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CFD Team PhD / HDR Defenses

CFD PhD Defenses 2024

  1. Noun, M.. Prediction and mitigation of cavity instabilities resulting from fluid-structure interactions. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (10/01/2024).
  2. Mocquard, C.. Large Eddy Simulations of afterburner in fighter aircraft engines. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (22/01/2024).
  3. Gentil, Y.. Modélisation du bruit de combustion. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (30/01/2024).
  4. Gianoli, T., Development of a Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Turbomachinery: Towards S-Duct Simulations. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP. Cerfacs. (17/05/2024).
  5. Gioud, T.. Large Eddy Simulations for atomization in subcritical liquid rocket engines. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP. Cerfacs. (27/05/2024).
  6. Duranton, T.. Advanced LES modelling of multiperforated plates for new generation aeronautic engines. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP. Cerfacs. (17/06/2024).
  7. Detomaso, N.. Large Eddy Simulation of Constant Volume Combustion: numerical modeling for turbulent propagating flames in non homogeneous mixtures. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP. Cerfacs. (18/06/2024).
  8. Hok, J. -J.. Modelling strategy for the Large-Eddy Simulation of lean hydrogen-air explosions. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP. Cerfacs. (19/06/2024).
  9. Strempfl, P.. LES of Rotating Detonation Engines: Sensitivity and Physics. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP. Cerfacs. (04/09/2024).
  10. Vanbersel, B.. Adaptive mesh refinement methods for large eddy simulations of gas explosions. PhD Thesis. Cerfacs. (05/09/2024).
  11. Lameloise, E.. Modeling of the formation of soot in gas turbines taking into account the morphology of the aggregates. PhD Thesis. Cerfacs. (13/09/2024).

CFD PhD Defenses 2023

  1. CRESPO-ANADON JavierLarge Eddy Simulation of Aircraft Engine Ignition under Relevant Operating Conditions and Application to the Spinning Combustion Technology – January 12, 2023
  2. PESTRE AntoineNumerical simulations of aeronautical engine ignitions under realistic high altitude conditions – January 12, 2023
  3. NGUYEN Minh – Investigation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Simulation of Turbine Active Clearance Control Systems. PhD Thesis. Aix-Marseille. (2023).
  4. MARCHAL Thomas Extension of the Spectral Difference method to combustion. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (20 April 2023).
  5. WINGEL ChristopherInvestigation of the RANS approach for the prediction of cooled turbine stage flows submitted to swirled hot streaks. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (8 September 2023).
  6. DROZDA Luciano On the development of data-driven numerical schemes in Computational Fluid Dynamics. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (12 September 2023).
  7. CELLIER AntonyLarge Eddy Simulation of lithium-ion battery fires for the diagnostic of thermal runaway. PhD Thesis. Ecole doctorale MEGEP – CERFACS. (22 September 2023).
  8. MOUZE-MORNETTAS Antoine – Modelling and reduction of the LOx-Methane chemical kinetics for rocket engine applications. PhD Thesis. Energie, Matériaux, Sciences de la Terre et de l´univers – EMSTU. (10 October 2023).
  9. GAUCHERAND JessicaDirect Numerical Simulation of premixed ammonia/hydrogen flames: the effects of thermo-diffusive instabilities. PhD Thesis. Cerfacs. (November 2023).

CFD HDR Defenses 2023

  1. DAVILLER GuillaumeComputational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Aeroacoustics: From Numerical Methods to Flow Physics Analysis. HDR. Cerfacs. (7  June 2023).

