Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

Cerfacs is a partner in the EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub) OccitanIA consortium.

  12 December 2023

EDIH OccitanIA is a European project that brings together 14 partners from Occitania and aims to facilitate the digital transition of SMEs in three key sectors: mobility, health and agri-agro. Mr Jean-Christophe JOUHAUD represented Cerfacs at the launch of EDIH OccitanIA on 21 November 2023, as part of the Transfo Digitale Day event. OccitanIA-1Télécharger

Exclusive interview: Catherine Lambert talks to the weekly La Lettre M about space issues in Occitanie

  12 December 2023

"Occitanie hosts a third of France's NewSpace companies". La-lettre-M-hebdoTélécharger

The AVBP code of CERFACS to be used in the Synergy Grant Hyrope

  17 November 2023

The AVBP code of CERFACS to be used in the SYNERGY GRANT HYROPE (IMF Toulouse, ETH Zurich, NTNU Trondheim, TU Darmstadt), accepted by the EU in October 2023 on new high-pressure sequential burners for low carbon power production. HYROPE (Hydrogen Under Pressure) is an ERC Synergy which involves four European partners: James Dawson (NTNU, Trondheim), Andreas Dreizler (TU Darmstadt), Nicolas Noiray (ETH Zurich) and Laurent Selle (IMFT, Toulouse). HYROPE targets high pressure combustion for two low-carbon fuels: hydrogen and ammonia. From an application point of view, HYROPE aims to enable the use of low-carbon fuels for the production of very high power electricity (>500MW) in staged combustion gas turbines.  The AVBP code of CERFACS will be used to perform DNS and LES of all flames tested experimentally during HYROPE, a proof of the place of AVBP in the academic community.

Cerfacs at the “Académie des Sciences” to discuss wildland fires

  6 November 2023

A conference-debate entitled "Modelling and monitoring forest fires" will be held at the Académie des Sciences on December 5th, 2023. Its aim is to provide an overview of scientific research into the characterization, prevention, prediction and remote sensing of wildland fires.Mélanie Rochoux, researcher in the CECI unit at Cerfacs, will talk about new simulation tools such as coupled atmospheric modeling and data assimilation to help better understand and anticipate wildland fire behavior. Her research work is carried out in close collaboration with CNRM/Météo-France, notably as part of the ANR FIREFLY project which has just started. Find out more about the conference-debate program here:


  26 October 2023

Cerfacs participates in the Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence (EoCoE-III), starting in early 2024. The project applies cutting-edge exascale computational methods in its mission to accelerate the transition to the production, storage and management of clean, decarbonized energy. EoCoE-III is anchored in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community and targets research institutes and key commercial players who develop and enable energy-relevant numerical models to be run on exascale supercomputers, demonstrating their benefits for the net-zero energy transition. The project will draw on the experience of two successful previous projects EoCoE-I and -II, where a large set of diverse computer applications from four such energy domains achieved significant efficiency gains thanks to a multidisciplinary expertise in applied mathematics and supercomputing. EoCoE-III channels its efforts into 5 exascale lighthouse applications in the low-carbon sectors of Energy Materials, Water, Wind and Fusion. This multidisciplinary effort will harness innovations in computer science and mathematical algorithms within a tightly integrated co-design approach to overcome performance bottlenecks and to anticipate HPC hardware developments. A world-class consortium of 16 complementary partners forms a unique network of expertise in energy science, scientific computing and HPC, including 3 leading European supercomputing centres. In particular, Cerfacs will take part in the research on fast solvers needed in numerical simulations in the plasma core-edge interactions in ITER-scale tokamaks.

Allons-Y A Vélo (Let’s cycle to work) : bronze medal for Cerfacs once

  10 October 2023

For the 3rd time in 3 years, Cerfacs is on the podium of the "Allons-Y À Vélo" enterprise challenge in its category (100-500 employees) with a bronze medal for its cycling regularity during the  AYAV period (May 29 - June 9 2023). During this period, 39% of Cerfacs employees came to work by bike during at least 5 consecutive days . Details about Allons-Y A Vélo can be found here. This nice success is in-line with Cerfacs participation to the Programme Employeur Pro-Vélo that provided fundings for new bike racks and bicycle repair workshops. In particular, Cerfacs employees benefit from the Forfait Mobilité Durable (FMD), i.e. up to 500 € for cycling to work! 


  10 October 2023

Congratulations to Walter AGOSTINELLI, winner of the Prix Léopold Escande 2022 On September 14, 2023, Walter AGOSTINELLI was awarded the "Prix de thèse Léopold Escande" by Toulouse INP's Research Committee, in recognition of the scientific quality of his thesis topic: "Assessment of Large Eddy Simulation in the Conjugate Heat Transfer context for engine operability: application to Hydrogen enrichment and Spinning Combustion Technology". This research work was carried out at Cerfacs under the supervision of Laurent Gicquel and Gabriel Staffelbach.

