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IMFT and CERFACS  obtain a third ERC advanced grant on H2 combustion together: SELECT-H

  18 April 2023

Pr Thierry SCHULLER (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, UPS) has obtained a new advanced grant from the European Research Council called SELECT-H. This grant will gather IMFT and CERFACS researchers to explore hydrogen combustion, starting in october 2023 for five years. The project committee will gather Pr T. Schuller (IMFT), Dr L. Gicquel (CERFACS) and Dr T. Poinsot (IMFT/CERFACS). This is the third joint ERC for IMFT and CERFACS, a unique accomplishment in this field.

Sparse Days Meeting 2023

  7 April 2023

Sparse Days Meeting 2023  🗓️ 19-20 June 2023  @ Cerfacs, France 🌐

CERFACS participation in the European Aviation Safey Agency (EASA) Conference

  5 April 2023

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) organized a conference aimed at strengthening exchanges with academia on R&I topics that could, in the near future, change the world of aviation, contribute to the development of European industry, and address new regulatory challenges for aviation authorities. The conference was held in Cologne, Germany, on 23 and 24 March and brought together PhD students and other academic representatives with EASA experts and stakeholders, government and European research institutions.Three PhD students from the GLOBC team were invited to the conference to present their findings on the impact of climate change on aviation (ICCA), an active research topic at CERFACS and one of EASA's most important concerns. Victoria Gallardo (4th year) and Suzanne Salles (2nd year) study the impact of rising temperatures on aircraft take-off, whereas Mohamed Foudad (3rd year) focuses on the impact of global warming on clear-air turbulence. Suzanne Salles received the Young Doctoral Student Award for an invitation to visit EASA to work on her topic. More details in: 

Cerfacs’ envolved into TRACCS project

  4 April 2023

Several Cerfacs researchers and engineers are participating in the national research program TRACCS which was officially launched last Wednesday at the CNRS headquarters in Paris.The TRACCS program (Transforming Climate Modelling for Climate Services) is one of the winners of the second wave of the call for proposals for Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR) aimed at consolidating key scientific fields for the technological, economic, social or environmental transformations underway. TRACCS joins the FairCarbon and OneWater programs, selected in 2021, and IRIMa, selected in the summer of 2022, which focus respectively on the carbon cycle, the water cycle and risks.TRACCS is jointly led by CNRS and Météo-France and will receive €51 million in funding over the period 2023-2030 as part of the France 2030 investment plan. It involves other French research players, including the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the Institute of Research for Development (IRD), CERFACS, Grenoble Alpes University, Sorbonne University, Paris-Saclay University and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

ENSO complexity controlled by zonal shifts in the Walker circulation 

  4 April 2023

The El Niño Southern Oscillation is the dominant climate mode in the tropics but remains unpredictable due to strong variations in the heating zones of the tropical Pacific ocean among different El Niño events. Based on a theoretical approach, two researchers from CECI/CERFACS have shown that this diversity can be explained by the zonal (i.e. longitudinal) displacements of the background circulation of the Pacific or so-called Walker circulation. The work has been carried out within the framework of the ANR ARISE project and results have just been published in the journal Nature Geosciences ( also:  results open new avenues to better understand the biases of current climate models as well as the evolution of the El Niño Southern Oscillation with climate change.

“Hydrogen week” at CERFACS and IMFT

  29 March 2023

Week 13 was a strong hydrogen activity in Toulouse: - Pr Heinz Pitsch (RWTH Aachen) gave a talk on  the fundamentals of hydrogen combustion on the 28th with more than 100 attendants - Dr Andrea Aniello presented his PhD on the 29th on: "Experimental and numerical assessment of H2 combustion potential: extreme events in laminar premixed burners and flame stability in non-premixed swirled injectors" IMFT and CERFACS continue to develop an intense joint work on hydrogen flames, initiated during the ERC advanced grant SCIROCCO (cerfacs.fr/scirocco) and continued through multiple collaborations with SAFRAN, AIRBUS and other companies.

Young PhD day (JDD2023@Cerfacs) – 23/05/2023

  28 March 2023

Ph.D. Students' Day (JDD 2023) @   Tuesday 23 may 2023   Face to Face Event open to our partners and associates on registration  

ISAF project : To accelerate the transition to SAFs, SAFRAN and CERFACS have together obtained an allocation of 44 million CPU hours on the LUMI-C super-computer as part of the EuroHPC Regular Access call in November 2022.

  11 March 2023

The objective of the ISAF project is to study the impact of SAFs (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) on engine operation and pollutant emissions, using high-fidelity Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The methodology developed at CERFACS combines Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) with a multi-component evaporation model to capture the effect of fuel. The target configurations range from academic burners (CRSB at CORIA, SSB at DLR Stuttgart), to isolated industrial injection systems (MICADO at ONERA, HERON at CORIA) and complete annular combustor configurations (BEARCAT at SAFRAN, NTNU test bench).

A CERFACS article distinguished in Scilight (https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0017474)

  9 March 2023

The recently published paper in Physics of Plasma: "3D particle-in-cell study of the electron drift instability in a Hall Thruster using unstructured grids," by W. Villafana, B. Cuenot, and O. Vermorel ( attracted the attention of Scilight (), whose goal is to present the most interesting research in the physical sciences published in AIP journals."


  21 February 2023

Purpose of workshop Take advantage of architectures with new programming paradigms In recent years computation has been exposed to a widely growing heterogeneity of the types of used devices and their manufacturers. This trend is driven by the specialisation of devices to fit the needs of specific workloads, which in turn is the strategy to satisfy the ever-growing demand in compute power. Heterogeneity is present in both high-performance computing and consumer electronics. Today's systems use a multitude of co-processors and accelerators, such as GPUs, TPUs, and FPGAs, in addition to the traditional CPU. However, there isn't a simple, portable and efficient method to develop for these systems. Intel oneAPI (SYCL implementation) aims to fill this role. Getting the maximum achievable performance out of today’s hardware is a fine balance between optimal use of underlying hardware features and using code that is portable, easily maintainable, and power-efficient. These factors don't necessarily work in tandem. They require prioritizing based on user needs. It's non-trivial for users to maintain separate code bases for different architectures. A standard, simplified programming model that can run seamlessly on scalar, vector, matrix, and spatial architectures will give developers greater productivity through increased code reuse and reduced training investment. People Researchers and engineers with HPC knowledge Dates 28, 29, 30 March 2023 Duration 3 days with sessions training Program is available here Registration Free but Mandatory, please send an email to dast@cerfacs.fr   The workshop takes place at CERFACS  and course language is French and english.

CFD for combustion safety – conference at CERFACS, March 21st.

  9 February 2023

The CFD for Combustion Safety meeting will take place at CERFACS. Registration is free here: The objective of the meeting is to gather experts in the field of simulations of safety scenarios associated to combustion (fires, explosions, flame-wall interactions, inhibition...), to exchange information and build collaborations on the fundamentals of combustion safety. The web site is :

Safran R&T prize

  6 January 2023

Congratulations to Thibault Duranton for his award for the best presentation in 180s, in the Aerodynamics and Combustion category, at the Safran AE R&T Day on January 5, 2023, for his thesis entitled "Advanced modeling of multi-perforated plates for large-scale simulations of new-generation aircraft engines".