volume = {61}, pages = {1717-1740}, doi = {10.1007/s00382-022-06652-z}, journal = {Climate Dynamics}}

Shastry, V., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B. and Bodoc, V. (2023) Large Eddy Simulations of complex multicomponent swirling spray flames in a realistic gas turbine combustor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2) , pp. 2693-2702, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.059
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-23-87, author = {Shastry, V. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Bodoc, V. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulations of complex multicomponent swirling spray flames in a realistic gas turbine combustor}, year = {2023}, number = {2}, volume = {39}, pages = {2693-2702}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.059}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {Large Eddy Simulations of the realistic liquid fueled gas turbine combustor LOTAR operated at ONERA are performed for two fuels; a conventional JetA-1 and an alternative alcohol to jet fuel At-J, each modeled by a 3-component formulation. JetA-1 is composed of n-dodecane, methyl-cyclohexane and xylene each corresponding to the major hydrocarbon families found in real fuel. At-J is a synthetic drop in fuel composed of only branched chain alkanes, iso-octane, iso-dodecane and iso-hexadecane. Analytically Reduced Chemistry and multicomponent spray evaporation model coupled to the dynamic thickened flame turbulent combustion model are employed to understand the processes involved in turbulent spray flames in the LOTAR configuration. The objectives are to predict and understand the potential effects of staged vaporisation and consumption of the fuel components, and their impact on the spray flame structures. Simulations confirm the role of preferential evaporation in establishing and stabilising the reaction zone. JetA-1 evaporation zones extend deep into the rich burnt gasses resulting in a combustion regime with the possibility of droplet clusters burning individually. At-J which is more volatile, leads to complete combustion with the majority occurring due to the premixed lean reactions of the smaller pyrolysed components. The need to further include models capable of identifying and handling combustion regimes encountered in such spray flames is hence highlighted. This work is intended as a starting point for improving multicomponent spray modelling and requires additional experimental data for validation.}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CFD_Shastry_Proc_Comb_Inst_AR_CFD_22_222.pdf}}

Moran, J., Poux, A., Cepeda, F, Escudero, F., Fuentes, A., Gallen, L., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Yon, J. (2023) Multi-scale soot formation simulation providing detailed particle morphology in a laminar coflow diffusion flame, Combustion and Flame, 256, pp. Article number 112987, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112987

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-23-98, author = {Moran, J. and Poux, A. and Cepeda, F and Escudero, F. and Fuentes, A. and Gallen, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Yon, J. }, title = {Multi-scale soot formation simulation providing detailed particle morphology in a laminar coflow diffusion flame}, year = {2023}, volume = {256}, pages = {Article number 112987}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112987}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}}

Lesaffre, T., Pestre, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Correction Methods for Exchange Source Terms in Unstructured Euler-Lagrange Solvers with Point-Source Approximation, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 111 (3) , doi: 10.1007/s10494-023-00487-2

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-23-120, author = {Lesaffre, T. and Pestre, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Correction Methods for Exchange Source Terms in Unstructured Euler-Lagrange Solvers with Point-Source Approximation}, year = {2023}, number = {3}, volume = {111}, doi = {10.1007/s10494-023-00487-2}, journal = {Flow Turbulence and Combustion}}

Pestre, A., Lesaffre, T., Cazères, Q., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Euler-Lagrange numerical simulation of a kerosene droplet mist ignition in air using analytically reduced chemistry, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 15 (4) , pp. 207-217, doi: 10.1177/17568277231203620

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-23-163, author = {Pestre, A. and Lesaffre, T. and Cazères, Q. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Euler-Lagrange numerical simulation of a kerosene droplet mist ignition in air using analytically reduced chemistry}, year = {2023}, number = {4}, volume = {15}, pages = {207-217}, doi = {10.1177/17568277231203620}, journal = {International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics}}

Crespo-Anadon , J., Benito-Parejo, C.J., Richard, S., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Strozzi, C., Sotton, J. and Bellenoue, M. (2022) Experimental and LES investigation of ignition of a spinning combustion technology combustor under relevant operating conditions, Combustion and Flame, 242, pp. 112204, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112204
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-22-61, author = {Crespo-Anadon , J. and Benito-Parejo, C.J. and Richard, S. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Strozzi, C. and Sotton, J. and Bellenoue, M. }, title = {Experimental and LES investigation of ignition of a spinning combustion technology combustor under relevant operating conditions}, year = {2022}, volume = {242}, pages = { 112204}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112204}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {SAFRAN Helicopter Engines has developed the spinning combustion technology in which the burnt gases from one injector travel tangentially along the combustor annulus towards the neighboring injectors. Compared to a conventional design, this arrangement modifies the ignition process, which is a critical phase for aeroengines. In order to understand the ignition process in this technology, experiments and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) have been performed in a cylindrical combustion chamber where the flow is injected tangentially (named Radius chamber). Three cases are considered with different strain and turbulence levels representative of real combustor flows. Micro calorimetry and the Background-Oriented Schlieren technique allows for detailed temporal measurements of energy deposited in the flame kernel. Pressure measurement and Schlieren imaging are used to study the flame propagation. LES are performed with a 19-species and 184-reactions analytically-reduced chemistry together with the thickened flame approach allowing the description of the first instants of ignition in a quasi-DNS mode and ensuing flame propagation. Both a static and dynamic formulations of the wrinkling factor to describe sub-grid scale chemistry-turbulence interaction are used. Results show that LES is able to capture the flame kernel formation and trajectory as well as the time to reach maximum pressure within an error of 10% when using a dynamic formulation. On the other hand, the static formulation of the wrinkling factor predicts the time for maximum pressure within a maximum error of 20%.}, keywords = {Ignition, Analytically Reduced Chemistry, LES, Spinning combustion technology}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/CFD_Crespo_Comb_flame_AR_CFD_22_61.pdf}}

Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2022) Analysis and design of a local time stepping scheme for LES acceleration in reactive and non-reactive flow simulations, Journal of Computational Physics, 470, pp. 111580, doi: 10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111580
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-22-106, author = {Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Analysis and design of a local time stepping scheme for LES acceleration in reactive and non-reactive flow simulations}, year = {2022}, volume = {470}, pages = {111580}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111580}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, abstract = {Explicit time integration based CFD solvers suffer from restriction on the maximum allowable time step computed from the well known Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) stability criterion. This restriction poses severe challenge in carrying out large eddy simulation (LES) of reactive and non-reactive flows, where the grid resolution is fine. The challenge of restricted time step is further augmented when dealing with large computational domains that pose a wide disparity in the system time scales. In this study, a numerical methodology is presented based on local time stepping in an overset grid framework. The attainable speedup is found to be a function of the ratio of time steps used in the sub-domains and the ratio of the number of computational degrees of freedom. The method is analyzed using global spectral analysis (GSA) and shows excellent agreement in solution accuracy with the conventional explicit time integration based solver. The impact of local time stepping on the order of accuracy and global conservation properties are also presented. This method is then applied to simulate three flow test cases to demonstrate the ability of the method to reproduce the first and second-order turbulent statistics at reduced computational time.}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CFD_Nadakkal_JCP_AR_CFD_22_106.pdf}}

Grimonprez, S., Wu, J., Faccinetto, A., Gosselin, S., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., Formenti, P., Doussin, J.-F., Petitprez, D. and Desgroux, P. (2021) Hydrophilic properties of soot particles exposed to OH radical: a possible new mechanism involved in the contrail formation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (4) , pp. 6441-6450, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.306
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-8, author = {Grimonprez, S. and Wu, J. and Faccinetto, A. and Gosselin, S. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Cazaunau, M. and Pangui, E. and Formenti, P. and Doussin, J.-F. and Petitprez, D. and Desgroux, P. }, title = {Hydrophilic properties of soot particles exposed to OH radical: a possible new mechanism involved in the contrail formation}, year = {2021}, number = {4}, volume = {38}, pages = {6441-6450}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.306}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1540748920303989}}

Collin-Bastiani, F., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) Study of inter-sector spray flame propagation in a linear arrangement of swirled burners, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (4) , pp. 6299-6308, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.050
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-9, author = {Collin-Bastiani, F. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Study of inter-sector spray flame propagation in a linear arrangement of swirled burners}, year = {2021}, number = {4}, volume = {38}, pages = {6299-6308}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.050}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {Driven by pollutant emissions stringent regulations, engine manufacturers rely on lean combustion and aim to reduce the number of injectors, both affecting the light-round phase of ignition. This work focuses on inter-injector spray flame propagation in a linear multi-injector n-heptane/air spray burner measured at CORIA. Large Eddy Simulation are performed together with a complex chemistry description and a Lagrangian formalism of the spray in order to account for fuel droplet polydispersion. First, a non-reacting case enables to evaluate the numerical approach by comparison with measurements, and to analyse the influence of inter-injector spacing on both the flow dynamics and the local fuel distribution. Second, the comparison of numerical fully transient ignition sequences with experimental data shows that LES recovers the inter-injector spray propagation features found in the experiment such as flame propagation modes from radial to progressively arc-like, and total ignition time delay. However due to important pre-evaporation, liquid fuel does not significantly impact the overall ignition process, which exhibits the same driving mechanisms as in purely gaseous flows.}, keywords = {Ignition, Turbulent Spray Flame, Polydispersion, Linear combustor, Large Eddy Simulation}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1540748920300985}}

Wirtz, J., Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. (2021) Numerical Study of a Polydisperse Spray Counterflow Diffusion Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2) , pp. 3175-3182, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.042
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-10, author = {Wirtz, J. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. }, title = {Numerical Study of a Polydisperse Spray Counterflow Diffusion Flame}, year = {2021}, number = {2}, volume = {38}, pages = {3175-3182}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.042}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {A counterflow two-phase diffusion flame with polydisperse spray is numerically studied in a 2D configuration, using a Lagrangian formalism for the liquid phase and accurate combustion chemistry. Results exhibit a very complex double flame structure with diffusion and premixed flames, as well as group and individual droplet burning. Monodisperse two-phase counterflow flames are also computed to help analysing the polydisperse flame, and confirm the strong link between droplet diameter and flame regime. For small droplet diameters, the flame has the same structure than a gaseous flame at a different equivalence ratio, and the flame power increases with the droplet size. For larger droplets, the premixed mode becomes dominant and the flame power exceeds the maximum gaseous diffusion flame power.}, keywords = {ARC, Counter-flow diffusion, Spray, Droplet}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1540748920300900}}

Shastry, V., Cazères, Q., Rochette, B., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) Numerical study of multicomponent spray flame propagation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2) , pp. 3201-3211, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.090
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-6, author = {Shastry, V. and Cazères, Q. and Rochette, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Numerical study of multicomponent spray flame propagation}, year = {2021}, number = {2}, volume = {38}, pages = {3201-3211}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.090}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {A computational study of one dimensional multicomponent laminar Jet-A/air spray flames is presented. The objective is to understand the effect of various spray parameters (diameter, droplet velocity, liquid loading) on the spray flame structure and propagation. Simulation of the Eulerian gas phase is coupled with a Lagrangian tracking of the dispersed liquid phase. Jet-A surrogate of n-dodecane, methyl-cyclohexane and xylene is considered. A discrete multicomponent model for spray vaporization is used along with an analytically reduced chemistry for computing the gas phase reactions. Both overall lean and rich cases are examined and compared with existing literature for single component spray flames. The preferential evaporation effect, unique to multicomponent fuels causes a variation of fuel vapor composition on both sides of the flame front and this has a direct impact on the spray flame structure and propagation speed. In the rich cases, multiple flame structures exist due to the staged release of vapors across the reactive zone. Spray flame speed correlations proposed for single component fuels are extended to the multicomponent case, for both zero and high relative velocity between the liquid and the gas. The correlations are able to accurately predict the effective equivalence ratio at which the flame burns and hence the laminar spray flame speeds of multicomponent fuels for all cases studied in this work.}, keywords = {Laminar spray flame, Multicomponent evaporation, Analytically reduced chemistry, Preferential evaporation, Flame structure}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SHASTRY_PROCI_1Column_Corrected_AR_CFD_21_6.pdf}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S154074892030540X}}

Esclapez, L., Collin-Bastiani, F., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) A statistical model to predict ignition probability, Combustion and Flame, 225 (March) , pp. 180-195, ISSN 0010-2180, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.10.051
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-11, author = {Esclapez, L. and Collin-Bastiani, F. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A statistical model to predict ignition probability}, year = {2021}, number = {March}, volume = {225}, pages = {180-195}, issn = {0010-2180}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.10.051}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {Ignition capability is a critical design constraint for aeronautical gas turbines. However the current trend toward overall lean burn is detrimental to the engine ignition and relight and the ignition system must be adapted to ensure a fast and reliable light-round in all circumstances. As ignition is a stochastic phenomenon, the optimization of an ignition system requires to build ignition probability maps, which is difficult and costly with either experiment or numerical simulation as both require many tests. This work proposes a model to predict the ignition probability map, knowing only flow statistics in non-reacting conditions, i.e., with only one test. The originality of the model is to construct statistics of the flame kernel trajectory, which are then combined with local flow indicators to evaluate the ignition probability at the considered sparking location. Application to a swirled burner operated in premixed, non-premixed and spray combustion modes illustrates the model concepts and demonstrates its ability to recover the experimental ignition map with good accuracy.}, keywords = {Ignition probability, Gas turbine, Turbulent combustion}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010218020304715}}

Töpperwien, K., Collin-Bastiani, F., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Vignat, G., Prieur, K., Durox, D., Candel, S. and Vicquelin, R. (2021) Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame Dynamics During the Ignition of a Swirling Injector Unit and Comparison With Experiments, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 143 (2) , pp. 021015, doi: 10.1115/1.4049297
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-25, author = {Töpperwien, K. and Collin-Bastiani, F. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Vignat, G. and Prieur, K. and Durox, D. and Candel, S. and Vicquelin, R. }, title = {Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame Dynamics During the Ignition of a Swirling Injector Unit and Comparison With Experiments}, year = {2021}, number = {2}, volume = {143}, pages = {021015}, doi = {10.1115/1.4049297}, journal = {Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME}, abstract = {During the ignition of a swirled single-injector combustor, two phases have been identified experimentally. In the first, the flame penetrates the injection unit, while in the second, the flame lifts off after a substantial delay before stabilizing at a distance from the injector. This transient phenomenon is investigated using Large Eddy Simulations based on an Euler–Lagrange description of the liquid spray, an energy deposition model to mimic ignition, and the thickened flame combustion model. It is shown that the initial penetration of the flame in the injector unit is linked with the positive pressure excursion induced by the rapid volumetric expansion of burnt gases. This sudden expansion is itself due to the fast increase in heat release rate that occurs during the initiation of the process. The corresponding positive and negative pressure disturbances induce a rapid reduction of the mass flow rate through the injector, followed by an acceleration of the flow and a return to the nominal value. It is also shown that the flame root disappears after another delay, which results in the flame edge lifting and stabilization at a distance from the injector exhaust corresponding to steady operation of the device. The relatively long delay time before this liftoff takes place is found to correspond to the residence time of the cooled burnt gases in the vicinity of the chamber walls, which are ultimately entrained by the internal recirculation zone and quench the lower flame foot.Combustion, Combustion chambers, Ejectors, Evaporation, Flames, Heat, Ignition, Temperature, Flow (Dynamics), Large eddy simulation, Gases, Pressure, Fuels, Drops, Sprays}, keywords = {Combustion, Combustion chambers, Ejectors, Evaporation, Flames, Heat, Ignition, Temperature, Flow (Dynamics), Large eddy simulation, Gases, Pressure, Fuels, Drops, Sprays}, url = {https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/gasturbinespower/article-abstract/143/2/021015/1092055/Large-Eddy-Simulation-of-Flame-Dynamics-During-the?redirectedFrom=fulltext}}

