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New regional climate projections for metropolitan France

  11 February 2021

Cerfacs collaborated with Météo France and the Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL) to produce the DRIAS climate dataset, which presents a wide range of possible climate changes for metropolitan France for three periods of the 21st century (2021-2050, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100) and three greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Liens : .pdf

New research group “Theory and Climate”

  1 February 2021

CECI is involved in the development of a new research group (GDR for “Groupement De Recherche”) entitled “Theory and Climate”. This GDR aims at bringing together the entire community of theorists (mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, data scientists, etc.) working on climate sciences, with the goal of developing and sharing innovative concepts and tools relevant for a better understanding of climate dynamics. This GDR is interdisciplinary and involves several CNRS research institutes as well as most of French organizations working in these fields. CECI plans to contribute to issues related to climate dynamics and applied mathematics such as data assimilation and machine learning. Moreover, there are strong links between this GDR and the LEFE-INSU actions, in which CECI researchers are active (LEFE-IMAGO and LEFE-MANU actions). More information here:

Swings oceanographic campaign

  11 January 2021

Christophe Cassou, a researcher at the Cerfacs/CNRS joint laboratory (CECI: Climate, Environment, Couplings and Uncertainties) will take part in the Swings oceanographic campaign, involving 48 scientists and led by two CNRS researchers. It will take place in the Southern Ocean on board the Marion Dufresne II of the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF), operated by Ifremer, from 11 January to 8 March. 2 months sea explore southen oceans

Best wishes 2021 !

  5 January 2021

Cerfacs wishes you all the best for this new year 2021!

SPOC’s participation record

  9 December 2020

Cerfacs is pleased to announce a new record of participation in these SPOCs: 50 people participated in the SPOC Turbulent Numerical Combustion, November 2020 session. Thank you for your confidence.

Trophy of the Digital Simulation and Artificial intelligence 2020 – Co design category

  27 October 2020

The "Usine Digitale" magazine and Teratec awarded the Digital Simulation and Artificial intelligence Trophy 2020 category co-design to our joint project about the first LES of a full engine with Akira Tech and Safran. More information on Acknowledgments: these results are part of the ATOM project led by SafranTech which received funding from the DGAC, French Civil Aviation Authority, and Safran under grant agreement No 2018-39.

Young PhD day (JDD) – Thursday 8 October 2020

  24 September 2020

  Ph.D. Students' Day (JDD 2020) Thursday 8 October 2020 Virtual event open to our partners and associates   Planning   The 2020 edition of the PhD Students' Day will take place on October 8th, 2020. This year, this day of the PhD students of the Cerfacs, will take place mainly in visio in order to respect all the health safety measures relating to Covid-19. This day will be held in a virtual way through oral presentations filmed and broadcast on a private link, which we will distribute to all participants. Everyone will thus be able to discover at a distance the subjects developed by the doctoral students. At the same time, the "Posters session" will be opened on the morning of the JDD, by sending all the posters in pdf format by e-mail to all the participants for consultation, and by opening the "50-minute question session" on a channel whose links we will send you. This will allow participants to ask questions about the posters of the session. Finally, we have included in this 5th edition a great novelty, by allowing several students to present their subject in the popularised form of "My thesis in 3 minutes", guided by Matthieu Pouget, actor and theatre director. This day will end with the vote for the "Best poster" and the "Best presentation of My thesis in 3 minutes". Participation in the event is free of charge. However, for logistical reasons, registration, only by invitation, is mandatory.   Organising Committee:  Scientific committee  Nicolas Venkovic Victor Xing Inscription &  information Jade Schweiger Brigitte Yzel  

Sparse Days 2020, Cerfacs

  24 September 2020

Sparse Days Meeting 2020  23 - 24 November 2020 Virtual Workshop   The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held this year as a virtual event, on 23 - 24 November 2020. Sadly, because of the pandemic, we will not be able to have a normal face-to-face Sparse Days at Cerfacs this year. We will be holding an online version from 3pm to 7pm on 23 and 24 November. The timing is chosen to accommodate participants from North America since, at normal Sparse Days, we have a good representation from there. A registration form  is available on this conference website where you can also submit a title and an abstract for any proposed talk. We will probably be using the Webex system and will post details about how to connect to all people who register.

