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Sparse Days Meeting 2014 at CERFACS, Toulouse

Sparse Days Meeting 2014 at CERFACS, Toulouse
June 5th-6th, 2014



The annual “Sparse Days at CERFACS” took place on the 5th and 6th of June, 2014.

The Sparse Days meeting was similar in format to previous years.
No invited speakers and all talks in plenary session.
Talks on any aspect covered by the title on numerical linear algebra, sparse optimization and on data assimilation fitted well with some of the current research at CERFACS.
As always we suggested a special theme which, for this year, was in the study of how to monitor accuracy and error when solving the very large systems that we hope will become tractable when we have Exascale computing.


List of Participants


SLIDES :  click on the author’s name to download the slides

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