CERFACS is part of the FloodDAM-DT project

  28 September 2023

CERFACS is part of the FloodDAM-DT project funded by the Space Climate Observatory (SCO). FloodDAM-DT aims to provide an automated service to reliably detect, monitor, assess and predictfloods on a global scale within a Franco-American collaboration. This Digital Twin development is an international effort to devise an Earth System digital twin based on the water cycle and focused on floods. 

2 projects based on the AVBP code selected for the GENCI 2022 Activity Report

  13 July 2023

To illustrate the work carried out by the Fluid Mechanics committee on GENCI machines in 2022, 2 projects based on AVBP have been selected (): - Simulation of turbulent flows in dense gases at LMFA - Simulation of the impact of Alternative Fuels for Aviation (SAFs) in turbulent spray flames at CERFACS. Thanks to GENCI for access to the calculators beneficing to French research improvement

Two Cerfacs’ talks at Teratec Forum

  4 June 2023

CERFACS participated to the Teratec23 forum on High-Performance computing at the Parc Floral de Paris on May 31st-June 1st, 2023. This forum has welcomed international experts in Super Computing from all sectors of our society, such as Climate and Geosciences. As a leader in the landscape of Digital Simulation, CERFACS has taken part in two workshop sessions. Gabriel Staffelbach (HPC expert, CERFACS) was involved in "Quantum Computing: Future of HPC?" session. Sophie Ricci (Data assimilation expert, CERFACS/CNRS) and Thanh Huy Nguyen (Remote sensing expert, CERFACS/CNRS) were involved in the "HPC for the Earth Sciences, Climate and Environment" workshop. Gabriel Staffelbach delivered an insightful presentation on CERFACS' technology watch initiatives, with a specific focus on harnessing the potential of Quantum computer simulators and Quantum hardware for solving partial differential equations. The presentation highlighted the culmination of collaborative efforts spanning the past three years, involving key partnerships with Eviden (an Atos business) and IBM. In addition to this, CERFACS worked with the LIRMM laboratory to delve into the realm of quantum computing, leveraging their extensive experience in High-Performance Computing (HPC) as a solid foundation. This comprehensive exploration aims to unravel the advantages and drawbacks of quantum computing in the context of solving complex equations. S. Ricci and T. H. Nguyen gave a joint presentation with Raquel Rodriguez-Suquet (CNES, Lab'OT) on the FloodDAM-DT project. FloodDAM-DT (Flood Detection Alert and mapping - Digital Twin) is supported by the Space for Climate Observatory (SCO) program as a follow-up to its precursor FloodDAM within an international French-American cooperation. The international cooperation between CNES SCO FloodDAM-DT and NASA IDEAS project (AIST program) on water-cycle applications to devise an Earth System Digital Twin (ESDT) for alert and flood risk mapping systems at small and global scale to enable researchers and decision-makers to visualize, analyze, and evaluate different scenario outcomes for environmental matters where risk assessment is at stake. In this context, the targeted Digital twin architecture for Hydrology aims at dynamically connecting existing hydrologic/hydrodynamic models and continental water data (in-situ, airborne, remote-sensing (RS) data sources e.g. radar and optical) from both agencies (NASA & CNES) to produce large-scale flood predictions. This work entails a multi-agency effort to establish an extensible open-source platform focused on water resources and flood analysis where test case studies serve as demonstrators.  This 18-month project will result in a Proof-of-Concept showcase where the processing blocks are assembled for the Garonne catchment in France and the Ohio catchment in the US, thus providing access to in-situ and satellite/drone data, flood extent mapping issued from data processing, and data driven modeling as well as associated flood socio-economic risk map.

The Chinese edition of ‘Theoretical and Numerical Combustion' (TNC)  book available

  2 June 2023

The TNC book is a classical textbook for engineers and researchers performing simulations of turbulent reacting flows. Its english version has been available for a long time but now, a Chinese version is also available here :  TNC book is based on many results obtained first at CERFACS in the CFD team. Of course, finding typos is a little bit more difficult for most of us..

Organization of a validation workshop of CFD codes for hydrogen air flames

  5 May 2023

In the framework of CLEAN AVIATION (), a workshop of comparison of there-dimensional CFD codes able to compute hydrogen - air flamesis organized. This workshop will allow experimental data obtained by IMFT, TU Berlin and NTNU Trondheim to be distributed to all CFD groups interested in accessing high precision experimental data in order to test their software. Comparison conferences will take place, starting in november 2023. CAWH2-CLeanAviationWorskhopforH2Télécharger