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Seminars at CERFACS

2022′ Seminars

  • Sparse Days Meeting – 20, 21, 22 June 2022 – Website
  • MITCHELL Travis – The phase field lattice Boltzmann method and its efficient implementation on multi-GPU architectures with TCLB 24 June 2022

2021′ Seminars

  • MOUNAÏM-ROUSSEILLE Christine – Ammonia as fuel: where are we? – 09 April 2021
  • TESSIER Catherine – Intégrité scientifique et éthique – 10 January 2021

2020′ Seminars

  • GODAE OceanView Data Assimilation Task Team Workshop – 20-22 January 2020
  • Sébastien Barthélémy – data assimilation – 23 January 2020 – video
  • Sparse Days Meeting – 11 & 12 of June – Past

2019′ Seminars

  • HALL David (Nvidia) – Artificial Intelligence usecases for Weather & Climate – 16 January 2019
  • MIDOU Dorian – From coal combustion to red blood cell modelling: the HPC as a tool in solving complex problems – 28 June 2019
  • Sparse Days Meeting – 11 & 12 of July – Past
  • DUHEM Laurent (INTEL) – “One API” and Intel’s GPGPU Strategy preview – 20 September 2019
  • SEFERIAN Roland (CNRM) – Rapport Spécial du GIEC sur 1,5°C de réchauffement planétaire: une rupture avec les précédents rapport du GIEC ? – 05 December 2019
  • TROUVÉ Arnaud – Simulation of the Coupling Between Combustion and Thermal Radiation in Turbulent Fire Configuration – 17 December 2019

2018′ Seminars

  • COLLET Lila – Villes Résilientes aux Risques Hydrologiques – 08 January 2018
  • BRUEL Jean-Michel et COMBEMALE Benoit – Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles et Domain Specific Languages – Application à la simulation numérique haute-performance – 18 January 2018
  • PETIT Éric et FEVOTTE François – Vérification de la qualité numérique des codes en arithmétique flottantes avec Verificarlo et Verrou – 29 May 2018
  • HESS Olivier (IBM) – IBM Quantum Technology Workshop – 08 June 2018
  • SALTELLI Andrea (Bergen University) – Sensitivity analysis, an introduction – 03 December 2018 (video)

2017′ Seminars

  1. NICOUD Franck – Challenges and Opportunites in Computational Hemodynamics – 09 January 2017 (vidéo)
  2. C.Saudemont et C. Andreolli (INTEL) – Intel HPC Roadmaps – 23 February 2017
  3. JALBY William – DECAN: Differential ANalysis for fine level performance evaluation – 03 March 2017 (vidéo)
  4. HACHEM Elie – Adaptive variational multiscale finite element method for high Reynolds number flows – 17 May 2017 (vidéo)
  5. LAPEYRE Corentin (Cerfacs) – Deep Learning – 27 June 2017 (vidéo)
  6. EXBRAYAT Williams (OMP) – Comment faire efficacement de la bibliographie et de la bibliométrie quand (on n’est pas doué et) qu’on n’a pas le temps ? – 21 May 2019

2016′ Seminars

  1. Zakhar A. Matveev (INTEL) – AVX_AVX-512 Vectorization – 18 May 2016
  2. RÜDE Ulrich – Towards Extreme Scale Simulation – 15 September 2016 (vidéo)
  3. Intel PCC 2016 Fall Forum – 24-27 October 2016
  4. Vincent Baudoui – Robust optimization of a combustion chamber – 04 November 2016 (video)
  5. RÜDE Ulrich – Lattice Boltzmann Methods on the way to exascale – 08 December 2016 (vidéo)






🎓 Soutenance de Thèse : Susanne BAUR

Thursday 12 September 2024From 14h00 at 18h00

  Thèses Cerfacs       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





Machine learning for data science

From Monday 7 October 2024 to Thursday 10 October 2024






Fundamentals to understand and analyse high fidelity compressible Large Eddy Simulations

From Monday 14 October 2024 to Wednesday 16 October 2024

  Training       Cerfacs, Toulouse, France