Lo Schiavo, E., Laera, D., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, T. (2021) On the impact of fuel injection angle in Euler-Lagrange Large Eddy Simulations of swirling spray flames exhibiting thermoacoustic instabilities, Combustion and Flame, 227 (May 2021) , pp. 359-370, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.01.009

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-26, author = {Lo Schiavo, E. and Laera, D. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {On the impact of fuel injection angle in Euler-Lagrange Large Eddy Simulations of swirling spray flames exhibiting thermoacoustic instabilities}, year = {2021}, number = {May 2021}, volume = {227}, pages = {359-370}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.01.009}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {This study deals with the fundamental problem of combustion dynamics in gas turbine combustors operating with liquid fuel. In this framework the present work proposes the study of an academic liquid fueled combustor sensitive to thermoacoustic instabilities, simulated via high-fidelity Large Eddy Simulations. The experimental setup addressed is SICCA-spray from EM2C laboratory featuring both stable and unstable flames depending on the combustion chamber length. The proposed analysis, based on the Euler-Lagrange modeling approach, studies the impact of the spray injection angle θ on both the stable flame and the triggering of the longitudinal combustor acoustic mode when using a longer quartz tube. For the liquid injection modeling, the FIM-UR semi-empirical model is adopted with three different θ values: θ = 35◦, 45◦ and 60◦. In stable conditions, the spray angle is proven to have a negligible impact on the flame anchoring point, however, the mean flame length and fuel distribution are found to be slightly modified by the velocity at which droplets enter the combustion chamber. For the thermoacoustically unstable conditions, two well-established stable limit cycles with the same frequency and similar amplitudes are obtained when fuel is injected at θ = 45◦ and 60◦. Contrarily, the system stabilizes when θ = 35◦ pointing to the importance of the dynamics of the liquid film layer formed inside the injector for this setup. Likewise, this liquid film layer dynamics and its modeling appear critical as already suggested by previous studies on the same configuration. The detailed analysis of the thermoacoustically unstable different predictions is then performed through the investigation of the spatial fields of the local Rayleigh index obtained following the novel extension in the frequency domain of the Rayleigh criterion complemented by the application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition. It confirms that the injection angle of the liquid spray has a significant effect on the thermoacoustic response of the system. Indeed the influence of θ on the dynamics of the liquid fuel when entering the combustion chamber is proven to have an impact on the synchronization mechanism governing the liquid phase with respect to acoustics sustaining the observed limit cycles. More specifically, couplings at the liquid phase level are evidenced by introducing two novel indices correlating the fluctuations of liquid fuel volume fraction and evaporation rate with pressure.}, keywords = {Thermoacoustic instabilities, Turbulent spray flames, Large Eddy Simulations, Spray angle sensitivity, Eulerian-Lagrangian approach}}

Cazères, Q., Pepiot, P., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) A fully automatic procedure for the analytical reduction of chemical kinetics mechanisms for Computational Fluid Dynamics applications, Fuel, 303, pp. 121247, doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121247

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-21-74, author = {Cazères, Q. and Pepiot, P. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A fully automatic procedure for the analytical reduction of chemical kinetics mechanisms for Computational Fluid Dynamics applications}, year = {2021}, volume = {303}, pages = {121247}, doi = {10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121247}, journal = {Fuel}, abstract = {A new software called ARCANE has been developed to address the broad need for compact, computationally efficient chemical models for reactive flow simulations. Based on a new, fully automatic and optimised multi-step reduction methodology, ARCANE's purpose is to provide a convenient and more accessible framework for the analysis and reduction of chemical kinetic mechanisms in the general context of combustion chemistry. The capabilities and performance of the methodology are demonstrated through 3 case studies. First, a classical methane/air system with and without nitrogen/oxygen chemistry is studied as a benchmark. The framework is then applied to a kerosene/air mechanism with a multi-component fuel formulation, showing the ability of the fully automatic method to handle complex chemistry. Finally, the generality of the approach is confirmed by developing reduced chemical models for a hydrocarbon steam cracking process.}, keywords = {Chemical kinetics reduction, ARCANE, Analytically reduced chemistry}}

Rochette, B., Riber, E., Vermorel, O. and Cuenot, B. (2020) A generic and self-adapting method for flame detection and thickening in the Thickened Flame model, Combustion and Flame, 212 (February 2020) , pp. 448-458, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.11.015

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-20-22, author = {Rochette, B. and Riber, E. and Vermorel, O. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A generic and self-adapting method for flame detection and thickening in the Thickened Flame model}, year = {2020}, number = {February 2020}, volume = {212}, pages = {448-458}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.11.015}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {A generic and self-adapting method for flame front detection and thickening is presented. This approach relies solely on geometric considerations and unlike previous thickening methods does not need any parameterization nor preliminary calibration. The detection process is based on the analysis of the curvature of a test function, associating a bell-curve shape to a flame front. Once the front is located, the front thickness is also evaluated from the test function, allowing (1) a thickening restricted to under-resolved flame regions, (2) a self-adapting thickening of the front. The thickening process is finally applied to the detected front, over a normal-to-the-flame distance, using a Lagrangian point-localization algorithm. The method was developed and implemented in an unstructured and massively parallel environment and is therefore directly usable for the computation of complex configurations. Three test cases are presented to validate the methodology, ranging from a one-dimensional laminar premixed flame to the VOLVO turbulent premixed flame.}, keywords = {COMBUSTION}}

Paulhiac, D., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Esclapez, L. and Richard, S. (2020) Analysis of the spray flame structure in a lab-scale burner using Large Eddy Simulation and Discrete Particle Simulation, Combustion and Flame, 212 (february) , pp. 25-38, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.10.013
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-20-25, author = {Paulhiac, D. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Esclapez, L. and Richard, S. }, title = {Analysis of the spray flame structure in a lab-scale burner using Large Eddy Simulation and Discrete Particle Simulation}, year = {2020}, number = {february}, volume = {212}, pages = {25-38}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.10.013}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {The numerical study of an academic lab-scale spray burner using Large Eddy Simulation coupled with a Discrete Particle Simulation is presented. The objectives are first, to validate current turbulent combustion modeling approach for two-phase flames, and second, to bring new insight on two-phase flame structure in a complex flow, representative of real configurations. The comparison with the experiment shows a good quantitative prediction of the velocity field of the gas and the liquid phases, in both non-reacting and reacting cases. Experimental and numerical results of the spray flame are also in good agreement. The detailed study of the interaction between the flame front and the droplets shows that both single droplet and group combustion regimes occur in the present configuration. These regimes are investigated from the numerical and physical points of view, highlighting the necessity to further investigate their possible importance for the modeling of two-phase combustion.}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.10.013}}

Campet, R., Roy, P., Cuenot, B., Riber, E. and Jouhaud, J.-C. (2020) Design Optimization of an Heat Exchanger using Gaussian Process, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150 (April ) , pp. 119264, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.119264
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-20-19, author = {Campet, R. and Roy, P. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Jouhaud, J.-C. }, title = {Design Optimization of an Heat Exchanger using Gaussian Process}, year = {2020}, number = {April }, volume = {150}, pages = {119264}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.119264}, journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}, abstract = {The objective of this work is to optimize the internal shape of a single-started helically ribbed heat exchanger. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is used to simulate the turbulent flow in a wall-resolved periodic channel configuration, heated via a uniform heat flux at the wall. In order to enhance the heat exchange with the flow, the inner surface of the channel features rounded rib. This however increases the pressure loss, and an optimum shape of the rib is to be found. The rib pitch and height as well as rib discontinuities are the geometrical parameters to optimize, allowing a wide variety of inner wall roughness. To limit the number of LES, the optimization procedure is based on a surrogate model constructed from Gaussian Process Regression and adaptive resampling with the Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) method [1]. The optimization consists in the maximization of the cost function proposed by Webb and Eckert [2], which aims at maximizing the heat transfer efficiency for similar pumping power. Results show that a rib induced swirling motion in the near wall region significantly decreases the heat transfer efficiency, leading to an optimum roughness shape featuring large and multiple discontinuities. Moreover, the efficiency of helically dimpled tubes is also found sensitive to the shape of the transitions between the discontinuous parts of the rib. Smoother transitions lead to lower pressure loss but also to lower heat transfer due to smaller recirculation zones.}, keywords = {Heat exchanger, Geometrical design, Optimization, LES, Ribbed tube, Turbulent channel flow}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931019348495}}

Lo Schiavo, E., Laera, D., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, T. (2020) Effects of liquid fuel/wall interaction on thermoacoustic instabilities in swirling spray flames, Combustion and Flame, 219 (september) , pp. 86-101, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.04.015
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-20-62, author = {Lo Schiavo, E. and Laera, D. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {Effects of liquid fuel/wall interaction on thermoacoustic instabilities in swirling spray flames}, year = {2020}, number = {september}, volume = {219}, pages = {86-101}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.04.015}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {Computational prediction of thermoacoustic instabilities arising in gas turbine and aero-engine combustors still remains a challenge especially if fuel is injected in a liquid spray form. This study shows that, in LES of such a combustor, the treatment of the liquid fuel film created on the walls of the injection system affects the mean flame weakly, but modifies the flame dynamics strongly. The configuration used for this work is the experimental setup SICCA-spray available at EM2C laboratory in Paris. First steady spray flame measurements are used to validate the LES Euler-Lagrange approach. Two modelling strategies for the interaction between the liquid fuel and the injector walls are tested with a negligible impact on the flame shape and structure. In the second part the same comparison is applied to another operating condition where a self-sustained thermo-acoustic limit-cycle is experimentally observed. In that case resonant coupling is achieved with LES, confirming the adequacy of the approach but only when the film layer is taken into account. Indeed, contrarily to the stable configuration, the difference between the two Lagrangian boundary conditions is shown to have a major impact on the feedback mechanism leading to the thermoacoustic oscillation.}, keywords = {Thermoacoustic instabilities, Combustion modelling, Two-phase flows, LES, Liquid/wall interaction}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010218020301590?via%3Dihub}}

Marrero-Santiago, J., Collin-Bastiani, F., Riber, E., Cabot, G., Cuenot, B. and Renou, B. (2020) On the mechanisms of flame kernel extinction or survival during aeronautical ignition sequences: Experimental and numerical analysis, Combustion and Flame, 222, pp. 70-84, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.08.021
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-20-222, author = {Marrero-Santiago, J. and Collin-Bastiani, F. and Riber, E. and Cabot, G. and Cuenot, B. and Renou, B. }, title = {On the mechanisms of flame kernel extinction or survival during aeronautical ignition sequences: Experimental and numerical analysis}, year = {2020}, volume = {222}, pages = {70-84}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.08.021}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {A detailed study of ignition mechanisms in aeronautical burners is presented. Even in global lean conditions, liquid fuel injection leads to a strong stratification of the mixture and the whole range of equivalence ratio may be encountered in the burner. The observation of ignition sequences in a representative lab-scale combustion chamber, from both experiment and numerical simulation, reveals a variety of scenarios leading to success or failure. In particular the occurrence of quenching events after the successful creation of a kernel flame is a key mechanism for the outcome of the sequence. A first analysis leads to a classification of ignition/extinction scenarios, based on similar time evolutions and trajectories of the flame kernel. It is found that this classification is much dependent on the sparking location. Then a deeper analysis allows to decompose all scenarios in a succession of more simple, generic mechanisms which are independent of the geometry. This decomposition is a useful tool to describe, understand and predict ignition sequences, being successful or not, in any combustion chamber geometry.}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010218020303369}}

Collin-Bastiani, F., Marrero-Santiago, J., Riber, E., Cabot, G., Renou, B. and Cuenot, B. (2019) A joint experimental and numerical study of ignition in a spray burner, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (4) , pp. 5047-5055, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.132
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-19-25, author = {Collin-Bastiani, F. and Marrero-Santiago, J. and Riber, E. and Cabot, G. and Renou, B. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A joint experimental and numerical study of ignition in a spray burner}, year = {2019}, number = {4}, volume = {37}, pages = {5047-5055}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.132}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {Partly due to stringent restrictions on pollutant emissions, aeronautical engine manufacturers target lean operating conditions which raise new difficulties such as combustion stability as well as ignition and re- ignition at high altitude. The injection of liquid fuel introduces additional complexity due to the spray-flame interaction. It is then crucial to better understand the physics behind these phenomena and to develop the capacity to predict them in an industrial context. In this work, a comprehensive joint experimental and nu- merical investigation of the academic swirled-confined version of the KIAI-Spray burner is carried out. Experimental diagnostics, such as Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA), Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (OH-PLIF), high-speed visualization and high-speed particle image velocimetry (HS-PIV), together with Large Eddy Simulations coupled to Discrete Particle Simulations are used to study spray flame structure and spray ignition. The analysis of the swirled-stabilized spray flame highlights the main effects of the presence of droplets on the turbulent combustion, and the complementarity and validity of the joint experiment and simulation approach. Ignition sequences are then studied. Both experiment and simulation show the same behaviors, and relate the flame kernel evolution and the possible success of ignition to the local non reacting flow properties at the sparking location, in terms of turbulence intensity and presence of droplets}, keywords = {Spray flame, Ignition, Laser diagnostics, Large Eddy Simulation}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.132}}

Gallen, L., Felden, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2019) Lagrangian tracking of soot particles in LES of gas turbines, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (4) , pp. 5429-5436, ISSN 1540-7489, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.013

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-19-27, author = {Gallen, L. and Felden, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Lagrangian tracking of soot particles in LES of gas turbines}, year = {2019}, number = {4}, volume = {37}, pages = {5429-5436}, issn = {1540-7489}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.013}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, keywords = {Soot particles, Lagrangian tracking, Large Eddy Simulation, Gas turbine}}

Rochette, B., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2019) Effect of non-zero relative velocity on the flame speed of two-phase laminar flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3) , pp. 3393-3400, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.100
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-19-28, author = {Rochette, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Effect of non-zero relative velocity on the flame speed of two-phase laminar flames}, year = {2019}, number = {3}, volume = {37}, pages = { 3393-3400}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.100}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {A numerical study of one-dimensional n-heptane/air spray flames is presented. The objective is to evaluate the flame propagation speed in the case where droplets evaporate inside the reaction zone with possibly non-zero relative velocity. A Direct Numerical Simulation approach for the gaseous phase is coupled to a discrete particle Lagrangian formalism for the dispersed phase. A global two-step n-heptane/air chemical mechanism is used. The eects of initial droplet diameter, overall equivalence ratio, liquid loading and relative velocity between gaseous and liquid phases on the laminar spray flame speed and structure are studied. For lean premixed cases, it is found that the laminar flame speed decreases with increasing initial droplet diameter and relative velocity. On the contrary, rich premixed cases show a range of diameters for which the flame speed is enhanced compared to the corresponding purely gaseous flame. Finally, spray flames controlled by evaporation always have lower flame speeds. To highlight the controlling parameters of spray flame speed, approximate analytical expressions are proposed, which give the correct trends of the spray flame propagation speed behaviour for both lean and rich mixtures}, keywords = { Direct Numerical Simulation, Lagrangian particle tracking, Spray flame, Laminar flame}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.100}}