CFD PhD Defenses 2022

  1. NADAKKAL APPUKUTAN Sreejith – Large Eddy Simulation of the steam cracking process in refinery furnaces – January 12, 2022 (abstract)
  2. CHENG Lionel – Detailed Numerical Simulation of Multi-Dimensional Plasma Assisted Combustion – February 15, 2022 (abstract)
  3. SHASTRY Varun – Simulation of multicomponent spray combustion in gas turbine engines – March 02, 2022 (abstract)
  4. LAMIDEL David Aerodynamic noise sources due to the tip flow in the fan stage of turbofan engines – April 01, 2022
  5. AGOSTINELLI Walter – Assessment of Large Eddy Simulation in the Conjugate Heat Transfer context for engine operability: application to Hydrogen enrichment and Spinning Combustion Technology – April 07, 2022
  6. BARLEON NicolasDetailed modeling and simulations of Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges for Plasma-Assisted Combustion (PAC) – May 24, 2022
  7. LAFARGE Thomas – Investigation of Lattice Boltzmann Methods applied to multiphase flows – June 23, 2022
  8. BADHE AbhijeetLow-order Thermoacoustic Network Modeling and Simulation of Spray Flame Transfer Function – July 19, 2022
  9. WIRTZ Jonathan – Modelling the impact of fuel in aeronautical gas turbines – September 26, 2022 – video
  10. ARGAWAL Shubham – Développement d’une méthodologie prédictive du refroidissement par film sur aubages – October 27, 2022
  11. SENGUPTA SoumyoAdvanced methods for meshes in High Performance Computing of explosion simulation – November 22, 2022
  12. GOUT ClovisMono-channel methods and modeling for LES of turbomachinery stage – December 2, 2022
  13. AJURIA EkhiAccelerating fluid solvers using artificial intelligence techniques – December 5, 2022
  14. GARCIA GUILLAMON Carlos Modeling of Multipoint Fuel Injector for the Large Eddy Simulation of Aeronautical Combustion Chambers – December 12, 2022

CFD PhD Defenses 2021 

  1. RENARD Florian – Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Method for Compressible Flows – March 19, 2021 (abstract)
  2. VEILLEUX Adèle – Extension of the spectral difference method to simplex cells and hybrid grids – March 24, 2021 (abstract)
  3. ESNAULT SoizicLarge Eddy Simulations of Heat Transfer within Aircraft Engine Acoustic Treatments – March 31, 2021 (abstract)
  4. THOMAS Martin – Combustor – turbine interactions: hot spot migration and thermal environment prediction for a better understanding and design of helicopter engines – May 28, 2021 (abstract)
  5. ASTOUL Thomas – Towards improved lattice Boltzmann aeroacoustic simulations with non-uniform grids: application to landing gears noise prediction, June 17, 2021 (Abstract)
  6. SCHUSTER Dominik -Large scale simulations of swirling and particle-laden flows using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, July 13th, 2021 (Abstract)
  7. CAZÈRES Quentin – Analysis and reduction of chemical kinetics for combustion applications, July 13th, 2021 (Abstract)
  8. CARMONA Julien – Modelling of two-phase flow phenomena in aeronautical Airblast injectors, 16 September 2021(Abstract)
  9. BLANCHARD Simon – Multi-physics Large-Eddy Simulation of methane oxy-combustion in Liquid Rocket Engines, Septembre 22nd, 2021 (Abstract)
  10. VILLAFANA Willca  – “Numerical Particle-In-Cell studies of Hall thrusters using unstructured grids. “, October 21, 2021. (Abstract)
  11.  DEGRIGNY Johan – “Towards the Computational Prediction of Low-Speed Buffet: Improved Wall Modeling for the Lattice-Boltzmann Method”,November 9, 2021.(Abstract)
  12. MARTIN Benjamin – “Numerical methods and boundary conditions for Large-Eddy Simulation of turbomachinery multi-component coupling “, December 13, 2021. (Abstract)

CFD PhD Defenses 2020

  1. HARNIEH Maël –  Prediction of the loss generation in anisothermal compressible flows applied to Nozzle Guide Vane with the Large Eddy Simulations – january 12, 2020 (abstract)
  2. LAURENT Charlélie – Low-Order Modeling and High-Fidelity Simulations for the Prediction of Combustion Instabilities in Liquid-Rocket Engines and Gas Turbines – june 19, 2020 (abstract)
  3. QUEGUINEUR Matthieu – Stability and control of unsteady phenomena in rotor/stator cavities using Large Eddy Simulation – june 26, 2020 (abstract)
  4. Fabien DUPUY – Reduced Order Models and Large Eddy Simulation for Combustion Instabilities in aeronautical Gas Turbines – june 30, 2020 (abstract)
  5. GALLEN Lucien – Prediction of soot particles in Gas Turbine Combustors using Large Eddy Simulation – july 1st, 2020 (abstract)
  6. MALÉ Quentin – Numerical Investigation of Pre-Chamber Ignition in Internal Combustion Engines – december 11, 2020 (abstract)