Cerfacs organises the 5th Workshop on Coupling Technologies

  11 September 2020

CERFACS organises the 5th Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models (CW2020) on September 21st-24th 2020, with one on-line session each day starting at 15h00 (Paris time). Registration is free of charge but is mandatory by filling this form, thank you! Here you can find the links to the Program and Abstracts. The workshop aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners in the field of coupling infrastructure for Earth System Models. This workshop is the fifth in the series, started in 2010 in Toulouse and followed by Boulder USA (2013), Manchester UK (2015), and Princeton USA (2017). This workshop is funded by the EU H2020 IS-ENES3 project

First 360-degrees Large-Eddy Simulation of a full engine

  17 June 2020

Within the PRACE project FULLEST (First fUlL engine computation with Large Eddy SimulaTion), a joint collaboration between CERFACS, SAFRAN and AKIRA technologies, Dr. C. Pérez Arroyo (post doctoral fellow at CERFACS) has carried out under the supervision of Dr. J. Dombard the first high-fidelity simulation of a part of the real engine DGEN380 (for now, from the fan to the combustion chamber). This 360-degrees integrated large-eddy simulation contains around two billion cells on the three instances, carried out with the AVBP code of CERFACS.  The CPU cost is obviously large but still within reach, performing around one turn of fan during 5 days over 14400 skylake cores. Post-treatments are in progress and already show, among other complex phenomena, a strong interaction between the high pressure compressor and the combustion chamber (see forthcoming paper GT2020-16288 C. Pérez Arroyo et al). Below a video showing: in the fan an isosurface at mid-height of the vein colored by the Mach number, in the high pressure compressor a gradient of density, in the bypass of the combustion chamber the static pressure and in the flame tube a temperature field. One of the goals of the project is to create a high-fidelity unsteady database to study interactions between modules and may help other teams to develop new lower order models and/or validate existing ones. Beyond the feasibility and the maturity of the AVBP code, this kind of calculation is an important milestone for the aeronautical industry and would allow to apprehend earlier in the design the effect of integration and installation and thus, to reduce the cycle and therefore the cost of the future aircraft engines. We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to Joliot-Curie (Genci) hosted at CEA/TGCC, FRANCE, Safran Tech and DGAC fundings within the project ATOM, along with the invaluable technical support at CERFACS: Dr. G. Staffelbach, Dr. F. Duchaine, Dr. L. Gicquel, Dr. N. Odier and M. B. Martin. Akira Tech: Dr. T. Quirante and N. Vieira-Nobre. @Safran Helicopter Engines: Dr. S. Richard , Dr. N. Buffaz and Dr G. Exilard. It also benefited from developments done in projects EXCELLERAT (H2020 823691) and EPEEC (H2020 801051). More results to come.. Dr. J. Dombard

B. Cuenot distinguished as Program Chair of international Symposium on Combustion

  29 May 2020

B. Cuenot has been distinguished as Program Chair for the 39th International Symposium on Combustion, to be held in Vancouver (Canada) in 2022. The International Symposium on Combustion is a major event for the combustion community, where the current best research is presented.

The Cerfacs will participate in the French HPC competence centre.

  17 April 2020

The European Commission, via a EuroHPC call for projects, has asked each of the member states to create a National HPC Competence Centre, which will be its sole interlocutor, both to express the needs of users with regard to these new technologies and to accompany them in their implementation. Teratec, Cerfacs and Genci presented their candidature as French HPC Competence Centre which was accepted by the commission. The starting date of the Competence Centre is set for 1 September 2020.