Campet, R., Zhu, M., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Nemri, M. (2019) Large Eddy Simulation of a single-started helically ribbed tube with heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132 (April) , pp. 961–969, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.11.163
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-19-4, author = {Campet, R. and Zhu, M. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Nemri, M. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of a single-started helically ribbed tube with heat transfer}, year = {2019}, number = {April}, volume = {132}, pages = {961–969}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.11.163}, journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}, abstract = {This work presents a study of the turbulent flow in a single-started helically ribbed tube with low blockage ratio. The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is used in a wall-resolved periodic configuration. Both an adiabatic and a wall-heated simulations are performed and validated against experiment. Velocity profiles and wall temperatures were measured at the Von Karman Institute (VKI) using Stereoscopic Particle image Velocimetry (S-PIV) and Liquid Crystal Thermography (LCT) by Mayo et al. (2018). Comparisons show that the numerical methodology gives accurate results in terms of mean and fluctuating velocity fields as well as the correct friction drag. The wall temperature profile is also in good agreement with the experiment. The rib induces a large recirculation zone immediately downstream, with a reattachment point occurring a few rib heights farther downstream. The helical shape of the rib also induces a strong swirling motion close to the wall. The pressure drop is found equal to 3:37 Pa/m and is mostly due to the pressure drag. Maximum heat transfer is found just upstream of the reattachment point and on top of the ribs, which is in good agreement with experimentally obtained values. The mean Nusselt number in the ribbed tube is found 2.3 times higher than in a smooth tube confirming the positive impact of such geometry on heat transfer.}, keywords = {Heat transfer, Pressure loss, Ribbed tube}, url = {https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-heat-and-mass-transfer}}

Felden, A., Pepiot, P., Esclapez, L., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2019) Including analytically reduced chemistry (ARC) in CFD applications, Acta Astronautica, 158 (May) , pp. 444-459, doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.03.035

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-19-53, author = {Felden, A. and Pepiot, P. and Esclapez, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Including analytically reduced chemistry (ARC) in CFD applications}, year = {2019}, number = {May}, volume = {158}, pages = {444-459}, doi = {10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.03.035}, journal = {Acta Astronautica}, abstract = {Reacting numerical simulations today are often based on either fitted global reaction schemes, comprised of a few empirical reactions, or pre-tabulated laminar flame solutions computed with detailed chemistry. Although both methods can accurately predict global quantities such as laminar flame speed and burnt gas composition, they have significant limitations. In particular, neither are able to directly and adequately describe the complexity of pollutant chemistry. In the context of reducing harmful emissions of the next generation of aeronautical combustors, however, including these needed additional kinetic details in combustion simulations is becoming essential. Direct integration of detailed chemistry in accurate turbulent combustion models is not a viable option in the foreseeable future, because of excessive computational demands and numerical stiffness. In this context, Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) represents an attractive compromise between accuracy and effic iency, and is already employed in relatively complex Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES). ARCs are knowledge-based compact mechanisms retaining only the most relevant kinetic information as extracted directly, and without fitting, from detailed chemical models using specialized reduction techniques (important species identification through graph search, lumping of species with similar features, short-living species identification, etc.). In recent years, several multi-step efficient and automated reduction tools have been developed, enabling the easy generation of ARCs with minimum input and knowledge from the user. The main objective of this paper is to present a review of ARCs for fuels ranging from methane to aviation kerosene surrogates, recently derived with such a multi-step automated reduction tool: YARC. Information about the applicability and range of validity of each derived mechanism are given, along with further references. Each on e was specifically derived to be convenient to use in CFD; in particular, the stiffness was regarded as a key factor and the final number of transported species never exceeds thirty. In a final section, the great potential of the methodology is illustrated in a multi-phase, reactive LES application where the fuel is a real multi-component transportation fuel. To that end, an ARC based on a Jet A described by the novel Hybrid Chemistry (HyChem) approach is coupled with the Dynamically Thickened Flame LES (DTFLES) model and directly integrated into the LES solver AVBP. A Lagrangian spray description is used. Results are compared to experimental data in terms of temperature and major species (CO 2 , H 2 O, CO, NO) mass fractions, leading to very satisfying results.}, keywords = {Analytically Reduced Chemistry, database , CFD applications}}

Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. (2018) Prediction of flame structure and pollutant formation of Sandia flame D using Large Eddy Simulation with direct integration of chemical kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 188 (february) , pp. 180-198, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.08.028
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@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-18-53, author = {Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. }, title = {Prediction of flame structure and pollutant formation of Sandia flame D using Large Eddy Simulation with direct integration of chemical kinetics}, year = {2018}, number = {february}, volume = {188}, pages = {180-198}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.08.028}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with direct integration of reduced chemical kinetics including NO chemistry is performed on the Sandia flame D. This approach allows a detailed analysis of the flame structure and pollutant formation. The Analytically Reduced Chemistries (ARCs) are obtained using Directed Relation Graph method with Error Propagation (DRGEP) and Quasi-Steady-State (QSS) approximation. Two ARCs containing both 22 species are derived for methane–air oxidation, from GRI 2.11 and GRI 3.0 detailed mechanisms. They correctly predict fuel consumption speed, as well as NO and CO concentrations in laminar premixed and non-premixed flames at atmospheric conditions. It is found that the NO production strongly depends on the detailed mechanism, being significantly higher with GRI 3.0 in rich premixed flames and in diffusion flames. The two ARCs are then used in highly-resolved LES of the Sandia flame D. The numerical results are in very good agreement with the experiment in terms of aerodynamics, mixture fraction and temperature profiles. The CO concentration is also well predicted with the two ARCs. For NO, a satisfactory agreement with the measurements is obtained with the ARC based on GRI 2.11, while a significant over-prediction is obtained with the GRI 3.0-based ARC, consistently with the differences observed in laminar cases between the two GRI versions. A detailed investigation of the flame structure including a comparison with reference laminar flames reveals that the flame structure is essentially non-premixed. The presence of the pilot jet alters the mixing process, leading to a flame structure that falls between two extreme non-premixed combustion regimes corresponding to the interaction of the rich central jet with either the hot gases from the pilot, or the coflow of fresh air. The associated laminar diffusion flamelets indicate that this particular flame structure influences the formation of pollutants, with a strong impact on CO production.}, keywords = {Pollutant prediction, Reduced chemistr, Large Eddy Simulation}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010218017303504}}

Felden, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2018) Impact of direct integration of Analytically Reduced Chemistry in LES of a sooting swirled non-premixed combustor, Combustion and Flame, 191 (May) , pp. 270–286, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.01.005

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-18-28, author = {Felden, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Impact of direct integration of Analytically Reduced Chemistry in LES of a sooting swirled non-premixed combustor}, year = {2018}, number = {May}, volume = {191}, pages = {270–286}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.01.005}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {Large-eddy simulation (LES) of a swirl-stabilized non-premixed ethylene/air aero-engine combustor experimentally studied at DLR is performed, with direct integration of Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC). Combined with the Dynamic Thickened Flame model (DTFLES), the ARC-LES approach does not require specific flame modeling assumptions and naturally adapts to any flow or geometrical complexity. To demonstrate the added value of the ARC methodology for the prediction of flame structures in various combustion regimes, including formation of intermediate species and pollutants, it is compared to a standard tabulation method (FPI). Comparisons with available measurements show an overall good agreement with both chemistry approaches, for the velocity and temperature fields. However, the flame structure is shown to be much improved by the inclusion of explicitly resolved chemistry with ARC. In particular, the ability of ARC to respond to strain and curvature, and to intrinsically contain CO/O2 chemistry greatly influences the flame shape and position, as well as important species production and consumption throughout the combustion chamber. Additionally, since both chemistry descriptions are able to account for intermediate species such as OH and C2H2, soot formation is also investigated using a two-equations empirical soot model with C2H2 as the sole precursor. It is found that, in the present configuration, this precursor is strongly impacted by differential diffusion and partial premixing, not included in the FPI approach. This leads to a strong under-prediction of soot levels by about one order of magnitude with FPI, while ARC recovers the correct measured soot concentrations.}, keywords = {Large Eddy Simulation, Chemical kinetics, Reduced chemistry, Gas Turbines, Soot}}

Felden, A., Esclapez, L., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Wang, H. (2018) Including real fuel chemistry in LES of turbulent spray combustion, Combustion and Flame, 193 (July 2018) , pp. 397–416, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.03.027
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-18-56, author = {Felden, A. and Esclapez, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Wang, H. }, title = {Including real fuel chemistry in LES of turbulent spray combustion}, year = {2018}, number = {July 2018}, volume = {193}, pages = {397–416}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.03.027}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, abstract = {Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is progressively becoming a crucial design tool for the next generation of aeronautical combustion chambers. However, further improvements of the predictive capability of LES is required especially for predictions of pollutant formation. In general, the exact description of real fuel combustion requires to take into account thousands of unique chemical species involved in complex and highly non-linear chemical reaction mechanisms, and the direct integration of such chemistry in LES is not a viable path because of excessive computational demands and numerical stiffness. Modeling of real aeronautical transportation fuel is further complicated by the fact that kerosenes are complex blends of a large number of hydrocarbon compounds and their exact composition is very difficult to determine. In this work, we propose a new framework relying upon the Hybrid Chemistry (HyChem) approach and Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) to allow a direct integration of real fuel chemistry in the compressible LES solver AVBP. The HyChem-ARC model is coupled with the Dynamically Thickened Flame LES model (DTFLES) and a Lagrangian description of the spray to investigate the turbulent two-phase flow flame in a lean direct injection combustor, fueled with Jet-A. The LES results are compared to experimental data in terms of gas velocity, temperature and species (CO2, H2O, CO, NO) mass fractions. It is found that the proposed methodology leads to very satisfying predictions of both the flow dynamics and the NOx levels. Additionally, the refined level of chemistry description enables to gain valuable insights into flame/spray interactions as well as on the NOx formation mechanism in such complex flame configurations. To improve further the results, a more detailed experimental characterization of the liquid fuel injection should be provided.}, keywords = {Large Eddy Simulation, Spray combustion, Fuel effects, Gas turbines, Reduced chemistry}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.03.027}}

Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. (2017) Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (3) , pp. 3817–3825, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.027
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-17-213, author = {Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction}, year = {2017}, number = {3}, volume = {36}, pages = { 3817–3825}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.027}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {Complying with stringent pollutant emission regulations requires a strong optimization process, for which Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a promising tool at the design stage of modern gas turbine combustors. Yet the accurate prediction of pollutant formation remains a challenge because of the complex flame structure in this type of configuration. The strategy retained for the present LES study is to employ analytically reduced mechanism (ARC) with accurate pollutant chemistry in combination with the Dynamic Thickened Flame model (DTF) in the SGT-100 burner. The reduction of the mechanism is first presented and validated in the burner operating conditions on canonical cases. Then, comparisons of LES results with the experimental data show the excellent agreement of velocity statistics and a good agreement in terms of flame shape and exhaust pollutant prediction. The turbulent flame structure is further analyzed and compared with laminar unstrained and strained flames. Unmixedness and strain are found to significantly impact pollutant formation and flame stabilization. The ARC/DTF strategy accounts for these effects with a very good compromise between cost and accuracy.}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1540748916302838}}

Shum Kivan, F., Marrero-Santiago, J., Verdier, A., Riber, E., Renou, B., Cabot, G. and Cuenot, B. (2017) Experimental and numerical analysis of a turbulent spray flame structure, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2) , pp. 2567-2575, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.06.039

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-17-211, author = {Shum Kivan, F. and Marrero-Santiago, J. and Verdier, A. and Riber, E. and Renou, B. and Cabot, G. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Experimental and numerical analysis of a turbulent spray flame structure}, year = {2017}, number = {2}, volume = {36}, pages = { 2567-2575}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2016.06.039}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {An experimental and numerical study of an academic n-heptane/air lab-scale jet spray burner is presented. The objective is to provide new insight on turbulent spray flame complex structures similar to those encountered in industrial combustors by joint experimental and numerical diagnostics. Experimental measurements include PDA for air velocity and droplet size as well as velocity and OH-PLIF images for the flame analysis. Numerical simulations consist in Large Eddy Simulation (LES) coupled to Discrete Particle Simulation for the dispersed phase. The comparison between experiment and simulation confirms the capability of LES to reproduce the gaseous and liquid flow structure in both non-reacting and reacting cases with good accuracy. The lifted stabilized spray flame exhibits a complex shape due to interactions between turbulence, chemistry and evaporation. A detailed analysis shows that both partially-premixed and diffusion flames are present, depending on the capacity of droplets to evaporate. Furthermore, an attempt is made to identify the processes leading to two-phase flame stabilization.}}

Chaussonnet, G., Vermorel, O., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2016) A new phenomenological model to predict drop size distribution in Large-Eddy Simulations of airblast atomizers, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 80 (april 2016) , pp. 29-42, doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.10.014

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-16-26892, author = {Chaussonnet, G. and Vermorel, O. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A new phenomenological model to predict drop size distribution in Large-Eddy Simulations of airblast atomizers}, year = {2016}, number = {april 2016}, volume = {80}, pages = {29-42}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.10.014}, journal = {International Journal of Multiphase Flow}, abstract = {A new atomization model for prefilming airblast atomizers is presented and applied in the Large-Eddy Simulation of an academic experiment. The model, named PAMELA, expresses the drop size Probability Density Function of the spray in the form of a Rosin–Rammler distribution whose parameters depend on flow conditions. A mechanism of liquid fragmentation is proposed where a Rayleigh–Taylor instability develops in the transverse direction. The wavelength of this instability (i) is assumed to be proportional to the Sauter Mean Diameter of the spray, and (ii) scales with a Weber number based on the atomizing edge thickness, providing a first link between flow conditions and the Rosin–Rammler parameters. The second link is found by introducing a second Weber number based on the thickness of the boundary layer developing on the prefilmer. A first comparison with academic experiments shows that the model assumptions are valid and allows to calibrate the model constants. PAMELA is then implemented in a LES solver to perform the numerical simulation of an academic airblast atomizer. The obtained drop size distribution and spatial structure of the spray are in good agreement with measurements, demonstrating the validity of the proposed approach in the context of LES, and that the proposed PAMELA model may now be used to describe the liquid spray in LES of industrial nozzles.}}

Pedot, T., Cuenot, B., Riber, E. and Poinsot, T. (2016) Coupled heat transfers in a refinery furnace in view of fouling prediction, Journal of Heat Transfer, pp. 072101-072101-10, doi: 10.1115/1.4033096
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-16-26895, author = {Pedot, T. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {Coupled heat transfers in a refinery furnace in view of fouling prediction}, year = {2016}, pages = {072101-072101-10}, doi = { 10.1115/1.4033096}, journal = {Journal of Heat Transfer}, abstract = {In industrial refinery furnaces, the efficiency of thermal transfer to heat crude oil before distillation is often altered by coke deposition inside the fuel pipes. This leads to increased production and maintenance costs, and requires better understanding and control. Crude oil fouling is a chemical reaction that is, at first order, thermally controlled. In such large furnaces, the predominant heat transfer process is thermal radiation by the hot combustion products, which directly heats the pipes. As radiation fluxes depend on temperature differences, the pipe surface temperature also plays an important role and needs to be predicted with sufficient accuracy. This pipe surface temperature results from the energy balance between thermal radiation, convective heat transfer, and conduction in the solid material of the pipe, meaning that the thermal behavior of the whole system is a coupled radiation–convection–conduction problem. In this work, this coupled problem is solved in a cylindrical furnace, in which the crude oil flowing in vertical pipes is heated. The thermal radiation of combustion gases is modeled using the discrete ordinate method (DOM) with accurate spectral models and is coupled to heat conduction in the pipe to predict its wall temperature. The flame is described with a complex chemistry combustion model. An energy balance confirms that heat transfers are effectively dominated by thermal radiation. Good agreement with available measurements of the radiative heat flux on a real furnace shows that the proposed approach predicts the correct heat transfers to the pipe. This allows an accurate prediction of the temperature field on the pipe surface, which is a key parameter for liquid fouling inside the pipe. This shows that the thermal problem in furnaces can be handled with relatively simple models with good accuracy}, url = {http://heattransfer.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=2506748}}

