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Decarbonization : simulation of safety scenarios associated to hydrogen leaks.

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Required Education : Master
Start date : 1 February 2024
Mission duration : 6 months
Deadline for applications : 4 January 2024
Salary : 650 Euros/month

CERFACS collaborates with multiple companies in the field of decarbonization to simulate safety scenarios associated to hydrogen leaks. These leaks may be created on purpose (to release pressure from an overheated hydrogen tank) or accidental (after the failure of a duct or of any element in an engine or a furnace). When hydrogen leaks, it mixes with air and can either ignite right away (creating a flame) or ignite later (generating an explosion which can be even worse).

Most companies are interested in the simulation of these scenarios because experiments are too complicated, dangerous and expensive (since the experimental system itself usually can be used only once before needing to be rebuilt). From a scientific point of view, the topic mixes hypersonic jets of hydrogen mixing with air, autoignition, ignition by hot plates, turbulent flame propagation, transition to detonation. In this field, CERFACS recruits multiple PhDs (more than ten are active today at CERFACS on hydrogen flames) and before these PhDs, offer the possibility of a first 6 months experience through training periods at the end of a master cursus. In 2024, two or three such master training periods will be offered for students finishing their masters. To be eligible,  candidates must have experience in CFD and/or combustion as well as a strong background in fluid mechanics. 

Example of explosion simulation: LES of flame propagating in a vessel with obstacles (PhD P. Quillatre)

Example of hydrogen jet flame (PhD of Dr F. Garnier)

Applications must be sent by mail to