CFD PhD Defenses 2019

  1. CAMPET Robin – Simulation and optimization of steam cracking processes – january 17, 2019 (abstract) (video)
  2. DUPUIS Romain – Surrogate models coupled with machine learning to approximate complex physical phenomena involving aerodynamic and aerothermal simulations. – february 4, 2019 (abstract) (video)
  3. GROSNICKEL Thomas – Large Eddy Simulations to predict internal turbine blade cooling flows – february 11, 2019 (abstract)
  4. MUSCAT Laurent – Coupling of time integration schemes for compressible unsteady flows – march 12, 2019 (abstract)(video)
  5. CATCHIRAYER Mathieu – WMLES, wall-model, boundary layer, turbulence, turbomachinery – march 27, 2019 (abstract)
  6. JONCQUIÈRES Valentin – Numerical model and simulation of Hall effect thrusters – april 12, 2019 (abstract)
  7. FIORE Maxime – Influence of inter-disc cavity flow on turbine aerodynamics – may 7, 2018 (abstract)
  8. ROY Pamphile – Uncertainty Quantification in High Dimensional Problem – may 14, 2019 (abstract)
  9. COLLIN-BASTIANI Félix – Modeling and Large-Eddy Simulations of Two-Phase Ignition in Gas Turbines – may 28, 2019 (abstract)
  10. ROCHETTE Bastien – Modelisation and simulation of two-phase flow turbulent combustion in aeronautical engines – june 25, 2019 (abstract)
  11. WISSOCQ Gauthier- Investigation of lattice Boltzmann methods for turbomachinery secondary air system simulations- december 4, 2019 (abstract) (video)

CFD PhD Defenses 2018

  1. FERAND Mélissa – Numerical modeling of far-field turbofan-engine combustion noise – february 6, 2018 (abstract)
  2. COREIXAS Christophe – High-order extension of the recursive regularized Lattice Boltzmann Method – february 22, 2018 (abstract)(video)
  3. DOUNIA Omar – Numerical investigation of gas explosion phenomena in confined and obstructed channels – april 23, 2018 (abstract)
  4. POTIER Luc – Large Eddy Simulation of the combustion and heat transfer in sub-critical rocket engines – may 24, 2018 (abstract)
  5. Dario MAESTRO –  Large Eddy Simulations of the interactions between flames and thermal phenomena: application to wall heat transfer and combustion control – september 27, 2018 (abstract)
  6. BIZZARI Romain – Aerodynamic and thermal modelling of effusion cooling in LES – november 5, 2018 (abstract) (video)

CFD PhD Defenses 2017

  1. MARINO Morgane – Comprehensive analysis of the Fenestron® aerodynamics using advanced numerical simulations – april 11, 2017  (abstract)
  2. NDIAYE Aïssatou – Uncertainty Quantification for the prediction of thermo-acoustic instabilities in gas turbine combustors – april 18, 2017 2017 (abstract)
  3. LACASSAGNE Laura – Numerical simulations and linear stability analysis of corner vortex shedding in solid rocket motors –  april 21, 2017 (abstract) (vidéo)
  4. NI Franchine – Accounting for complex flow-acoustic interactions in a 3D thermo-acoustic Helmholtz solver –  april 24, 2017 (abstract)
  5. VANHAREN Julien – High-order numerical methods for unsteady flows around complex geometries – may 16, 2017 (abstract)(video)
  6. SHUM KIVAN Francis – Large Eddy Simulation of spray flames and modelling of non-premixed combustion –  june 15, 2017(abstract)
  7. FELDEN Anne – Development of Analytically Reduced Chemistries (ARC) and applications in Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of turbulent combustion – june 30, 2017 (abstract)
  8. DAROUKH Majd – Effects of distortion on modern turbofan tonal noise – july 6, 2017 (abstract)(video)
  9. BECERRIL Cesar – Simulation of noise emitted by a reactive flow – september 19, 2017 (abstract) (video)
  10. SEGUI-TROTH Luis – Multi-physics coupled simulations of gas turbines – november 14, 2017 (abstract)(video)
  11. DUCHAINE Florent – High Performance Code Coupling for Multiphysics and Multicomponent Simulations In Fluid Dynamics – Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, november 27, 2017 (abstract)(video)
  12. BIOLCHINI Romain – Study of temperature effects on subsonic jet noise by Large Eddy Simulation – december 12, 2017 (abstract)(video)
  13. AILLAUD Pierre – Large Eddy Simulation for high-pressure turbine vane cooling systems – december 21, 2017 (abstract)(video)