Cuenot, B., Vicquelin, R., Riber, E., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Figuer, A., Mery, Y., Lamouroux, J., Richard, S., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Schmitt, T. and Candel, S. (2016) Advanced Simulation of Aeronautical Combustors, Aerospace Lab, 11 (June) , pp. 1-9
[bibtex] [pdf]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-16-169, author = {Cuenot, B. and Vicquelin, R. and Riber, E. and Moureau, V. and Lartigue, G. and Figuer, A. and Mery, Y. and Lamouroux, J. and Richard, S. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Schmitt, T. and Candel, S. }, title = {Advanced Simulation of Aeronautical Combustors}, year = {2016}, number = {June}, volume = {11}, pages = {1-9}, journal = {Aerospace Lab}, abstract = {Le développement de nouveaux concepts de foyers aéronautiques s’appuie sur la meilleure connaissance possible des phénomènes de combustion comme l’allumage et l’extinction, la structure des flammes, les instabilités de combustion ou les émissions polluantes. La simulation numérique, et en particulier l’approche Simulation aux Grandes Échelles, est un outil puissant pour comprendre, prévoir et contrôler les phénomènes physiques couplés présents en combustion turbulente à la fois dans les configurations académiques et appliquées. Grâce à des modèles physiques fiables, des méthodes numériques précises et la grande efficacité des calculateurs massivement parallèles, la simulation numérique est maintenant capable de fournir des résultats robustes et sûrs dans des géométries complexes en prenant en compte tous les effets physiques et technologiques. Aujourd’hui, c’est un outil de recherche qui contribue à améliorer notre connaissance des écoulements turbulents réactifs et en particulier de l’interaction entre la turbulence et la chimie de la combustion. C’est aussi un outil efficace pour la conception de foyers aéronautiques, permettant de guider les tests sur banc d’essai et, dans certains cas, de réduire leur nombre.}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/CFD_CUENOT_AL11-06.pdf}}

Fiorina, B., Vié, A., Franzelli, B., Darabiha, N., Massot, M., Dayma, G., Dagaut, P., Moureau, V., Vervisch, L., Berlemont, A., Sabelnikov, V., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2016) Modeling Challenges in Computing Aeronautical Combustion Chambers, Aerospace Lab, 11 (June) , pp. 1-19, doi: 10.12762/2016.AL11-05
[bibtex] [pdf]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-16-215, author = {Fiorina, B. and Vié, A. and Franzelli, B. and Darabiha, N. and Massot, M. and Dayma, G. and Dagaut, P. and Moureau, V. and Vervisch, L. and Berlemont, A. and Sabelnikov, V. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Modeling Challenges in Computing Aeronautical Combustion Chambers}, year = {2016}, number = {June}, volume = {11}, pages = {1-19}, doi = {10.12762/2016.AL11-05}, journal = {Aerospace Lab}, abstract = {This article reviews the modeling challenges for performing Large Eddy Simulations of aero-nautical combustion chambers. Since the kerosene is injected in a liquid phase into the combustion chamber, the description of the atomization is of primary importance. The article first discusses the numerous numerical challenges encountered during this process, which leads to the formation of small droplets that constitute a spray. The existing numerical and modeling methods to describe a spray of kerosene droplets are then presented. The article then focuses on the description of the complex combustion kinetics. Hundreds of species and thousands of reactions have to be considered to predict ignition, flame stabilization and pollutant emissions. Due to lengthy computational times, detailed chemical schemes are too large to be directly used in CFD. This article then presents the major existing chemical reduction strategies. Significant interactions of the reactions layers with the flow vortices occur at the subgrid scale. The question of turbulent combustion modeling is therefore discussed in an LES context. Finally, the prediction of soot and NOx formation is presented. The review is illustrated by several examples representative of practical situations encountered in aeronautical combustors.}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/CFD_RIBER_AL11-05_0.pdf}}

Philipp, M., Boileau, M., Vicquelin, R., Riber, E., Schmitt, T., Cuenot, B., Durox, D. and Candel, S. (2015) Large Eddy Simulations of the ignition sequence of an annular multiple-injector combustor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (3) , pp. 3159–3166, doi: 3159–3166
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-15-27691, author = {Philipp, M. and Boileau, M. and Vicquelin, R. and Riber, E. and Schmitt, T. and Cuenot, B. and Durox, D. and Candel, S. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulations of the ignition sequence of an annular multiple-injector combustor}, year = {2015}, number = {3}, volume = {35}, pages = {3159–3166}, doi = {3159–3166}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {The ignition transient is a critical fundamental phase in combustion systems that has strong practical implications. While this phenomenon has been extensively studied on single injector configurations, the burner-to-burner propagation of a full annular combustor is rarely investigated, due to the size and complexity of the geometry involved. To this purpose, an annular experimental setup has been developed at EM2C, featuring sixteen swirl injectors and quartz tubes providing a direct optical access to the flame. Ignition has been investigated systematically on this device, thus providing a large experimental database. In this work, this experiment is computed in the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) framework by carrying out massively parallel computations. This constitutes a unique comparison between experiments and calculations of a critical process for gas turbines. The ability of turbulent combustion models to properly retrieve the flame structure and propagation at the largest scales is not yet fully assessed and is investigated in this paper by comparing two conceptually different combustion modeling approaches, namely the filtered tabulated chemistry (F-TACLES) and the flame thickening with reduced chemistry (TFLES). Qualitative and quantitative comparisons between both simulations and experiment show an overall excellent agreement.}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.008}}

Esclapez, L., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2015) Ignition probability of a partially premixed burner using LES, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (3) , pp. 3133–3141, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.040
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-15-27693, author = {Esclapez, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Ignition probability of a partially premixed burner using LES}, year = {2015}, number = {3}, volume = {35}, pages = {3133–3141}, doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.040}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, abstract = {To comply with stringent pollutant emission regulation, low-emission aeronautical gas turbines rely on lean premixed combustion. Such technology raises the issue of ensuring a reliable ignition since the combustor operates closer to blow-off. Ignition is however known as a stochastic phenomenon, associated to various sources of system variability. These variabilities and their impact on the success or failure of ignition are still not fully understood. In this paper, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of laser ignition sequences in an academic swirled turbulent partially premixed burner are performed to obtain statistical information at three selected ignition locations representative of the various ignition scenarios observed. The velocity and mixing fields are first validated against measurements to eliminate uncertainty associated with the non-reacting flow. LES is then shown to recover the ignition statistical behavior and probability for the selected ignition locations. Moreover, LES analysis allows to identify the various mechanisms that drive ignition failure or success. Statistics of flame displacement speed are used to demonstrate the effect of curvature and stretch in regions of intense turbulence and the impact of partial premixing on the ignition process.}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.040}}

Barré, D., Esclapez, L., Cordier, L., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Staffelbach, G., Renou, B., Vandel, A., Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cabot, G. (2014) Flame propagation in aeronautical swirled multi-burners: experimental and numerical investigation., Combustion and Flame, 161 (9) , pp. 2387-2405, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.02.006
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-14-20536, author = {Barré, D. and Esclapez, L. and Cordier, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Staffelbach, G. and Renou, B. and Vandel, A. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cabot, G. }, title = {Flame propagation in aeronautical swirled multi-burners: experimental and numerical investigation.}, year = {2014}, number = {9}, volume = {161}, pages = {2387-2405}, doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.02.006}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00102180/161/9}}

Lecocq, G., Poitou, D., Hernandez-Vera, I., Duchaine, F., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2014) A methodology for soot prediction including thermal radiation in complex industrial burners, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 92 (4) , pp. 947 - 970

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-14-21201, author = {Lecocq, G. and Poitou, D. and Hernandez-Vera, I. and Duchaine, F. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A methodology for soot prediction including thermal radiation in complex industrial burners}, year = {2014}, number = {4}, volume = {92}, pages = {947 - 970}, journal = {Flow Turbulence and Combustion}}

Masi, E., Simonin, O., Riber, E., Sierra, P. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. (2014) Development of an algebraic-closure-based moment method for unsteady eulerian simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows in very dilute regime, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 58 (January) , pp.

@article{AR-CFD-14-21240, author = {Masi, E. and Simonin, O. and Riber, E. and Sierra, P. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. }, title = {Development of an algebraic-closure-based moment method for unsteady eulerian simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows in very dilute regime}, year = {2014}, number = {January}, volume = {58}, pages = {}, journal = {International Journal of Multiphase Flow}}

Auzillon, P., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Gicquel, O., Darabiha, N., Veynante, D. and Fiorina, B. (2013) Numerical investigation of a helicopter combustion chamber using LES and tabulated chemistry, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 341 (1-2) , pp. 257 - 265

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-13-20526, author = {Auzillon, P. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Gicquel, O. and Darabiha, N. and Veynante, D. and Fiorina, B. }, title = {Numerical investigation of a helicopter combustion chamber using LES and tabulated chemistry}, year = {2013}, number = {1-2}, volume = {341}, pages = {257 - 265}, journal = {Comptes Rendus Mécanique}}

Franzelli, B., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2013) Impact of the chemical description on a Large Eddy Simulation of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 341 (1-2) , pp. 247 - 256

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-13-20910, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Impact of the chemical description on a Large Eddy Simulation of a lean partially premixed swirled flame}, year = {2013}, number = {1-2}, volume = {341}, pages = {247 - 256}, journal = {Comptes Rendus Mécanique}}

Hannebique, G., Sierra, P., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2013) Large eddy simulation of reactive two-phase flow in an aeronautical multipoint burner, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 90 (2) , pp. 449 - 469
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-13-21034, author = {Hannebique, G. and Sierra, P. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Large eddy simulation of reactive two-phase flow in an aeronautical multipoint burner}, year = {2013}, number = {2}, volume = {90}, pages = {449 - 469}, journal = {Flow Turbulence and Combustion}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_12_65.pdf}}

Hernandez-Vera, I., Lecocq, G., Poitou, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2013) Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 341 (1-2) , pp. 238 - 246
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-13-21047, author = {Hernandez-Vera, I. and Lecocq, G. and Poitou, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation}, year = {2013}, number = {1-2}, volume = {341}, pages = {238 - 246}, journal = {Comptes Rendus Mécanique}, abstract = {A methodology is presented which allows to predict soot levels produced in simple, one-dimensional laminar flames. The method is applied to the calculation of a set of well documented ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames, using a detailed chemical mechanism (Davis et al., 1999 [1]) and a semi-empirical, two-equation soot model from Leung and Lindstedt (1991) [2]. Modifications of the original soot model are made in order to retrieve the experimental measurements of Hwang and Chung (2001) [3]. To account for radiative heat losses, a second series of fully coupled gas/soot/radiation simulations of the counterflow flames is performed. This allows to assess the effect of soot and gas radiation on soot formation and on the flame structure.}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631072112002136}}

Lecocq, G., Hernandez-Vera, I., Poitou, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2013) Soot prediction by Large-Eddy Simulation of complex geometry combustion chambers, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences – Mécanique, 341 (1-2) , pp. 230 - 237

@article{AR-CFD-13-21200, author = {Lecocq, G. and Hernandez-Vera, I. and Poitou, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Soot prediction by Large-Eddy Simulation of complex geometry combustion chambers}, year = {2013}, number = {1-2}, volume = {341}, pages = {230 - 237}, journal = {Comptes Rendus de l’Acad´{e}mie des Sciences – M´{e}canique}}

Hernandez-Vera, I., Lecocq, G., Poitou, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2013) Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 341 (1-2) , pp. 238-246

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-13-26420, author = {Hernandez-Vera, I. and Lecocq, G. and Poitou, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation}, year = {2013}, number = {1-2}, volume = {341}, pages = {238-246}, journal = {Comptes Rendus Mécanique}}

Franzelli, B., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, Th. (2012) Large Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame, cf, 159 (2) , pp. 621 - 637
[bibtex] [url]

@article{AR-CFD-12-20909, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame}, year = {2012}, number = {2}, volume = {159}, pages = {621 - 637}, journal = {cf}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_4.pdf}}

Franzelli, B., Riber, E., Sanjosé, M. and Poinsot, Th. (2010) A two-step chemical scheme for Large Eddy Simulation of kerosene-air flames, Combustion and Flame, 157 (7) , pp. 1364 - 1373
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-10-20906, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Sanjosé, M. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {A two-step chemical scheme for Large Eddy Simulation of kerosene-air flames}, year = {2010}, number = {7}, volume = {157}, pages = {1364 - 1373}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_09_86.pdf}}

Riber, E., Moureau, V., Garcia, M., Poinsot, Th. and Simonin, O. (2009) Evaluation of numerical strategies for Large Eddy Simulation of particulate two-phase recirculating flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 228 (2) , pp. 539 - 564
[bibtex] [url]

@article{AR-CFD-09-21465, author = {Riber, E. and Moureau, V. and Garcia, M. and Poinsot, Th. and Simonin, O. }, title = {Evaluation of numerical strategies for Large Eddy Simulation of particulate two-phase recirculating flows}, year = {2009}, number = {2}, volume = {228}, pages = {539 - 564}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_09_17.pdf}}

Senoner, J.-M., Sanjosé, M., Lederlin, T., Jaegle, F., Garcia, M., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Pitsch, H. and Poinsot, Th. (2009) Eulerian and lagrangian large-eddy simulations of an evaporating two-phase flow, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences – Mécanique, 337 (6-7) , pp. 458 - 468
[bibtex] [url]

@article{AR-CFD-09-21599, author = {Senoner, J.-M. and Sanjos´{e}, M. and Lederlin, T. and Jaegle, F. and Garcia, M. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Pitsch, H. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Eulerian and lagrangian large-eddy simulations of an evaporating two-phase flow}, year = {2009}, number = {6-7}, volume = {337}, pages = {458 - 468}, journal = {Comptes Rendus de l’Acad´{e}mie des Sciences – M´{e}canique}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_09_29.pdf}}

Boileau, M., Pascaud, S., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Poinsot, Th. and Cazalens, M. (2008) Investigation of two-fluid methods for Large Eddy Simulation of spray combustion in Gas Turbines, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 80 (3) , pp. 291 - 321
[bibtex] [url]

@ARTICLE{AR-CFD-08-20597, author = {Boileau, M. and Pascaud, S. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Poinsot, Th. and Cazalens, M. }, title = {Investigation of two-fluid methods for Large Eddy Simulation of spray combustion in Gas Turbines}, year = {2008}, number = {3}, volume = {80}, pages = {291 - 321}, journal = {Flow Turbulence and Combustion}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_07_10.pdf}}


Lameloise, E., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Perrier, A., Cabot, G. and Grisch , F. (2024) Prediction of Soot in an Rql Burner Using a Semi-Detailed Jeta-1 Chemistry, ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2024, London, United-Kingdom, June 24-28. 2024
[bibtex] [pdf]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-24-79, author = {Lameloise, E. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Perrier, A. and Cabot, G. and Grisch , F. }, title = {Prediction of Soot in an Rql Burner Using a Semi-Detailed Jeta-1 Chemistry}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2024, London, United-Kingdom, June 24-28}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/proceedings-of-the-ASME-Turbo-Expo-2024_PR_CFD_24_79.pdf}}

Gallardo-Fernandez, V., Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Riber, E. (2024) Assessing the impacts of increasing extreme heat events on aircraft takeoff from an interdisciplinary perspective, MEDCLIVAR-SISC 2024, Lecce, Italy, September 24-27. 2024
[bibtex] [pdf]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-24-80, author = {Gallardo-Fernandez, V. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Riber, E. }, title = {Assessing the impacts of increasing extreme heat events on aircraft takeoff from an interdisciplinary perspective}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {MEDCLIVAR-SISC 2024, Lecce, Italy, September 24-27}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/MEDCLIVAR-SISC-2024_PR_CMGC_24_80.pdf}}

