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Sparse Days Meeting 2010

Sparse Days Meeting 2010 at CERFACS
June 15th-17th,  2010


The Sparse Days this year will be combined with the final meeting of the ANR Solstice Programme. The main themes for this project were: direct methods, hybrid methods, partitioning and ordering, and web access to codes and matrices (GRID-TLSE). Thus we will make these the very non-restrictive theme for our 2010 Sparse Days meeting. The meeting will start on the morning of Tuesday June 15th and finish around midday on Thursday June 17th; the exact schedule will depend on the papers accepted for presentation.


Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24  List of Participants

Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24  Programme

Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24  SLIDES :  Click on the title of a slide to view that slide

Mario Arioli  : Generalized Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization and stopping criteria
Michele Benzi  : Robust preconditioning for finite element discretizations of the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Rob Bisseling : Sparse matrix partitioning, ordering, and visualisation by Mondriaan 3.0
Olivier Boiteau : EDF participation to the ANR Project SOLSTICE
Matthias Bollhoefer :  Multilevel block preconditioning for shifted Maxwell equations
Alfredo Buttari and Bora Ucar  : Parallel preprocessing in MUMPS
Mikko Byckling :  Approximate Factoring of the Inverse
Jean-Yves L’Excellent : The MUMPS library: work done during the Solstice project
Luc Giraud : MaPHYS or the development of a parallel algebraic domain decomposition solver in the course of the Solstice project
David Goudin  : High performance Methods to solve Large 3D Electromagnetic Problems
Pascal Henon : Preconditioning the Schur complement in a hybrid direct/iterative solver
Sherry Li : A Supernodal Approach to Incomplete LU Factorization with Partial Pivoting
Gerard Meurant : On the residual norm in FOM and GMRES
Esmond Ng : Sparse matrix computation in large-scale scientific applications
Francois Pellegrini : PT-Scotch in Solstice and beyond: where to go now
Jean-Pierre Pinty : Transport, chemistry and improved parallelization of the pressure solver in the regional atmospheric model MesoNH
Chiara Puglisi : GRID-TLSE Project
Yousef Saad : Computing the diagonal of the inverse of a matrix
Jennifer Scott : The multicore challenge: the sparse indefinite case
Hillel Tal-Ezer  : Risolv – Robust Iterative Solver
Andres Tomas : Efficient Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization with CUDA for iterative eigensolvers
Serge Van Criekingen  : A Parallel Neutron Transport Solver based on Domain Decomposition
Mohamed Zenadi  : 3D CFD Simulation Using a Parallel Hybrid Approach of the Block Cimmino Iterative Method

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