CFD PhD Defenses 2016

  1. SADOUDI Yannis – Numerical simulation of Fan/Nacelle interaction under crosswind conditions – march 11, 2016 (abstract)
  2. LABARRÈRE Laure – Theoretical and numerical study of the isochore combustion  applied to the case of the thermoreacteur – march 21, 2016 (abstract)(video)
  3. LE BRAS Sophie – Wall modeling and non-conforming grid interfaces for computational aeroacoustics with a high-order numerical approach – march 24, 2016 (abstract)
  4. CAYOT Pierre – High order numerical schemes for Large-Eddy Simulation on unstructured grids – April 26, 2016 (abstract)
  5. JARAVEL Thomas – Prediction of pollutants in gas turbines using Large-Eddy Simulation – April 28,2016 (abstract)(video)
  6. BERGER Sandrine – Implementation of a coupled computational chain to the combustion chamber's heat transfer – June 20, 2016 (abstract)(video)
  7. MOURET Gaëlle – Adaptation of phase-lagged boundary conditions to Large-Eddy Simulation in turbomachinery configuration – June 30, 2016 (abstract)
  8. PÉREZ ARROYO Carlos – Large Eddy Simulations of a dual stream jet with shock-cells and noise emission analysis – november 2, 2016 (abstract)
  9. BRIDEL-BERTOMEU Thibault – Investigation of Unsteady Phenomena in Rotor/Stator Cavities Using Large Eddy Simulation – thèse soutenue le november 21, 2016 (abstract)

CFD  PhD Defenses 2015

  1. ESCLAPEZ Lucas –  Numerical study of ignition and inter-sector flame propagation in gasturbine –  may 22, 2015 (abstract)
  2. GHANI Abdulla – LES of self-excited transverse combustion instabilities in perfectly-premixed and swirling spray flames – september 17,  2015 (abstract)
  3. KOUPPER Charlie – Unsteady multi-component simulations dedicated to the impact of the combustion chamber on the turbine of aeronautical gas turbines – may 11, 2015 (abstract)
  4. LAPEYRE Corentin – Numerical study of flame stability, stabilization and noise in a swirl-stabilized combustor under choked conditions – september 18, 2015 (abstract)(video)
  5. LAHBIB Dorian – Aerothermal modeling of mutiperforated plate cooling for Large Eddy Simulations – december 17,2015 (abstract)
  6. LIVEBARDON Thomas – Modeling of combustion in helicopter engines – september 18, 2015 (abstract)
  7. MARI Raphaël – Influence of heat transfer on high pressure flame structure and stabilization in liquid rocket engines  – june 25, 2015 (abstract)(video)
  8. MISDARIIS Antony – Reduced kinetic schemes and thermal coupling for Large Eddy Simulations of knocking in piston engines – march 4, 2015 (abstract)(video)
  9. PAPADOGIANNIS Dimitrios – Coupled Large Eddy Simulations of combustion chamber-turbine interactions – may 6, 2015 (abstract)(video)
  10. PAULHIAC Damien – Modeling spray combustion in an aeronautical burner – april 30, 2015 (abstract)
  11. ZHU Manqi –  Large Eddy Simulation of thermal cracking in petroleum industry – may 5, 2015 (abstract)(video)

CFD PhD Defenses 2014

  1. GALLARD François – Aircraft shape optimization for mission performance – may 26, 2014 (video)
  2. BARRE David – Numerical simulation of ignition aeronautical combustion chambers – January 30, 2014 (video)

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