Gallardo-Fernandez, V., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Riber, E., Boé, J., Terray, L., Jerez, S. and Montavez, J.-P. (2024) Past, present and future high-temperature extremes over the Euro-Mediterranean region at the local scale, 18th PLINIUS Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Chania, Greece, September 30-October 03. 2024
[bibtex] [pdf]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-24-81, author = {Gallardo-Fernandez, V. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Riber, E. and Boé, J. and Terray, L. and Jerez, S. and Montavez, J.-P. }, title = {Past, present and future high-temperature extremes over the Euro-Mediterranean region at the local scale}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {18th PLINIUS Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Chania, Greece, September 30-October 03}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/18th-PLINIUS-Conference-on-Mediterranean-Risks_PR_CMGC_24_81.pdf}}

Gallardo-Fernandez, V., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Riber, E., Jimenez-Guerrero , P. and Montavez, J.-P. (2024) Evolution of high-temperature extremes over the Euro-Mediterranean region and its impact on aircraft takeoff performance, CIC Météo-France, Toulouse, France, 24-28 Juin. 2024
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-24-82, author = {Gallardo-Fernandez, V. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Riber, E. and Jimenez-Guerrero , P. and Montavez, J.-P. }, title = {Evolution of high-temperature extremes over the Euro-Mediterranean region and its impact on aircraft takeoff performance}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {CIC Météo-France, Toulouse, France, 24-28 Juin}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/CIC-Meteo-France_PR_CMGC_24_82.pdf}}

Schiavone, F.G., Aniello, A., Riber, E., Schuller, T. and Laera, D. (2024) On the adequacy of OH* as heat release marker for hydrogen-air flames, CI’s 40th International Symposium, Milano, Italy, July 21-26. 2024

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-24-83, author = {Schiavone, F.G. and Aniello, A. and Riber, E. and Schuller, T. and Laera, D. }, title = {On the adequacy of OH* as heat release marker for hydrogen-air flames}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {CI’s 40th International Symposium, Milano, Italy, July 21-26}, keywords = {paper}}

Coudray, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2024) On the inclusion of preferential diffusion effects for PAH tabulation in turbulent non-premixed ethylene/air sooting flames, CI’s 40th International Symposium, Milano, Italy, July 21-26. 2024

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-24-84, author = {Coudray, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {On the inclusion of preferential diffusion effects for PAH tabulation in turbulent non-premixed ethylene/air sooting flames}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {CI’s 40th International Symposium, Milano, Italy, July 21-26}, keywords = {poster}}

Lesaffre, T., Wirtz, J., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Douasbin, Q. (2024) Lean blowoff dynamics in bluff body stabilized flames: unsupervised classification and balance analysis, CI’s 40th International Symposium, Milano, Italy, July 21-26. 2024

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-24-85, author = {Lesaffre, T. and Wirtz, J. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Douasbin, Q. }, title = {Lean blowoff dynamics in bluff body stabilized flames: unsupervised classification and balance analysis}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {CI’s 40th International Symposium, Milano, Italy, July 21-26}, keywords = {poster}}

Gallardo-Fernandez, V., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Riber, E., Jimenez-Guerrero , P. and Montavez, J.-P. (2024) Assessing aviation pollutant emissions under future high-temperature extreme events at the airport scale, 40th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 14-18. 2024
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-24-86, author = {Gallardo-Fernandez, V. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Riber, E. and Jimenez-Guerrero , P. and Montavez, J.-P. }, title = {Assessing aviation pollutant emissions under future high-temperature extreme events at the airport scale}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {40th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 14-18}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/ITM-2024_PR_CMGC_24_86.pdf}}

Lesaffre, T., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Taileb, S. and May - Carle, J.B. (2024) Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) model for Large Eddy Simulation, 26th Conference of the International Society for Air Breathing Engines, Toulouse, France, 22 - 27 Septembre. 2024
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-24-158, author = {Lesaffre, T. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Taileb, S. and May - Carle, J.B. }, title = {Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) model for Large Eddy Simulation}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {26th Conference of the International Society for Air Breathing Engines, Toulouse, France, 22 - 27 Septembre}, keywords = {Paper and Presentation}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/26th-Conference-of-the-International-Society-for-Air-Breathing-Engines_PR_CFD_24_158.pdf}}

Naess, T., Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. (2023) Numerical prediction of nitric oxide formation in a turbulent n-heptane spray flame using Large Eddy Simulation, 11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April. 2023
[bibtex] [url]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-23-49, author = {Naess, T. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. }, title = {Numerical prediction of nitric oxide formation in a turbulent n-heptane spray flame using Large Eddy Simulation}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April}, keywords = {poster}, url = {https://ecm2023.sciencesconf.org/}}

Wirtz, J., Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. (2023) Fuel effect in a swirl-stabilized spray burner, 11th European Combustion Meeting , Rouen, 26-28 April. 2023
[bibtex] [url]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-23-55, author = {Wirtz, J. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. }, title = {Fuel effect in a swirl-stabilized spray burner}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {11th European Combustion Meeting , Rouen, 26-28 April}, keywords = {paper and poster}, url = {https://ecm2023.sciencesconf.org/}}

Lesaffre, T., Wirtz, J., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Impact of wall heat flux on the LBO prediction, 11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April. 2023
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-23-57, author = {Lesaffre, T. and Wirtz, J. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Impact of wall heat flux on the LBO prediction}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April}, abstract = {In the last decade, the urge to reduce the impact of aviation on climate change has led engine manufacturers to move to lean-burning conditions and to consider alternative fuels such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs). Those changes have a significant impact on the Lean blow-out (LBO) limit which is a critical safety aspect of the engine operability. Complementary to experiments, working on the capability to numerically predict LBO events is essential for further understanding and support to design. In the present work, the LES AVBP solver is used to predict the LBO limit of the SSB spray burner operated at DLR. It shows that LBO is very sensitive to the thermal state of the burner and that accurate wall thermal conditions are therefore required for a good LBO prediction.}, keywords = {poster and paper}, url = {https://ecm2023.sciencesconf.org/}}

Pestre, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Numerical simulation of two-phase ignition at high altitude conditions, 11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April. 2023
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-23-63, author = {Pestre, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Numerical simulation of two-phase ignition at high altitude conditions}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April}, keywords = {paper and poster}, url = {https://ecm2023.sciencesconf.org/}}

Pestre, A., Lesaffre, T., Cazères, Q., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Euler-Lagrange numerical simulation of a kerosene droplet mist ignition in air using analytically reduced chemistry, Mediterranean Combustion Symposium 12, Louxor, Egypt, 23-26 January. 2023
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-23-94, author = {Pestre, A. and Lesaffre, T. and Cazères, Q. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Euler-Lagrange numerical simulation of a kerosene droplet mist ignition in air using analytically reduced chemistry}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Mediterranean Combustion Symposium 12, Louxor, Egypt, 23-26 January}, keywords = {Paper + Presentation}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Pestre_MCS12_PR_CFD_23_94.pdf}}

Coudray, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2023) Hybrid approach for modelling Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flames, 11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-23-104, author = {Coudray, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Hybrid approach for modelling Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flames}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April}, keywords = {poster}}

Shastry, V., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B. and Bodoc, V. (2022) Large Eddy Simulations of complex multicomponent swirling spray flames in a realistic gas turbine combustor, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada., 7 2022
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-22-96, author = {Shastry, V. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Bodoc, V. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulations of complex multicomponent swirling spray flames in a realistic gas turbine combustor}, year = {2022}, month = {7}, booktitle = {39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada}, keywords = {paper and talk}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/CFD_Shastry_39th_Int_Symp_Comb_PR_CFD_22_96.pdf}}

Lameloise, E., Coudray, A., Cazères, Q., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2022) Reduced chemical kinetics with pathway lumping of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons., 18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion - La Jolla, California., 5 2022

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-22-97, author = {Lameloise, E. and Coudray, A. and Cazères, Q. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Reduced chemical kinetics with pathway lumping of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.}, year = {2022}, month = {5}, booktitle = {18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion - La Jolla, California}, keywords = {presentation}}

Cazères, Q., Ogier, T., Lesaffre, T., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2022) Automatic reduction of HEFA bio-jet fuel. From detailed composition to CFD compatible reduced kinetics, 2nd Low Carbon Combustion meeting, Cambridge, UK., 4 2022

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-22-98, author = {Cazères, Q. and Ogier, T. and Lesaffre, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Automatic reduction of HEFA bio-jet fuel. From detailed composition to CFD compatible reduced kinetics}, year = {2022}, month = {4}, booktitle = {2nd Low Carbon Combustion meeting, Cambridge, UK}, keywords = {presentation}}

Capurso, T., Laera, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2022) Large Eddy Simulation of swirling technically-premixed H2/air flame with accurate NOx prediction, 2nd Low Carbon Combustion meeting, Cambridge, UK., 4 2022

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-22-100, author = {Capurso, T. and Laera, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of swirling technically-premixed H2/air flame with accurate NOx prediction}, year = {2022}, month = {4}, booktitle = {2nd Low Carbon Combustion meeting, Cambridge, UK}, keywords = {presentation}}

Irimiea, C., Vincent - Randonnier, A., Dufitumukiza, J.P., Puggelli, S., May - Carle, J.B., Treleaven , N.C.W., Lesaffre, T., Coudray, A., Lameloise, E., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Fdida, N., Cherubini, P. and Mercier, X. (2022) ALTERNATE: Experimental and modeling study of soot formation in high-pressure kerosene and SAF combustion, TSAS2022 - 15th Towards Sustainable Aviation - Toulouse, France., 10 2022

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-22-127, author = {Irimiea, C. and Vincent - Randonnier, A. and Dufitumukiza, J.P. and Puggelli, S. and May - Carle, J.B. and Treleaven , N.C.W. and Lesaffre, T. and Coudray, A. and Lameloise, E. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Fdida, N. and Cherubini, P. and Mercier, X. }, title = {ALTERNATE: Experimental and modeling study of soot formation in high-pressure kerosene and SAF combustion}, year = {2022}, month = {10}, booktitle = {TSAS2022 - 15th Towards Sustainable Aviation - Toulouse, France}, keywords = {Paper + Presentation}}

Crespo-Anadon , J., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Richard, S., Bellenoue, M. and Sotton, J. (2021) Comparison of LES and experiments of methane-air ignition in a closed chamber under various turbulent conditions, Colloque INCA 2021 - visioconférence. 2021

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-21-46, author = {Crespo-Anadon , J. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Richard, S. and Bellenoue, M. and Sotton, J. }, title = {Comparison of LES and experiments of methane-air ignition in a closed chamber under various turbulent conditions }, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Colloque INCA 2021 - visioconférence}, keywords = {COMBUSTION}}

Cazères, Q., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) Numerical study of a confined hydrogen-enriched premixed methane/air swirling flame using detailed chemistry, Colloque INCA 2021 (Initiative en Combustion Avancée) – Visioconférence. 2021

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-21-49, author = {Cazères, Q. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Numerical study of a confined hydrogen-enriched premixed methane/air swirling flame using detailed chemistry}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Colloque INCA 2021 (Initiative en Combustion Avancée) – Visioconférence}, keywords = {combustion}}

Shastry, V., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Voivenel, L. (2021) Numerical study of swirled multicomponent spray flames in gas turbine combustors, Colloque INCA 2021 (Initiative en Combustion Avancée) – Visioconférence. 2021

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-21-51, author = {Shastry, V. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Voivenel, L. }, title = {Numerical study of swirled multicomponent spray flames in gas turbine combustors}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Colloque INCA 2021 (Initiative en Combustion Avancée) – Visioconférence}, keywords = {combustion}}

Wirtz, J., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) Numerical Dual Swirl Spray Stabilized Burner: Comparison of conventional and alternative fuels, Colloque INCA 2021 (Initiative en Combustion Avancée) – Visioconférence. 2021

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-21-52, author = {Wirtz, J. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Numerical Dual Swirl Spray Stabilized Burner: Comparison of conventional and alternative fuels}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Colloque INCA 2021 (Initiative en Combustion Avancée) – Visioconférence}, keywords = {combustion}}

Pestre, A., Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. (2021) Evaluation of numerical methods for explicit chemistry integration and application on DNS of turbulent kerosene ignition at high altitude conditions, 10th European Combustion Meeting - Virtual edition . 2021
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-21-62, author = {Pestre, A. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. }, title = {Evaluation of numerical methods for explicit chemistry integration and application on DNS of turbulent kerosene ignition at high altitude conditions}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {10th European Combustion Meeting - Virtual edition }, abstract = {Ignition at high altitude realistic conditions is a critical aspect of aeronautical engine certification and requires an accurate chemical description. For this study, two-dimensional ignition simulations triggered by energy deposition are performed to evaluate numerical strategies for chemistry integration. First, Analytically Reduced Chemistry with the Quasi-Steady-State Approximation is developed and used. The comparison with the reference skeletal scheme presents some differences on the transition from auto-ignition to flame propagation but a reasonable agreement is observed for the overall ignition sequence and the CPU cost is largely reduced. Then, an exponential integration of chemistry and an automatic sub-cycling procedure are presented. These methods enable further CPU-cost reduction while keeping a correct precision on the results. Finally, the combination of these methods is applied to a three-dimensional DNS of turbulent kerosene ignition.}, keywords = { Ignition, ARC chemistry, exponential integration, sub-cycling, DNS, low pressur, cpu cost}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/CFD-PESTRE-10ECM.pdf}}

Tillou, J., Leparoux, J., Dombard, J., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2021) Evaluation and Validation of Two-Phase Flow Numerical Simulations Applied to an Aeronautical Injector Using a Lagrangian Approach, ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition - September 21 -25., Virtual conference 2021, doi: 10.1115/GT2020-15612
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-21-166, author = {Tillou, J. and Leparoux, J. and Dombard, J. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Evaluation and Validation of Two-Phase Flow Numerical Simulations Applied to an Aeronautical Injector Using a Lagrangian Approach}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition - September 21 -25}, volume = {V04BT04A018}, pages = { GT2020-15612}, address = {Virtual conference}, doi = {10.1115/GT2020-15612}, abstract = {Non-reactive Lagrangian two-phase flow Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of an industrial aeronautical injector are carried out with the compressible AVBP code and compared with an experimental database in an industrial context. While most of the papers are focused on simplex atomiser with only one fuel passage, we propose to account for specific industrial configurations based on duplex atomiser where both the primary and the secondary passages operate. For the second passage, the fuel spray angle is wider, leading to spray / wall interactions and airblast atomization. The computation domain consists in the experimental mock-up without the fuel atomizer part. The liquid-injection boundary condition is applied through the phenomenological FIM-UR model, which prescribes droplet velocities and diameter distribution at the atomizer tip based on both the atomizer characteristics and the liquid mass flow rate. No specific models are used for spray / wall interaction, and droplets are assumed to slip on the walls. The numerical results are compared with the experimental database for Jet-A1 fuel, built through Phase Doppler Anemometry instrumentation, allowing access to local information regarding the droplets velocity components. Three LES are performed for pressure loss ranging from 1 to 3%, covering an important part of the engine operating conditions, from high altitude relight to cruise operating point. Mean and fluctuating velocity profiles show a relatively good agreement with measurements, for all the operating points. It confirms that the spray/wall interactions, airblast and secondary breakup models may be neglected as a first approximation for configurations where only a relatively small amount of fuel impacts the wall.}, url = {https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-abstract/GT2020/84133/V04BT04A018/1094781}}

Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Gilles, T. (2020) Large Eddy Simulation of reactive flow on the fire side of a steam cracking Furnace, INFUB-12 -14-17 April., Porto (Portugal) 2020
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-20-123, author = {Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gilles, T. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of reactive flow on the fire side of a steam cracking Furnace}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {INFUB-12 -14-17 April}, address = {Porto (Portugal)}, abstract = {There has been a tremendous increase in the production of ethylene over the past couple of decades and this trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future as well. Steam cracking- the principal process used for the production of ethylene has gained increasing interest, both at a fundamental as well as at a systems level, with the ultimate objective of making ethylene production energy-efficient and lesser polluting (https://cerfacs.fr/improof/). Numerical studies published in the past used Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled with the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) to solve for the mean flow field. However, for gaining deeper insights about the combustion occurring inside the furnace, unsteady flow features need to be captured using accurate and proven numerical techniques such as Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The challenges associated with LES of steam cracking furnaces include the presence of large spatial and temporal scale separation and the concomitant high computational cost, modeling accurate and sufficiently detailed chemistry to predict combustion and incorporating radiative heat transfer effects. In this study, the LES of a steam cracking furnace is carried out for the first time, by addressing the first two of the abovementioned challenges using novel numerical methods and chemistry reduction techniques. Although LES solvers based on explicit time integration schemes, such as AVBP (www.cerfacs.fr/avbp7x), exhibit excellent numerical resolution and accuracy, they are limited in the maximum allowable time step that can be used, due to numerical stability requirements. This limitation is aggravated even further in the case of simulations of furnaces due to small time steps and large flow-through times. In this study, this issue of stiffness is addressed using a novel acceleration technique based on local time-stepping coupled with overset grid methodology. The acceleration technique is validated on multiple test cases and shown to incur a minimum loss in simulation accuracy. The technique is used in the current simulation and speedup by a factor of 4 was observed. Accurate prediction of temperature, heat release and pollutants inside the furnace requires accurate chemistry at a reasonable computational cost. In this study, a recent and detailed chemical mechanism for methane combustion is analytically reduced using the classical DRGEP method and QSS approximation tool ARCANE (https://cerfacs.fr/chemistry/en/arcane/). The reduced mechanism is validated with the detailed one and found to reproduce all the relevant chemical features of the detailed scheme accurately. In this paper, the LES simulation results are compared with available measurements of temperature. This study emphasizes the need for the engineering community to embrace LES as a furnace and burner design tool by demonstrating its application on a real steam cracking furnace.}, keywords = {combustion, LES}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CFD-NADAKKAL_INFUB_12.pdf}}

Shastry, V., Cazères, Q., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2019) Numerical study of multicomponent spray flame propagation, 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. RWTH Aachen university, Germany 2019

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-19-239, author = {Shastry, V. and Cazères, Q. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Numerical study of multicomponent spray flame propagation}, year = {2019}, booktitle = {17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}, organization = {RWTH Aachen university}, address = {Germany}, keywords = {COMBUSTION}}

Cuenot, B., Poinsot, T., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Vermorel, O., Duchaine, F., Riber, E., Dauptain, A., Staffelbach, G., Dombard, J., Misdariis, A. and Lapeyre, C. (2019) Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent reacting flows : methods and applications - Invited plenary lecture, 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. German section of the Combustion Institute, Aachen (Germany, 5 2019
[bibtex] [pdf]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-19-164, author = {Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Vermorel, O. and Duchaine, F. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Staffelbach, G. and Dombard, J. and Misdariis, A. and Lapeyre, C. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent reacting flows : methods and applications - Invited plenary lecture}, year = {2019}, month = {5}, booktitle = {17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}, organization = { German section of the Combustion Institute}, address = {Aachen (Germany}, keywords = {combustion}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ICNC2019-Cuenot.pdf}}

Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2019) Large Eddy Simulation of reactive flow on the fire side of a steam cracking furnace, 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. German section of the Combustion Institute , Aachen (Germany), 5 2019

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-19-165, author = {Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of reactive flow on the fire side of a steam cracking furnace}, year = {2019}, month = {5}, booktitle = {17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}, organization = {German section of the Combustion Institute }, address = {Aachen (Germany)}, abstract = {Large eddy simulation (LES) of large size flames and hot gas plumes, as observed in furnaces or open fires, are very rare as they pose multiple challenges due to the presence of a wide spectrum of scales (in length and time, with a ratio of up to 10E4 in length and 10E8 in time), as well as multiple physics (chemistry, compressible turbulence, buoyancy and multiple heat transfer modes) and their complex interactions. LES solvers based on explicit time integration methods are known for their superior accuracy and resolution properties, but suffer from constraints on the maximum allowable time step imposed by the smallest computational cell, thereby impeding their efficient application to such multiscale problems. Thanks to an original and efficient multiscale computational strategy, a turbulent diffusion flame of a 15m high steam cracking furnace has been simulated for the first time with LES using the code AVBP, an explicit, compressible reactive flow solver. Analytically reduced chemistry (ARC), a novel and proven technique used to reduce the number of species and reactions from a detailed mechanism while still preserving the global kinetic properties accurately, has been used. An ARC mechanism optimized for methane combustion was derived and used in the study and NOx and CO emissions at the furnace exit have been predicted. In this work, a detailed analysis of the structure and dynamics of the obtained numerical flame and plume is proposed, giving new insight on turbulent combustion features at large scale and its implications for pollutant emissions.}, keywords = {COMBUSTION}}

Henneke, M., Montgomery, C., Cuenot, B., Riber, E. and Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S. (2018) Large Eddy Simulation / Computing Needs, The American Flame Research Industrial Combustion (AFRC) Symposium 2018 ., University of UTAH (USA) on 17-19 September 2018 2018
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-18-244, author = {Henneke, M. and Montgomery, C. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Nadakkal-Appukuttan, S. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation / Computing Needs}, year = {2018}, booktitle = {The American Flame Research Industrial Combustion (AFRC) Symposium 2018 }, address = {University of UTAH (USA) on 17-19 September 2018}, abstract = {As computing power becomes more affordable and available, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) becomes attractive as a simulation tool for industrial combustion equipment. LES, by explicitly modeling the time-dependent evolution of the largest turbulent scales, avoids the approximations inherent in the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models that have been commonly used for decades. ; Academic LES practitioners have listed criteria for LES reliability and validity such as mesh resolution necessary to capture a sufficient portion of the turbulent energy spectrum. Also important are the use of high-order time and space discretization methods, and sufficiently small time steps to ensure accurate temporal evolution of the reacting flowfield. Strict adherence to the many criteria put forth leads to heavy computational demands. ; The engineer interested in industrially useful answers is left to wonder how strictly the academic criteria for valid LES must be followed to get answers su fficient to guide engineering design. In this paper we will attempt to address this issue, drawing from academic literature, published industrial work and our own experience.}, keywords = { LES, steam cracking furnace}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CFD_NADAKKAL-AFRC2018SYMPO.pdf}}

Cazères, Q., Pepiot, P., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2018) Development of a reduction tool for complex fuels chemical kinetics, Journée François Lacas – Journée des Doctorants en Combustion 2018., Laboratoire ICARE, Orléans (France) 2018
[bibtex] [pdf]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-18-245, author = {Cazères, Q. and Pepiot, P. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Development of a reduction tool for complex fuels chemical kinetics}, year = {2018}, booktitle = {Journée François Lacas – Journée des Doctorants en Combustion 2018}, address = {Laboratoire ICARE, Orléans (France) }, abstract = {The numerical prediction of pollutant emissions or bio-fuel flame structure in industrial combustors such as aeronautical engines, ground-based gas turbines or furnaces, requires an accurate description of combustion chemistry. Such precision may be achieved with detailed chemical kinetics mechanisms which have been developed in order to accurately capture all the details of the combustion process over a wide range of thermodynamic conditions. However, these mechanisms involve many species and reactions, making them too expensive for numerical simulation of 3D industrial cases. One solution to this problem is to reduce the complexity by targeting a specific operating range of temperature, pressure, and equivalence ratio, representative of the real case, as well as specific species that are of importance if one wants to account for ??# or soot production for example. Such reduced mechanisms have been successfully derived using the multi-stage reduction code YARC [1] with the following procedure. First, Direct Relation Graph with Error Propagation (DRGEP) [2] is applied on species and reactions with specified species as targets (typically fuel, oxidizer, and pollutants of interest), followed by chemical lumping, resulting in a skeletal mechanism accounting for the relevant species and reactions only. Finally, a timescale analysis along with DRGEP is used to identify species that can be set in Quasi-Steady State (QSS) in order to further speed up the calculation. In collaboration with Pr. P. Pepiot, a new automatic reduction tool called ARCANE has been developed to make it more efficient, more flexible and easier to use. ARCANE relies on the Cantera chemistry solver [3] and is written in Python language. ARCANE tool has been benchmarked against YARC on canonical cases validating it. This talk will first present the main features of ARCANE. Then, an example of reduction for methane-air combustion will be presented. Analytically Reduced Chemistries (ARC) are first compared to detailed mechanisms on 0D reactor and 1D flame configurations in the target operating range, and confirm that the error induced by the reduction is small enough to correctly capture important features such as intermediate species profiles, ignition delay time and laminar flame speed. Finally, several strategies to model complex fuels such as kerosene in the scope of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) will be presented: n-decane (?%&?(() as a mono-component surrogate of kerosene, the HyChem mono-component model [4,5] but accounting for the full composition of kerosene, and finally the multi-component approach. This latter is necessary to study the impact of alternative fuel addition to Jet A1 on the operability of an aeronautical combustor, which is one main objective of the H2020 JETSCREEN European project.}, keywords = {COMBUSTION}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CFD-CAZERES-JDDLACAS2018.pdf}}

Felden, A., Esclapez, L., Misdariis, A., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Wang, H. (2017) Including real fuel chemistry in Large-Eddy Simulations, 7 TH European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerosp Sciences (EUCASS)., Milan, Italy 2017
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-17-100, author = {Felden, A. and Esclapez, L. and Misdariis, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Wang, H. }, title = {Including real fuel chemistry in Large-Eddy Simulations}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {7 TH European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerosp Sciences (EUCASS)}, volume = {CD}, address = {Milan, Italy}, abstract = {Large-eddy simulation (LES) is progressively becoming a crucial design tool for the next generation of aeronautical combustion chambers. However, further improvements of the capability of LES is required for predicting pollutant emissions. Indeed, the detailed description of fuel pyrolysis and oxidation requires to take into account hundreds of chemical species involved in the complex non-linear reaction process. The direct integration of such detailed chemistry in LES is not a viable path, because of excessive compu- tational demands and numerical stiffness. Modeling real transportation fuel is further complicated by the fact that kerosenes are complex blends of a large number of hydrocarbon compounds; the exact composi- tion of which is very difficult to determine. In this work, the real-fuel combustion chemistry is described by the Hybrid Chemistry (HyChem) approach; and an LES-compliant Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) is used to allow a direct integration of the fuel chemistry in the LES solver. The ARC mecha- nism is coupled with the Dynamically Thickened Flame LES model (DTFLES) and a Lagrangian spray description to investigate the turbulent two-phase flow flame of a lean direct injection combustor, fueled with Jet-A. The LES results are compared to experimental data in terms of gas velocity, temperature and major species (CO2, H2O, CO, NO) mass fractions. It is found that the proposed methodology accurately predicts both the flow dynamics and pollutant formation, and presents therefore a great potential to study complex flame configurations burning real jet fuels}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/CFD_FELDEN_EUCASS2017.pdf}}

Felden, A., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. (2017) A library of Analytically Reduced Chemical schemes for a large range of CFD applications: from methane to aviation kerosene, 4e Colloque du réseau d’INitiative en Combustion Avancée (INCA). SAFRAN TECH, Palaiseau, France 2017
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-17-258, author = {Felden, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. }, title = {A library of Analytically Reduced Chemical schemes for a large range of CFD applications: from methane to aviation kerosene}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {4e Colloque du réseau d’INitiative en Combustion Avancée (INCA)}, organization = {SAFRAN TECH}, address = {Palaiseau, France}, abstract = {Reacting numerical simulations today are often based on either fitted global reaction schemes, comprised of a few empirical reactions, or pre-tabulated laminar flame solutions computed with detailed chemistry. Although both methods can accurately predict global quantities such as laminar FKame speed and burnt gas composition, they have significant limitations. In particular, neither are able to directly and adequately describe the complexity of pollutant chemistry. In the context of reducing harmful emissions, however, including these needed additional kinetic details in combustion simulations is becoming essential. Direct integration of detailed chemistry in accurate turbulent combustion models is not a viable option in the foreseeable future. In this context, Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) represents an attractive compromise between accuracy and efficiency, and is already employed in relatively complex Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES). ARCs are knowledge-based compact mechanisms retaining only the most relevant kinetic information as extracted directly, and without fitting, from detailed chemical models using specialized reduction techniques. YARC is a multi-step automated reduction tool, composed of a selected subset of very efficient reduction techniques (DRGEP, Chemical Lumping, and QSS species identification), that generates ARCs from detailed mechanisms with minimum input and knowledge from the user. This paper presents a review of recently YARC-derived ARCs for fuels ranging from methane to Jet-A aviation kerosene, along with validations in canonical test cases and, whenever possible, references of use in 3D DNS and LES.}, keywords = {Chemical kinetics, Reduced chemistry, Gas Turbines}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/CFD_INCA_2017_feldenetal.pdf}}

Gallen, L., Felden, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2017) Prediction of soot in a gaseous non-premixed burner using a Lagrangian approach, 4e Colloque du réseau d’INitiative en Combustion Avancée (INCA). SAFRAN TECH, Paliseau, France 2017

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-17-264, author = {Gallen, L. and Felden, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Prediction of soot in a gaseous non-premixed burner using a Lagrangian approach}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {4e Colloque du réseau d’INitiative en Combustion Avancée (INCA)}, organization = {SAFRAN TECH}, address = {Paliseau, France}}

Collin-Bastiani, F., Marrero-Santiago, J., Verdier, A., Vandel, A., Cabot, G., Riber, E., Richard, S., Cayre, A., Renou, B. and Cuenot, B. (2017) On the extinction and ignition mechanisms along the ignition events in the KIAI spray burner. A joint experimental and numerical approach, 4e Colloque du réseau d’INitiative en Combustion Avancée (INCA). SAFRAN TECH, Palaiseau, France 2017
[bibtex] [pdf]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-17-266, author = {Collin-Bastiani, F. and Marrero-Santiago, J. and Verdier, A. and Vandel, A. and Cabot, G. and Riber, E. and Richard, S. and Cayre, A. and Renou, B. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {On the extinction and ignition mechanisms along the ignition events in the KIAI spray burner. A joint experimental and numerical approach}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {4e Colloque du réseau d’INitiative en Combustion Avancée (INCA)}, organization = {SAFRAN TECH}, address = {Palaiseau, France}, abstract = {Partly due to stringent restrictions on pollutant emissions, aeronautical engine manufacturers need to design engines working on more tricky operating points such as close to the lean extinction limit. Such new concepts of course constrain engine designers to understand better the physics behind some phenomena directly impacted. For instance, lean combustion is detrimental to the crucial ignition and re-ignition capabilities of the engine in high altitude as ignition failure is more likely to happen close to the lean extinction limit. A deeper understanding of highly stochastic spray ignition and extinction phenomena is then required. In this work, a joint experimental and numerical investigation of the academic swirled-confined version of the KIAI spray burner is carried out. Both experimental diagnostics, such as Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA), high-speed PIV and toluene-PLIF and Large Eddy Simulations coupled to Discrete Particle Simulations are used to first characterize the two-phase flow dynamics. A good agreement is found in non-reactive and reactive conditions. Then, an experimental ignition probability map of the chamber is provided showing the strong influence of cold flow local properties such as turbulent kinetic energy or equivalence ratio. Finally, ignition sequences started at different positions of the chamber are studied both experimentally and numerically in details. The same mechanisms leading to successful or failed ignition events are identified.}, keywords = {COMB, AVBP}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/CFD_COLLIN_EXTINCTION_INCA2017.pdf}}

