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Seminars at CERFACS

2022′ Seminars

  • Sparse Days Meeting – 20, 21, 22 June 2022 – Website
  • MITCHELL Travis – The phase field lattice Boltzmann method and its efficient implementation on multi-GPU architectures with TCLB 24 June 2022

2021′ Seminars

  • MOUNAÏM-ROUSSEILLE Christine – Ammonia as fuel: where are we? – 09 April 2021
  • TESSIER Catherine – Intégrité scientifique et éthique – 10 January 2021

2020′ Seminars

  • GODAE OceanView Data Assimilation Task Team Workshop – 20-22 January 2020
  • Sébastien Barthélémy – data assimilation – 23 January 2020 – video
  • Sparse Days Meeting – 11 & 12 of June – Past

2019′ Seminars

  • HALL David (Nvidia) – Artificial Intelligence usecases for Weather & Climate – 16 January 2019
  • MIDOU Dorian – From coal combustion to red blood cell modelling: the HPC as a tool in solving complex problems – 28 June 2019
  • Sparse Days Meeting – 11 & 12 of July – Past
  • DUHEM Laurent (INTEL) – “One API” and Intel’s GPGPU Strategy preview – 20 September 2019
  • SEFERIAN Roland (CNRM) – Rapport Spécial du GIEC sur 1,5°C de réchauffement planétaire: une rupture avec les précédents rapport du GIEC ? – 05 December 2019
  • TROUVÉ Arnaud – Simulation of the Coupling Between Combustion and Thermal Radiation in Turbulent Fire Configuration – 17 December 2019

2018′ Seminars

  • COLLET Lila – Villes Résilientes aux Risques Hydrologiques – 08 January 2018
  • BRUEL Jean-Michel et COMBEMALE Benoit – Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles et Domain Specific Languages – Application à la simulation numérique haute-performance – 18 January 2018
  • PETIT Éric et FEVOTTE François – Vérification de la qualité numérique des codes en arithmétique flottantes avec Verificarlo et Verrou – 29 May 2018
  • HESS Olivier (IBM) – IBM Quantum Technology Workshop – 08 June 2018
  • SALTELLI Andrea (Bergen University) – Sensitivity analysis, an introduction – 03 December 2018 (video)

2017′ Seminars

  1. NICOUD Franck – Challenges and Opportunites in Computational Hemodynamics – 09 January 2017 (vidéo)
  2. C.Saudemont et C. Andreolli (INTEL) – Intel HPC Roadmaps – 23 February 2017
  3. JALBY William – DECAN: Differential ANalysis for fine level performance evaluation – 03 March 2017 (vidéo)
  4. HACHEM Elie – Adaptive variational multiscale finite element method for high Reynolds number flows – 17 May 2017 (vidéo)
  5. LAPEYRE Corentin (Cerfacs) – Deep Learning – 27 June 2017 (vidéo)
  6. EXBRAYAT Williams (OMP) – Comment faire efficacement de la bibliographie et de la bibliométrie quand (on n’est pas doué et) qu’on n’a pas le temps ? – 21 May 2019

2016′ Seminars

  1. Zakhar A. Matveev (INTEL) – AVX_AVX-512 Vectorization – 18 May 2016
  2. RÜDE Ulrich – Towards Extreme Scale Simulation – 15 September 2016 (vidéo)
  3. Intel PCC 2016 Fall Forum – 24-27 October 2016
  4. Vincent Baudoui – Robust optimization of a combustion chamber – 04 November 2016 (video)
  5. RÜDE Ulrich – Lattice Boltzmann Methods on the way to exascale – 08 December 2016 (vidéo)






🎓Patrick STREMPFL thesis defence

Wednesday 4 September 2024From 14h00 at 17h00

  Phd Thesis       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





🎓Benjamin VANBERSEL thesis defence

Thursday 5 September 2024From 14h00 at 17h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





🎓 Susanne BAUR thesis defence

Thursday 12 September 2024From 14h00 at 18h00

  Thèses Cerfacs       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France