SIMAC Project is one of the six success stories of the 2014th PRACE annual report
16 July 2015
The project SIMAC (Simulation of Ignition Mechanisms in Annuar multi-injectors Combustors and comparison with experiments) carried out by CERFACS and EM2C was selected by PRACE among the 8 success stories in the 2014 annual report (). For the very first time, Large Eddy Simulation of the ignition of an annular combustion chamber has been validated in details by comparison with measurements of ignition in a transparent annular burner at EM2C (MICCA). Ignition being critical in the design of more efficient aeronautical burners, the results of this project will be used to improve the capacity of ignition and re-ignition of future burners.
2015 Numerical Simulation Trophy “collaboration” awarded to Cerfacs and Turbomeca
30 June 2015

The « méthodes » group from TURBOMECA (led by L. Pons) and the CFD - combustion group from CERFACS (led by T. Poinsot) have recently actively collaborated to improve the design and life duration of helicopter engines. Indeed in light of the ever increasing environmental constraints and current needs for ever more performant engines, being able to accurately predict the temperature levels entering the turbine stage becomes a key design constraint. Not only are the hot gas issued by the combustion process in the combustor still increasing, but their temperature now well overshoots the melting temperature withstood by existing materials of such engines. In an effort to improve the quality of the predictions issued by existing tools on this issue, CERFACS’ team with the collaboration of the TURBOMECA team have supported multiple research projects (funded by RTRA, Europe…) to propose a CFD solution constructed around CERFACS’ code that is AVBP. From this active collaboration, recognized here by Teratec, has emerged a tool called TurboAVBP that can at once simulate the combustion chamber and the turbine stage thereby giving access to the entire spacial and temporal description of the flow field as well as its temperature level in the real engine geometry. Constructed from the most advanced CFD research solutions, this tool hence allows to significantly improve the prediction quality of the next generation of engines at the design stage and provides a significant advantage to SAFRAN group in comparaison to its concurrents. Link on l’Usine Digitale site :