Felden, A., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2016) Effect of the chemistry description on LES of a realistic swirled non-premixed combustor, 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Korean Section of the Combustion Institute, Seoul, Korea 2016

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-16-191, author = {Felden, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Effect of the chemistry description on LES of a realistic swirled non-premixed combustor}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Combustion}, organization = {Korean Section of the Combustion Institute}, address = {Seoul, Korea}}

Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. (2016) Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction, 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Korean Section of the Combustion Institute, Seoul, Korea 2016

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-16-193, author = {Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Combustion}, organization = {Korean Section of the Combustion Institute}, address = {Seoul, Korea}}

Shum Kivan, F., Marrero-Santiago, J., Verdier, A., Riber, E., Renou, B., Cabot, G. and Cuenot, B. (2016) Experimental and numerical analysis of a turbulent spray flame structure, 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Korean Section of the Combustion Institute, Seoul, Korea 2016

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-16-195, author = {Shum Kivan, F. and Marrero-Santiago, J. and Verdier, A. and Riber, E. and Renou, B. and Cabot, G. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Experimental and numerical analysis of a turbulent spray flame structure}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Combustion}, organization = {Korean Section of the Combustion Institute}, address = {Seoul, Korea}}

Lacassagne, L., Bridel-Bertomeu, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Casalis, G. and Nicoud, F. (2016) Lateral blowing impact on corner vortex shedding in solid rocket motors, Space Propulsion 2016., Rome, Italy 2016, 3AF
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-16-222, author = {Lacassagne, L. and Bridel-Bertomeu, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Casalis, G. and Nicoud, F. }, title = {Lateral blowing impact on corner vortex shedding in solid rocket motors}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {Space Propulsion 2016}, editor = {3AF}, pages = {20163125166}, address = {Rome, Italy}, abstract = {: The corner vortex shedding in solid rocket motors also called VSA is studied in an academic configuration with compressible unsteady simulation and linear stability analysis. Lateral blowing impact on the stability of the flow is analysed thanks to parametric unsteady simulations by varying the flow rate over the upper surface. The results clearly show a stabilization of the flow when lateral blowing increases. Linear stability analysis on local velocity profiles enables to accurately reconstruct the mode on a selected weakly unstable case, although the frequency selection mechanism is not well captured. The same analysis is performed on a stable case and even if strong differences are noticed, linear stability do not give a conclusion as clear as the one obtained with numerical simulations. More generally, these results show a stabilization effect of the lateral blowing on corner vortex shedding and the ability of the linear stability analysis to reproduce and predict this mechanism}, keywords = {Corner vortex shedding ; solid rocket motors ; large eddy simulation ; linear stability}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/CFD_CONFSpacePro16_Lacassagne.pdf}}

Felden, A., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Esclapez, L., Ihme, M. and Wang, H. (2016) Including real fuel chemistry in LES of turbulent combustion, Proceedings of the Summer Program 2016. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA 2016
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-16-242, author = {Felden, A. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Esclapez, L. and Ihme, M. and Wang, H. }, title = {Including real fuel chemistry in LES of turbulent combustion}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Summer Program 2016}, pages = {113-122}, organization = {Center for Turbulence Research}, address = {Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA}, abstract = {Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of an aeronautical burner is performed with two combustion models and a reduced chemical scheme, able to accurately describe the combustion of a real multi-component kerosene aviation fuel. The accuracy of the reduced scheme is first assessed on laminar flame cases through comparison with detailed chemistry mechanism. Subsequently, the chemical mechanism is employed in 3D simulations, demonstrating its ability to correctly predict combustion chemistry in turbulent flames. }, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/CFD_CTR2016_Felden.pdf}}

Felden, A., Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. (2016) Predicting pollutant emissions in complex burners using analytically reduced chemistry, MUSAF III. ONERA , Toulouse, France 2016
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@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-16-327, author = {Felden, A. and Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. }, title = {Predicting pollutant emissions in complex burners using analytically reduced chemistry}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {MUSAF III}, organization = {ONERA }, address = {Toulouse, France}, url = {http://musaf2016.onera.fr/sites/musaf2016.onera.fr/files/combustion_4_riber.pdf}}

Bauerheim, M., Jaravel, T., Esclapez, L., Cazalens, M., Bourgois, S., Rullaud, M., Riber, E., Gicquel, L. and Cuenot, B. (2015) Multiphase flow LES study of the fuel split effects on combustion instabilities in an ultra low-NOx annular combustor, Asme turbo expo 2015: turbine technical conference and exposition., Montreal, Canada 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-15-23157, author = {Bauerheim, M. and Jaravel, T. and Esclapez, L. and Cazalens, M. and Bourgois, S. and Rullaud, M. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Multiphase flow LES study of the fuel split effects on combustion instabilities in an ultra low-NOx annular combustor}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {Asme turbo expo 2015: turbine technical conference and exposition}, address = {Montreal, Canada}}

Franzelli, B., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Ihme, M. (2015) Numerical modeling of soot production in aero-engine combustors using Large Eddy Simulations, Asme turbo expo 2015: turbine technical conference and exposition., Montreal, Canada 2015

@conference{PR-CFD-15-23297, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Ihme, M. }, title = {Numerical modeling of soot production in aero-engine combustors using Large Eddy Simulations}, year = {2015}, pages = {}, address = {Montreal, Canada}, booktitle = {Asme turbo expo 2015: turbine technical conference and exposition}}

Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2015) Modeling production and transport of soot particles for Large Eddy Simulation - Invited conference, Journée scientifique INCA suies., Snecma Villaroche, France 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-15-26898, author = {Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Modeling production and transport of soot particles for Large Eddy Simulation - Invited conference}, year = {2015}, address = {Snecma Villaroche, France}, booktitle = {Journée scientifique INCA suies}}

Shum Kivan, F., Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. (2015) Turbulent diffusion flame modelling in Large Eddy Simulation (LES), 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion., Avignon, France 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-15-26900, author = {Shum Kivan, F. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. }, title = {Turbulent diffusion flame modelling in Large Eddy Simulation (LES)}, year = {2015}, address = { Avignon, France}, booktitle = {15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}}

Rochoux, M., Cuenot, B., Duchaine, F., Riber, E., Veynante, D. and Darabiha, N. (2015) Analysis of large-eddy simulations of laboratory-scale fire, 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion., Avignon, France 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-15-26902, author = {Rochoux, M. and Cuenot, B. and Duchaine, F. and Riber, E. and Veynante, D. and Darabiha, N. }, title = {Analysis of large-eddy simulations of laboratory-scale fire}, year = {2015}, address = {Avignon, France}, booktitle = {15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}}

Esclapez, L., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2015) A statistical model to predict ignition probability, 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion., Avignon, France 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-15-26905, author = {Esclapez, L. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {A statistical model to predict ignition probability}, year = {2015}, address = {Avignon, France}, booktitle = {15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}}

Franzelli, B., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Ihme, M. (2015) Sensitivity of soot production to gaseous kinetic models in LES of aero-engine combustors, 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion., Avignon, France 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-15-26907, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Ihme, M. }, title = {Sensitivity of soot production to gaseous kinetic models in LES of aero-engine combustors}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion}, address = {Avignon, France}}

Cuenot, B., Riber, E. and Franzelli, B. (2014) Towards the prediction of soot in aero-engine combustors with Large Eddy Simulation, Proceedings of the 2014 summer program., Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA 2014

@conference{PR-CFD-14-23230, author = {Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Franzelli, B. }, title = {Towards the prediction of soot in aero-engine combustors with Large Eddy Simulation}, year = {2014}, address = {Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 summer program}}

Riber, E. (2014) Large Eddy Simulation of aeroengines fueled by airblast injectors - invited conference, Investigation of assisted atomization in industrial application workshop., ONERA TOULOUSE, France 2014

@conference{PR-CFD-14-23502, author = {Riber, E. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of aeroengines fueled by airblast injectors - invited conference}, year = {2014}, address = {ONERA TOULOUSE, France}, booktitle = {Investigation of assisted atomization in industrial application workshop}}

Zhu, M., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Bodart, J. and Poinsot, Th. (2014) Wall-resolved Large Eddy Simulation in refinery ribbed pipes, Proceedings of the 2014 summer program., Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA 2014

@conference{PR-CFD-14-23589, author = {Zhu, M. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Bodart, J. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Wall-resolved Large Eddy Simulation in refinery ribbed pipes}, year = {2014}, address = {Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 summer program}}

Chaussonnet, G., Riber, E., Vermorel, O., Cuenot, B., Gepperth, S. and Koch, R. (2013) Large eddy simulation of a prefilming airblast atomizer, 25th european conference on liquid atomization and spray systems., Chania, Greece 2013
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-13-23197, author = {Chaussonnet, G. and Riber, E. and Vermorel, O. and Cuenot, B. and Gepperth, S. and Koch, R. }, title = {Large eddy simulation of a prefilming airblast atomizer}, year = {2013}, address = {Chania, Greece}, booktitle = {25th european conference on liquid atomization and spray systems}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_13_59.pdf}}

Cordier, M., Vandel, A., Renou, B., Cabot, G., Boukhalfa, M.A., Esclapez, L., Barré, D., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. (2013) Experimental and numerical analysis of an ignition sequence in a multiple-injectors burner, Asme turbo expo 2013., San Antonio, Texas, USA 2013

@conference{PR-CFD-13-23203, author = {Cordier, M. and Vandel, A. and Renou, B. and Cabot, G. and Boukhalfa, M.A. and Esclapez, L. and Barr´{e}, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. }, title = {Experimental and numerical analysis of an ignition sequence in a multiple-injectors burner}, year = {2013}, address = {San Antonio, Texas, USA}, booktitle = {Asme turbo expo 2013}}

Cuenot, B., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Riber, E., Staffelbach, G., Vermorel, O., Dauptain, A., Duchaine, F. and Poinsot, Th. (2013) Simulations aux Grandes Echelles: instabilités thermo-acoustiques, combustion diphasique et couplages multi-physiques - invited conference, 21 ième congrès français de mécanique - bordeaux, france. 2013
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-13-23224, author = {Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Riber, E. and Staffelbach, G. and Vermorel, O. and Dauptain, A. and Duchaine, F. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Simulations aux Grandes Echelles: instabilit´{e}s thermo-acoustiques, combustion diphasique et couplages multi-physiques - invited conference}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {21 i`{e}me congr`{e}s franc{c}ais de m´{e}canique - bordeaux, france}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_13_68.pdf}}

Paulhiac, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2013) Large Eddy Simulation of a lab-scale spray burner, ILASS Europe 2013, 25th European Conference., Chania, Greece, 9 2013

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-13-2, author = {Paulhiac, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of a lab-scale spray burner}, year = {2013}, month = {9}, booktitle = {ILASS Europe 2013, 25th European Conference}, address = {Chania, Greece}}

Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B., Staffelbach, G., Vermorel, O., Riber, E., Dauptain, A. and Poinsot, T. (2013) Simulation en combustion diphasique turbulente: codes, formation, diffusion chez les industriels, calculs HPC - GENCI, PRACE, INCITE - invited conference, JOURNÉE CFD EQUIP@MESO 2013. CORIA, UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN, 5 2013
[bibtex] [url]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-13-4, author = {Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Staffelbach, G. and Vermorel, O. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {Simulation en combustion diphasique turbulente: codes, formation, diffusion chez les industriels, calculs HPC - GENCI, PRACE, INCITE - invited conference}, year = {2013}, month = {5}, booktitle = {JOURNÉE CFD EQUIP@MESO 2013}, organization = {CORIA}, address = { UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN}, abstract = {Dans le cadre des actions d'animation scientifique de l'équipement d'excellence Equip@meso, un colloque intitulé "Mécanique des fluides numérique intensive : méthodes et nouvelles applications" est organisé, le 16 mai 2013, au CRIHAN (salle de conférence du CORIA ou amphithéâtre de l'Université de Rouen en fonction du nombre d'inscrits). Méthodes de calcul haute performance et nouveaux enjeux scientifiques seront présentés par des chercheurs en mécanique des fluides, utilisateurs des mésocentres Equip@meso}, url = {http://equipameso-cfd2013.crihan.fr/doku.php?id=resumecerfacs}}

Rochoux, M., Cuenot, B., Riber, E., Veynante, D. and Darabiha, N. (2013) Turbulent combustion simulations of a laboratory-scale fire propagation, Numerical Simulation of Forest Fires, from Combustion to Emissions., Cargèse, France, 5 2013

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-13-13, author = {Rochoux, M. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. and Veynante, D. and Darabiha, N. }, title = {Turbulent combustion simulations of a laboratory-scale fire propagation}, year = {2013}, month = {5}, booktitle = {Numerical Simulation of Forest Fires, from Combustion to Emissions}, address = {Cargèse, France}}

Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B., Staffelbach, G., Vermorel, O., Riber, E., Dauptain, A., Duchaine, F., Gourdain, N., Sicot, F. and Poinsot, Th. (2012) CERFACS state-of-the-art and recent investigations for temperature predictions in turbo-machineries - invited conference, Conference on high fidelity simulations of combustion turbine systems., GE RC Niskayuna, NY, USA 2012
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-12-23326, author = {Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Staffelbach, G. and Vermorel, O. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Duchaine, F. and Gourdain, N. and Sicot, F. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {CERFACS state-of-the-art and recent investigations for temperature predictions in turbo-machineries - invited conference}, year = {2012}, address = {GE RC Niskayuna, NY, USA}, booktitle = {Conference on high fidelity simulations of combustion turbine systems}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_12_44.pdf}}

Hannebique, G., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2012) Structure de flamme diphasique euler/lagrange dans la chambre MERCATO, Crct 2012., Cerfacs, Toulouse France 2012
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-12-23353, author = {Hannebique, G. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Structure de flamme diphasique euler/lagrange dans la chambre MERCATO}, year = {2012}, address = {Cerfacs, Toulouse France}, booktitle = {Crct 2012}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_12_21.pdf}}

Masi, E., Sierra, P., Simonin, O., Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. (2012) Algebraic-closure-based moment method for unsteady eulerian simulation of particle-laden turbulent flows in very dilute regime and high stokes numbers - Invited plenary conference, International conference on numerical methods in multiphase flow - invited plenary conference., The Pennsylvania State University, USA 2012

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-12-23412, author = {Masi, E. and Sierra, P. and Simonin, O. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. }, title = {Algebraic-closure-based moment method for unsteady eulerian simulation of particle-laden turbulent flows in very dilute regime and high stokes numbers - Invited plenary conference}, year = {2012}, address = {The Pennsylvania State University, USA}, booktitle = {International conference on numerical methods in multiphase flow - invited plenary conference}}

Trouvé, A., Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. (2012) Numerical modeling of the deposition of combustion-generated soot particles on cold wall surfaces, Proceedings of the 2012 summer program., Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA 2012
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-12-23564, author = {Trouv´{e}, A. and Cuenot, B. and Riber, E. }, title = {Numerical modeling of the deposition of combustion-generated soot particles on cold wall surfaces}, year = {2012}, pages = {419 - 428}, address = {Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 summer program}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_12_75.pdf}}

Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. (2012) Utilisation de la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (LES) pour la prédiction de l'allumage et de la probabilité d'allumage dans les chambres de combustion - invited conference, Journée thématique du GFC : procédés d'allumage., 5 Avril 2012, IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France 2012

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-12-26888, author = {Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. }, title = {Utilisation de la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (LES) pour la prédiction de l'allumage et de la probabilité d'allumage dans les chambres de combustion - invited conference}, year = {2012}, booktitle = {Journée thématique du GFC : procédés d'allumage}, address = {5 Avril 2012, IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France}}

Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. (2012) Utilisation de la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (LES) pour la prédiction de l'allumage et de la probabilité d'allumage dans les chambres de combustion aéronautiques, Journée thématique du GFC : procédés d'allumage., IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France 2012

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-12-26909, author = {Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. }, title = {Utilisation de la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (LES) pour la prédiction de l'allumage et de la probabilité d'allumage dans les chambres de combustion aéronautiques}, year = {2012}, booktitle = {Journée thématique du GFC : procédés d'allumage}, address = {IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France}}

Franzelli, B., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2011) Impact of the chemical description on a Large Eddy Simulation of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, 3ème colloque inca., ONERA Toulouse, France 2011
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-11-20908, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Impact of the chemical description on a Large Eddy Simulation of a lean partially premixed swirled flame}, year = {2011}, address = {ONERA Toulouse, France}, booktitle = {3`{e}me colloque inca}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_104.pdf}}

Auzillon, P., Riber, E., Gicquel, L.Y.M., Gicquel, O., Darabiha, N., Veynante, D. and Fiorina, B. (2011) Numerical investigation of a helicopter combustion chamber using LES and tabulated chemistry, 3ème colloque INCA., ONERA Toulouse 2011

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-11-23151, author = {Auzillon, P. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Gicquel, O. and Darabiha, N. and Veynante, D. and Fiorina, B. }, title = {Numerical investigation of a helicopter combustion chamber using LES and tabulated chemistry}, year = {2011}, address = {ONERA Toulouse}, booktitle = {3ème colloque INCA}}

Dauptain, A., Frichet, G., Duchaine, F., Riber, E., Dejean, G. and Poinsot, T. (2011) Transferring Large Eddy Simulation tools from laboratories experts to industry users: a challenge for the INCA community, 3ème colloque INCA., ONERA Toulouse, France 2011
[bibtex] [url]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-11-23240, author = {Dauptain, A. and Frichet, G. and Duchaine, F. and Riber, E. and Dejean, G. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {Transferring Large Eddy Simulation tools from laboratories experts to industry users: a challenge for the INCA community}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {3ème colloque INCA}, address = {ONERA Toulouse, France}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_112.pdf}}

Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B., Staffelbach, G., Vermorel, O., Riber, E., Dauptain, A. and Poinsot, Th. (2011) Panel session 4-34 - LES modeling of combustors: CERFACS perspective - invited conference, Asme turbo-expo., Vancouver, Canada 2011
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-11-23323, author = {Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Staffelbach, G. and Vermorel, O. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Panel session 4-34 - LES modeling of combustors: CERFACS perspective - invited conference}, year = {2011}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, booktitle = {Asme turbo-expo}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_52.pdf}}

Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B., Staffelbach, G., Vermorel, O., Riber, E., Dauptain, A., Duchaine, F. and Poinsot, Th. (2011) LES modeling and sensitivity issues - implications on the prediction and flame dynamics - invited conference, Ge global research symposium on LES of turbulent reacting flows for GT design., Niskayuna, NY, USA 2011

@conference{PR-CFD-11-23325, author = {Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Staffelbach, G. and Vermorel, O. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Duchaine, F. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {LES modeling and sensitivity issues - implications on the prediction and flame dynamics - invited conference}, year = {2011}, address = {Niskayuna, NY, USA}, booktitle = {Ge global research symposium on LES of turbulent reacting flows for GT design}}

Hannebique, G., Sierra, P., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2011) Large Eddy Simulation of reactive two-phase flow in aeronautical multipoint burner, 7th mediterranean combustion symposium - september 11-15., Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 2011
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-11-23351, author = {Hannebique, G. and Sierra, P. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of reactive two-phase flow in aeronautical multipoint burner}, year = {2011}, address = {Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy}, booktitle = {7th mediterranean combustion symposium - september 11-15}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_36.pdf}}

Hannebique, G., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2011) Ignition probability from Lagrangian computations in the MERCATO bench: comparison with Eulerian simulations, 3ème colloque inca., ONERA Toulouse 2011

@conference{PR-CFD-11-23352, author = {Hannebique, G. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Ignition probability from Lagrangian computations in the MERCATO bench: comparison with Eulerian simulations}, year = {2011}, address = {ONERA Toulouse}, booktitle = {3`{e}me colloque inca}}

Hernandez-Vera, I., Lecocq, G., Poitou, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2011) Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation, 3ème colloque inca., ONERA Toulouse 2011
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-11-23356, author = {Hernandez-Vera, I. and Lecocq, G. and Poitou, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation}, year = {2011}, address = {ONERA Toulouse}, booktitle = {3`{e}me colloque inca}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_107.pdf}}

Lecocq, G., Hernandez-Vera, I., Poitou, D., Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. (2011) Soot prediction by Large-Eddy Simulation of complex geometry combustion chambers, 3ème colloque inca., ONERA, Toulouse 2011
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-11-23395, author = {Lecocq, G. and Hernandez-Vera, I. and Poitou, D. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Soot prediction by Large-Eddy Simulation of complex geometry combustion chambers}, year = {2011}, address = {ONERA, Toulouse}, booktitle = {3`{e}me colloque inca}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_11_105.pdf}}

Gicquel, L.Y.M., Cuenot, B., Staffelbach, G., Riber, E., Dauptain, A., Gourdain, N., Montagnac, M., Boussuge, J.-F., Gazaix, M. and Poinsot, Th. (2010) High performance computing of industrial flows: application to aeronautic and propulsion challenges - invited conference, 1st workshop on Complex Fluid Dynamics., Kaust campus, Saudi Arabia 2010
[bibtex] [url]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-10-23319, author = {Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Cuenot, B. and Staffelbach, G. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Gourdain, N. and Montagnac, M. and Boussuge, J.-F. and Gazaix, M. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {High performance computing of industrial flows: application to aeronautic and propulsion challenges - invited conference}, year = {2010}, address = {Kaust campus, Saudi Arabia}, booktitle = {1st workshop on Complex Fluid Dynamics}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_10_21.pdf}}

Masi, E., Riber, E., Sierra, P., Simonin, O. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. (2010) Modeling the random uncorrelated velocity stress tensor for unsteady particle eulerian simulation in turbulent flows, 7th international conference on multiphase flow., Tampa, Floride USA 2010
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-10-23411, author = {Masi, E. and Riber, E. and Sierra, P. and Simonin, O. and Gicquel, L.Y.M. }, title = {Modeling the random uncorrelated velocity stress tensor for unsteady particle eulerian simulation in turbulent flows}, year = {2010}, address = {Tampa, Floride USA}, booktitle = {7th international conference on multiphase flow}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_10_147.pdf}}

Garcia, M., Riber, E., Simonin, O. and Poinsot, Th. (2007) Comparison between euler/euler and euler/lagrange les approaches for confined bluff-body gas-solid flow, International conference on multiphase flow., Liepzig, Germany 2007
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-07-23307, author = {Garcia, M. and Riber, E. and Simonin, O. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Comparison between euler/euler and euler/lagrange les approaches for confined bluff-body gas-solid flow}, year = {2007}, pages = {}, address = {Liepzig, Germany}, booktitle = {International conference on multiphase flow}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_07_80.pdf}}

Riber, E., Garcia, M., Moureau, V., Pitsch, H., Simonin, O. and Poinsot, Th. (2006) Evaluation of numerical strategies for LES of two-phase reacting flows, Proceedings of the summer program., Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA 2006

@conference{PR-CFD-06-21463, author = {Riber, E. and Garcia, M. and Moureau, V. and Pitsch, H. and Simonin, O. and Poinsot, Th. }, title = {Evaluation of numerical strategies for LES of two-phase reacting flows}, year = {2006}, pages = {197 - 211}, address = {Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES, Stanford University, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the summer program}}

Riber, E., Moreau, M., Simonin, O. and Cuenot, B. (2006) Development of Euler-Euler LES approach for gas-particle turbulent jet flow, Asme - 2nd joint u.s.-european fluids engineering summer meeting collocated with the 14th international conference on nuclear engineering (fedsm2006)., Miami, Florida - USA 2006

@conference{PR-CFD-06-23500, author = {Riber, E. and Moreau, M. and Simonin, O. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Development of Euler-Euler LES approach for gas-particle turbulent jet flow}, year = {2006}, pages = {}, address = {Miami, Florida - USA}, booktitle = {Asme - 2nd joint u.s.-european fluids engineering summer meeting collocated with the 14th international conference on nuclear engineering (fedsm2006)}}

Cuenot, B., Boileau, M., Pascaud, S., Mossa, J.-B., Riber, E., Poinsot, T. and Bérat, C. (2006) Large Eddy Simulation of two-phase reacting flows, ECCOMAS CFD 2006., Egmond Aan Zee, The Netherlands, 9 2006
[bibtex] [url]

@CONFERENCE{PR-CFD-06-1, author = {Cuenot, B. and Boileau, M. and Pascaud, S. and Mossa, J.-B. and Riber, E. and Poinsot, T. and Bérat, C. }, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of two-phase reacting flows}, year = {2006}, month = {9}, booktitle = {ECCOMAS CFD 2006}, volume = {CD-ROM }, number = {session 474}, pages = {1-19}, isbn = { 90-9020970-0}, address = {Egmond Aan Zee, The Netherlands}, abstract = {Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is now recognized as an efficient numerical tool to predict gaseous combustion in industrial burners, and a number of examples of applications can be found in the literature. In these examples, the accuracy and the predictive capacity of LES are clearly demonstrated, even for unsteady phenomena. However most industrial burners are fed with liquid fuel and require the description of droplets dispersion, evaporation and burning. The presence of liquid fuel strongly modifies the fuel vapor distribution in the chamber, leading to different flame ignition and stabilisation processes, as well as different flame structures. Extending the LES technique to two-phase reacting flow is therefore crucial to capture and predict the behavior of such burners. This has been done in the code AVBP, coupling an eulerian solver for the liquid spray with a LES solver for the gas flow. This approach allows to work on unstructured grids and therefore to calculate the flow in complex geometries. In the present paper, the main steps of the extension of LES to two-phase flow are described and an example of validation is given. Then the solver is applied to the Vesta combustor of Turbomeca, composed of 18 main burners ignited by two pilot flames. This illustrates the capacity of LES to compute complex two-phase reacting flows in transient regimes. To demonstrate LES efficiency, some results will be shown for a calculation done on the IBM supercomputer BlueGene/L - cited by TOP500 as the world's fastest machine - where the use of 2048 parallel processors has enabled to start computing on the full combustor domain (i.e. 18 main injectors + 2 pilot flames).}, url = {http://proceedings.fyper.com/eccomascfd2006/}}

Riber, E., Moreau, M., Simonin, O. and Cuenot, B. (2005) Towards Large Eddy Simulation of non-homogeneous particle laden turbulent gas flows using euler-euler approach, 11th workshop on two-phase flow predictions., Merseburg, Germany 2005
[bibtex] [url]

@conference{PR-CFD-05-23499, author = {Riber, E. and Moreau, M. and Simonin, O. and Cuenot, B. }, title = {Towards Large Eddy Simulation of non-homogeneous particle laden turbulent gas flows using euler-euler approach}, year = {2005}, address = {Merseburg, Germany}, booktitle = {11th workshop on two-phase flow predictions}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_05_28.pdf}}


Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. (2019) Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, p.899-936
[bibtex] [url]

@BOOK{BK-CFD-19-166, author = {Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {Computer Aided Chemical Engineering}, year = {2019}, chaptertitle = {Introducing chemical kinetics into Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent reacting flows}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {45}, chapter = {Chapter 19}, pages = {899-936}, isbn = {9780444640871}, edition = {Editors:Tiziano Faravelli, Flavio Manenti, Eliseo Ranzi}, abstract = {Today code performances and sophisticated models for turbulent combustion allow to accurately predict flames in complex geometries. The request for more environmentally-friendly combustion systems calls now for the accurate description of chemistry, which drives pollutant emissions, but also the impact of alternative fuels or ignition capabilities. To do so, one promising approach is the so-called ARC-LES, where the chemistry is described with analytically reduced chemistry (ARC) and the turbulent combustion is modeled in the large eddy simulation (LES) framework. ARC-LES realizes an excellent compromise between accuracy and computing cost, as ARC retains the most important chemical paths and LES directly resolves the most important turbulent scales. In this chapter, the ARC concept is described in detail. After explaining the method of derivation of ARC schemes, several examples of application to turbulent flames show that ARC-LES well captures the turbulence-chemistry interaction in complex flows, and leads to very good predictions of the flame structure and emissions.}, keywords = {Chemistry, Combustion, Gas turbines, Large eddy simulation, Pollutants, Soot, Turbulence}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-64087-1.00019-X}}

Gicquel, L.Y.M., Vermorel, O., Duchaine, F., Riber, E., Dauptain, A., Staffelbach, G., Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. (2013) Best Practice Guidelines in Computational Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent combustion, ERCOFTAC

@BOOK{BK-CFD-13-3, author = {Gicquel, L.Y.M. and Vermorel, O. and Duchaine, F. and Riber, E. and Dauptain, A. and Staffelbach, G. and Cuenot, B. and Poinsot, T. }, title = {Best Practice Guidelines in Computational Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent combustion}, year = {2013}, month = {2}, chaptertitle = {Gas Turbine and Industrial Burners}, publisher = {ERCOFTAC}, chapter = {4}}


Franzelli, B., Riber, E., Cuenot, B., Chen, J.H. and Richardson, E. (2014) Validity of reduced chemical modelling for numerical simulation of turbulent premixed flames, CERFACS, Toulouse, technical report

@TECHREPORT{TR-CFD-14-20911, author = {Franzelli, B. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Chen, J.H. and Richardson, E. }, title = {Validity of reduced chemical modelling for numerical simulation of turbulent premixed flames}, year = {2014}, institution = {CERFACS, Toulouse}, type = {technical report}}

Riber, E., Moureau, V., Garcia, M., Poinsot, T. and Simonin, O. (2007) Evaluation of numerical strategies for Large Eddy Simulation of particulate two-phase recirculating flows, Cerfacs, technical report
[bibtex] [url]

@TECHREPORT{TR-CFD-07-23501, author = {Riber, E. and Moureau, V. and Garcia, M. and Poinsot, T. and Simonin, O. }, title = {Evaluation of numerical strategies for Large Eddy Simulation of particulate two-phase recirculating flows}, year = {2007}, institution = {Cerfacs}, month = {12}, type = {technical report}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_07_135.pdf}}

Riber, E. (2003) Modélisation et calcul de jets diphasiques - rapport de fin d' études, Cerfacs, enseeiht
[bibtex] [url]

@techreport{TR-CFD-03-21461, author = {Riber, E. }, title = {Mod´{e}lisation et calcul de jets diphasiques - rapport de fin d´ ´{e}tudes}, year = {2003}, institution = {Cerfacs}, month = {6}, type = {enseeiht}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/~cfdbib/repository/TR_CFD_03_72.pdf}}

Riber, E. (2003) Modélisation et calcul de jets diphasiques - rapport de DEA, Cerfacs, hydraulique et mécaniques des fluides - institut national polytechnique de toulouse

@techreport{TR-CFD-03-21462, author = {Riber, E. }, title = {Mod´{e}lisation et calcul de jets diphasiques - rapport de DEA}, year = {2003}, institution = {Cerfacs}, month = {8}, type = {hydraulique et m´{e}caniques des fluides - institut national polytechnique de toulouse}}

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